Anuradha Gupta: Strengthening India’s 5G Ecosystem by Deploying Futuristic Technologies

Anuradha Gupta
Anuradha Gupta

The Indian entrepreneurial ecosystem is in constant forward momentum thanks to visionary and futuristic entrepreneurial leaders like Anuradha Gupta. As the CEO and Co-founder of Amantya Technologies, Anuradha has risen to be counted amongst the most successful technopreneurs and women business leaders in India to follow.

Besides being a tech leader, Anuradha is an IEEE Women in Engineering and Philanthropist, building solutions in 5G, 5G Core, Private 5G, AI-ML, MEC, and Cloud. Thus, in the dynamic technopreneur ecosystem, Anuradha stands tall as a symbol of success and an influential woman business leader reshaping the technological landscape of the nation.

Anuradha’s journey epitomizes perseverance, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As a technopreneur, she has created a credible brand with sheer passion and determination.

A Leadership of Passion

Reflecting on her saga, she says, “Amantya Technologies was born so that I could work the job of my dreams, and it has led me to build a team whose passion resonates with mine.” Exploring innovative technologies and engaging in work that has the potential to make a significant impact on the world is something that drives Anuradha daily, and “While building and growing Amantya, that is precisely what I get to do each day.”

Before founding Amantya, Anuradha held leadership positions with prominent software services companies like HCL, Aricent, and Harman. Also, she launched another successful venture, NGN Technologies, to provide a range of software training solutions globally.

With an illustrious career spanning over two decades in technology, innovation, and engineering solutions, Anuradha’s indelible mark in the industry is a testament to her unwavering commitment and expertise. Her trajectory was carved through prominent roles in leading global companies, honing her skills, and fortifying her knowledge base. She says, “Throughout my corporate journey, the satisfaction of solving problems and implementing fresh ideas excited me.” However, with time, investing all that energy in accomplishing someone else’s dreams began to feel unfulfilling. I had enough confidence to break out on my own, and the timing was perfect. 

A Dream is Born

With years of extensive and diverse experience in global MNCs, she has garnered the practical skills to do disparate work, integrate with different types of teams, and seamlessly manage relationships with customers across the globe. Thus, driven by an unyielding passion and a vision to spearhead change, Anuradha embarked on a transformative journey, steering away from the comfort of a corporate career to chart a new path. She adds, “Having spent more than two decades in technology, innovation, and engineering solutions, I decided to give up my cushy corporate job and a growing career to venture onto a different path altogether.”

Anuradha decided to embark on her entrepreneurial journey and channel her energy into realizing her goals and aspirations. She says, “I harnessed my techno-business skills to get into product engineering and system integration services in 5G Wireless, AI/ML, IoT, and Cloud space.” In 2018, she laid the foundation for her think tank, specializing in niche technologies and developing cutting-edge 5G and digital solutions – Amantya Technologies.

Amantya Technologies, under her astute leadership, has emerged as a credible brand, driving advancements in product engineering and system integration services across domains such as 5G Wireless, AI/ML, IoT, Edge, and Cloud.

As Amantya’s adept leader, Anuradha is focused on crafting a long-term strategic direction to help the company leverage disruptive technologies to transform client businesses while building a thriving organizational structure and culture that fuels employees and company growth. She has built a dedicated and passionate team that provides the best industry practices, technical expertise, and vertical-specific domain knowledge, steering Amantya in the right direction of development and success and making a mark in the highly competitive landscape.

Anuradha’s acumen as a technopreneur has not only spearheaded the success of Amantya but has also been…

Instrumental in Redefining India’s Technological Landscape

Her strategic foresight and a profound understanding of market dynamics have positioned her as a visionary leader, guiding her team toward groundbreaking innovations and solutions.

Beyond her entrepreneurial pursuits, Anuradha is an inspiration, especially to aspiring women leaders, showcasing the power of passion, resilience, and unwavering dedication in a predominantly male-dominated industry. Her journey is a testament to breaking barriers and creating a powerful impact, inspiring countless others to aspire for greatness and make their mark in the world of technology and business.

