An Influential Leader Leading the Shift to Sustainability – Yash Tarwadi: Making the Switch to Solar Energy Easier, Faster, and Affordable for Everyone

Yash Tarwadi

With their keen vision and deep-rooted entrepreneurial acumen, influential leaders guide others to shed pollution-increasing practices and embrace sustainable and eco-friendly innovations so that we can cleanse our environment.

Influential leaders like Yash Tarwadi, who possess the innate ability to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and build successful ventures, can inspire and guide others.

Yash is the Founder and CEO of Solnce Energy Private Limited. Solnce Energy is an Indian company focused on simplifying the adoption of solar energy for homes and businesses. Yash informs that they offer services through their app, including connecting clients with solar panel installers, facilitating competitive bidding, and managing paperwork.

A Young Visionary 

Yash, aged 27, is a chemical engineer and an alumnus of IIM. During his engineering days, renewable energy wasn’t a hot topic. However, Yash was deeply concerned about global climate change. Motivated by his desire to positively impact the environment, he set out to harness solar power for his use.

However, in 2017, when Yash began installing solar panels on his roof, he was inundated with choices and uncertainties: which panels to choose, who to hire for installation, where to procure the necessary components, and how to budget for it all. Recognizing that many others faced similar challenges, Yash saw an opportunity to simplify the transition to solar energy.

Driven by his vision of making solar energy accessible to all, Yash founded Solnce Energy, a company aimed at streamlining the adoption of solar power. “My mission was clear: to make the switch to solar energy easier, faster, and more affordable for everyone,” says Yash.

Fostering Accessible and Affordable Sustainable Energy

Emerging as one of the best solar companies, Yash says that from the beginning, they focused on making solar services accessible and affordable. “Being in the industry, we know the loopholes, so we have developed India’s First Solar app – Solnce App – for customers to make it as easy as Amazon to buy anything. In our case, it is any kind of solar service. This accessibility has attracted most of our customers, and our app works on a unique bidding process to make it affordable. These points were major focuses we have taken care of, which has been our organisation’s guiding philosophy,” states Yash.

The Solar landscape is continually evolving. Thus, to ensure their company remains adaptable, Yash says they closely monitor industry trends and technological advancements. They closely observe research and development to stay at the forefront of solar technology, allowing them to anticipate changes and adapt their services accordingly.

Moreover, their commitment to innovation is exemplified by the development of India’s First Solar app – Solnce App. This groundbreaking platform revolutionizes how customers access solar services, making it as easy as shopping on Amazon. Yash adds, “By this, we continue to lead the way in providing cutting-edge solutions to our clients, ultimately driving the growth and success of our company in the ever-evolving solar landscape.”

An Ever-Triumphant Leadership

Yash’s leadership is what drives Solnce’s success. According to him, as a leader, his approach to leadership and team building is rooted in fostering a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and continuous growth. “I believe in leading by example, setting clear goals and expectations while providing the necessary support and guidance for my team to thrive.”

First and foremost, he prioritizes open communication and transparency. He encourages feedback from team members at all levels and actively listens to their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. “By creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued, we foster trust and mutual respect within the team.”

Furthermore, Yash believes in empowering his team members to take ownership of their roles and projects. He adds, “I provide them with the autonomy and resources they need to succeed while encouraging innovation and creativity.” By empowering individuals to make decisions and take initiative, Yash cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability, driving individual and collective success.

Efficiency Optimum – Satisfaction Maximum

Yash furthers that at Solnce, they understand that the essence of solar lies in providing efficient and sustainable energy solutions and ensuring a seamless customer experience. “Striking a balance between operational efficiency and customer satisfaction is at the core of our business strategy.”

Yash and his team of experts have implemented several key initiatives to achieve this balance, and their Solnce app plays an important role. Firstly, they invest heavily in cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes to optimize operational efficiency. “By leveraging our Solnce app, we minimize manual errors and maximize the speed and accuracy of our operations.” This allows them to deliver prompt and reliable customer service while minimizing downtime and disruptions.

Furthermore, they prioritize customer-centricity in everything they do. “From the initial consultation to post-installation support, we prioritize open communication, transparency, and responsiveness. We listen closely to our customers’ needs and preferences, tailoring our solutions to meet their requirements.” Additionally, they provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the customer journey, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Moreover, they continuously monitor and evaluate their performance to identify areas for improvement. “We gather customer feedback through surveys and reviews and use this information to refine our processes and enhance the end-user experience. By being proactive and responsive to customer feedback, we demonstrate our commitment to their satisfaction and loyalty.”

