Google Pay, one of India’s most popular UPI-based payment apps, is slated to add support for Hinglish, a hybrid language combining Hindi and English. The language support was introduced as part of Google’s India event, where the firm announced many India-centric features, including Hinglish language support.
Google announced the support last year, but it is now rolling out to all of its users. On the UPI-based Google Pay app, users will be able to read Hindi in English transcripts in Hinglish. Users of Google Pay can quickly switch to this new language on their GPay app. The procedure is the same as switching to a different language in the app.
The GPay app now supports a total of ten languages, including English, English (United States), Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu.
In India, Google Pay currently supports six regional languages in addition to Hindi, English, and Hinglish. Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, and Tamil are among them.