With Amantya Technologies, Anuradha is focused on crafting the company’s long-term strategic direction to help Amantya harness disruptive technologies to transform the telecom industry  Under her aegis, Amantya has gone from strength to strength and has developed powerful 5G and digital portfolios that offer a comprehensive range of solutions and services to the company’s customers and have made significant contribution in shaping India’s digital journey.

In the short span since its inception, Amantya has successfully launched its homegrown 5G products, including 5G SA Core, 5G Network-in-a-Box, Test Automation Framework (AutoRAN), Smart Edge Node, 5G Lab, Enterprise 5G, and IBN solutions, which have been successfully deployed at leading tier-1 MNOs, ISVs, and OEMs globally.

At Amantya, Anuradha’s vision for growth is rooted in her passion for innovation, customer-centricity, and

The Transformative Power of Technology

It is centered around Amantya becoming a global leader in wireless and digital domains by driving innovation, delivering exceptional value to the company’s customers, and shaping the future of connected technologies. Anuradha’s vision, willingness to embrace innovation, and ability to inspire and motivate the team have seen her painstakingly build the brand Amantya. Her exceptional leadership skills have played a pivotal role in driving this growth and ensuring the successful rollout of advanced 5G solutions. Despite being a young organization with just over five years in existence, Anuradha’s futuristic approach has significantly helped steer Amantya toward growth and success and making a mark in the competitive landscape.

Amantya Technologies is a 600+ professionals strong product engineering and system integration company with sales and engineering centers in Gurgaon, Bangalore, and Nagpur, India, and sales offices in the USA and Canada. Next-generation technologies like 5G, IoT, MEC, V2X, Hardware Design, AI ML, Cloud, and Robotics form the company’s core areas of expertise, providing a complete suite of solutions in these domains. Amantya’s client base includes top-tier service providers, ISVs, OEMs, and System Integrators in India and worldwide.

Despite being a young Indian SME, Amantya enjoys a leadership advantage in India’s 5G ecosystem with its homegrown advanced 5G and digital portfolios and is rapidly forging a place among the frontrunners in shaping India’s digital future and fueling the country’s 5G success.

 Committed to Driving Change and Adding Value with Customer-Centricity

Among the top next-gen tech companies globally, Anuradha rooted Amantya’s foundation in the most robust guiding philosophy of evolution. Sharing the same, she says that driving change is not easy and takes consistent efforts to build trust with employees, partners, and customers. Additionally, as a start-up, you have to adapt hard and fast. Things must be done from scratch – setting up teams, scouting for opportunities and new projects, sharing new ideas, and building credibility.

My biggest takeaway and learning while growing Amantya would be to keep moving up the value chain and stay focused.” One must continue to evolve with the changing market conditions and leverage the benefits of open innovation, as these go a long way in helping organizations keep pace with change and stay on top of their game.

One of the vital company practices that have brought significant success for Amantya is Anuradha and her team of experts’ relentless focus on delivering exceptional value to their customers. “By deeply engaging with our customers and understanding their unique needs, goals, challenges, and pain points, we develop tailored solutions that address their specific requirements and drive tangible business outcomes.” This customer-centric approach has fostered long-term relationships, repeat business, and referrals, contributing to their rapid growth.

Another practice that sets Amantya apart is its…

Culture of Innovation and Agility 

…proliferated by the exemplary leadership. Anuradha adds, “We have fostered an environment where ideas are encouraged, and our talented team is empowered to think creatively and push the limits of what can be achieved.” This culture of innovation has enabled them to develop comprehensive 5G and digital portfolios within just five years of their existence, positioning Amantya as a frontrunner in the industry. “This commitment to innovation has not only differentiated us in the market but has also enabled us to offer cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers,” says Anuradha, adding that their focus on talent acquisition and development has also played a crucial role in the firm’s success. “We recognize that our people are our greatest asset. We have a rigorous recruitment process to attract top talent in the industry. We foster a collaborative, inclusive work environment that encourages creativity, knowledge sharing, and professional growth.”