Benchmarking Environmental Ethos

According to Yash, sustainability and environmental responsibility are fundamental principles that guide their company’s operations and shape their commitment to creating a greener future. “We understand the solar industry’s critical role in mitigating climate change and reducing our carbon footprint, and we are dedicated to leading by example.”

One of the primary ways they integrate sustainability into their operations is by promoting renewable energy sources, particularly solar power. “By providing high-quality solar energy solutions to our customers, we enable them to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and transition to clean, renewable energy sources.” This not only helps to lower carbon emissions but also contributes to the overall health of our planet.

In addition to promoting renewable energy adoption, they are committed to minimizing their environmental impact as a company. “We strive to operate in an eco-friendly manner by implementing energy-efficient practices, reducing waste generation, and optimizing resource utilization wherever possible. We are dedicated to raising awareness about environmental stewardship and sustainability within our community.” Through educational initiatives, outreach programs, and partnerships with local organizations, Yash ensures he and his team empower individuals and businesses to make more sustainable choices and take meaningful action to protect our planet.

Epitomizing Techno-Smart Solutions

In the realm of solar energy, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. Ardently believing in this fact, Yash says that at the heart of their focus lies the innovative Solnce App, representing a revolutionary leap into the digital realm and epitomizing smart solutions for the Indian market. Serving as India’s first one-stop solar application, Solnce App embodies efficiency and convenience like never before, streamlining what used to be hours of offline labour into a matter of seconds.

Gone are the days of cumbersome paperwork and lengthy consultations. With the Solnce App, the entire process of solar energy adoption has been digitized and simplified, putting the power in the hands of the consumer. From selecting the right panels to finding reputable installers, every step of the journey is seamlessly integrated into one user-friendly platform.

By leveraging the latest digital technology, Solnce App empowers users to make informed decisions quickly and effortlessly. “Whether it’s comparing prices, reviewing installation options, or tracking energy savings, our app offers unparalleled accessibility and transparency, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all,” claims Yash.

Ensuring Constant Team Upgrade

He also adds that they recognize that their workforce is the backbone of their success. “We are committed to fostering a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment among our employees, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to thrive.”

One of the key ways they promote growth and development is through ongoing training and professional development opportunities. They offer a variety of workshops, seminars, and online courses to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective areas of expertise. “We believe in providing opportunities for employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities. We offer cross-functional training and rotational programs that allow employees to gain exposure to different aspects of the business and develop a broader skill set. We also promote from within whenever possible, recognizing and rewarding employees who demonstrate initiative and leadership potential.”

In addition to formal training and development initiatives, Yash says they have open mic sessions that focus on the employees’ mental health, and they empower employees to take ownership of their work and contribute ideas for improvement. They also provide opportunities for employees to participate in decision-making processes and initiatives that directly impact the company’s direction and success.

Skilled Problem Solvers

As a leader in India’s Solar sector, Yash reveals they faced a significant technical challenge when implementing a large-scale solar project with complex integration requirements. “Our team, however, displayed exceptional problem-solving skills and collaboration.” Through rigorous research and collaboration with experts, they developed a tailored solution that addressed the technical complexities and enhanced the overall efficiency of the project. “This instance demonstrated our team’s technical prowess and determination to deliver innovative solutions, solidifying our reputation as leaders in the solar sector,’ says Yash proudly.

Solnce Energy’s initiative shows immense potential for sustained growth and continuity. With a target market of 19.9 million Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) seeking solar solutions, the initiative has a vast opportunity to make a significant impact. As the global focus on renewable energy and environmental sustainability intensifies, the demand for Solnce Energy‘s services is expected to rise consistently.

Envisioning a Solar-Powered Nation

Thus, looking to the future, Yash divulges his plans: “As we look to the future, our vision for our company is to be at the forefront of India’s solar landscape, driving innovation, sustainability, and accessibility in the renewable energy sector. Work more on our vision of making solar accessible and affordable. We aspire to continue making a significant impact by expanding our reach, advancing technological solutions, and promoting widespread adoption of solar energy across the nation.”

He furthers that they are committed to expanding their presence across India, reaching underserved communities and remote areas with innovative solar solutions. “We believe everyone should have access to clean and affordable energy, and we are dedicated to bridging the gap through our initiatives and partnerships.”

Yash’s vision for the future is to drive India’s transition to a sustainable energy future powered by solar. “Through innovation, expansion, advocacy, and collaboration, we are committed to making a lasting and positive impact on India’s solar landscape,” he concludes.

Recently, Yash and his team Solnce have received

  • The prestigious honour of “Tech For Good 2023 Award” from Times Network India and
  • Emerging Energytech Startup of the Year 2021,’ by The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • UNDP has selected the company.