Additionally, Anuradha and her leadership team emphasize continuous learning and development. They invest in their team’s skills and knowledge upgradation, ensuring they are updated with the latest advancements in 5G and digital technologies. This commitment to ongoing learning has allowed them to stay ahead of the curve and provide their clients with the most innovative and impactful solutions.

Furthermore, Anuradha attributes their success to the focus on building strategic partnerships and alliances. By collaborating with key industry players, they have leveraged their expertise, accessed their networks, and jointly created cutting-edge solutions that address complex challenges. “These partnerships have played a vital role in expanding our market reach and accelerating our growth.”

Lastly, agility is at the core of Amantya’s operations. Anuradha states, “We emphasize agile project management methodologies and best practices in our business operations, ensuring that our teams are aware of the latest technological developments and equipped to integrate them swiftly into our solutions.” Adopting agile practices ensures faster time-to-market, improved collaboration, and better alignment with customer expectations. This agile mindset allows the team to swiftly adapt to changing market dynamics, deliver high-quality solutions, and exceed customer expectations.

The workforce is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Similarly, Anuradha claims that Amantya is

A People-First Organization

When it comes to Amantya’s most valued assets, it is our employees and our valued customers. Our workforce is at the heart of our success, and fostering a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment is paramount to us.”

Amantya features a strong culture of innovation, collaboration, and ownership. Employee talent and efficiency determine the pace and growth of an organization. At Amantya, Anuradha and her management team are invested in nurturing talent and employ a multifaceted approach to ensure their employees excel and experience personal and professional development.

Anuradha adds, “One of the critical pillars of our employee-centric culture is a dynamic learning and development framework. We recognize that the technology landscape is rapidly evolving, and to stay at the forefront, our employees need continuous opportunities to enhance their skills.” They invest in comprehensive training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives catering to technical expertise and soft skills, ensuring a well-rounded development for their teams.

Empowerment is a key focus area for us.” It extends beyond skill development to include a sense of ownership and involvement. Anuradha says they cultivate a collaborative work environment where employees’ ideas are valued, and their contributions are recognized. “This sense of ownership fosters innovation and a collective commitment to achieving our corporate objectives.”

Moreover, she and her fellow leaders believe in providing a platform for career growth and progression. Their talent management initiatives focus on identifying and cultivating individual strengths and aligning them with organizational goals. “This ensures that our employees are engaged in meaningful work and creates a clear path for career advancement within the company. We actively encourage internal mobility, allowing our team members to explore diverse roles and responsibilities contributing to their professional development.”

Inclusivity is another founding pillar here at Amantya. The team celebrates diversity and recognizes that varied perspectives contribute to a thriving work environment. “Our inclusive culture is reflected in our hiring practices, promotion policies, and initiatives that ensure everyone feels valued and empowered and has equal opportunities to grow professionally.”

Finally, communication is fundamental to Amantya’s culture. Anuradha says they foster an open, transparent communication channel that encourages feedback and collaboration. Regular meetings, team-building events, and open-door policies at all levels of the organization contribute to a sense of belonging and unity among their employees.

In addition to professional growth, we prioritize the well-being of our employees. We understand the significance of work-life balance and offer flexible work arrangements and comprehensive wellness programs.” By promoting a healthy work environment, they aim to enhance job satisfaction and contribute to the overall well-being of their team members.

Ultimately, their commitment to cultivating a culture of growth, skill development, and empowerment is not just a business strategy but a reflection of Amantya’s values. The company understands that a motivated and empowered workforce is fundamental to organizational success, and investing in its people lays the foundation for sustained innovation and excellence in the highly competitive wireless and digital solutions domains.

Words for Budding Entrepreneurs

Anuradha’s vast experience in the next-gen tech niche has made her a stalwart amongst her peers. The varied and rich know-how of the past two decades in the ever evolving and exciting tech domain has helped her garner insights that can be valuable for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly women venturing into the technology space.

In her advice to budding entrepreneurs, first and foremost, Anuradha suggests embracing the power of curiosity and continuous learning. In the rapidly evolving tech industry, staying ahead requires one to be a lifelong learner and have a curious mindset. Be open to exploring new technologies, trends, and industry developments. Secondly, the ability to adapt to change and view challenges as opportunities for growth is a prerequisite to success. So, be resilient in the face of challenges and approach every roadblock as an opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills and move closer to realizing your vision.

Drawing from her experience as Amantya’s CEO and co-founder, for women specifically, Anuradha’s advice is to be fearless in pursuing their ambitions. Although historically male-dominated, the technology sector is evolving, and there is a growing recognition of the unique perspectives and contributions that women bring to the tableBe confident of your vision, ideas, and skills. Don’t hesitate to voice your opinions and take on leadership roles. Believing in your capabilities and showcasing your strengths with conviction to inspire others to follow suit and believe in you is crucial.

Building a solid support network is equally essential. Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and a community of like-minded individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement. Networking within the industry opens doors to valuable opportunities and provides a platform for knowledge exchange. Collaboration and mentorship can be powerful tools for personal and professional growth.

Most importantly, I encourage budding entrepreneurs to focus on solving real-world problems.” The most successful ventures often emerge from addressing genuine needs in the market. Entrepreneurs can carve a niche in the competitive tech landscape by understanding customers’ pain points and designing innovative solutions.

Finally, perseverance is critical. Entrepreneurship is a journey marked by highs and lows, and resilience in facing challenges is a defining trait. Learn from setbacks, be open to keep working on and improving our ideas and keep pushing forward. Success often comes to those who are persistent and committed to their vision.

Amantya’s Future-Ready 5G Portfolio

Anuradha is super-excited about Amantya’s future trajectory. As an adept leadership personality, her vision for the company is multifaceted. It involves technological leadership, accelerated innovation, global impact, and a people-centric approach.

*5G SA Core:

Built using microservices methodologies, the core is fully virtualized, containerized, and optimized, ideal for creating innovative and scalable 5G Labs and Private 5G networks.

*5G User Plane Function:  

A cloud-native solution with powerful and intelligent packet processing capabilities. It streamlines the critical function of processing subscriber traffic between the RAN (Radio Access Network) and the DN (Data Network). It is optimized to meet the higher performance requirements of 5G networks.

*5G Network-in-a-Box: 

One-of-its-kind next-generation plug-and-play solution pre-integrated with ‘Made in India’ 5G SA (Standalone) Core and RAN, ideal for testing and optimizing 5G solutions in simulated environments, testing new 5G use cases and deploying small private 5G networks.

*5G Lab:

Amantya’s 5G Lab is a one-stop platform to test and validate 5G products and solutions in a real 5G environment, accelerating their GTM and enhancing end-user adoption. It is also ideal to build exciting new use cases and prototypes.

*Enterprise 5G Solution:

A high-performance solution containing all components required to create an enterprise network – RAN, 5G Core, UPF, and Network Management System. It offers multiple deployment models and supports advanced features like Network Slicing, Quality of Service (QoS), and Service Data Flow (SDF).

*Smart Edge Node:

A carrier-grade smart edge solution to enable single node integration to 3GPP and non-3GPP access technologies. It radically changes how multiple network technologies (4G, 5G, non-3GPP) are integrated and multiple nodes (UPF, N3IWF, S/PGW-U) functionality is merged into a new network function. The Smart Edge Node supports the latest 3GPP release features and provides an end-to-end user plane for VoNR and VoWi-Fi.

*Test Automation Framework:

Amantya’s AutoRAN is designed to provide RAN OEMs, small cell manufacturers, carriers, and MNOs with an easy-to-use and scalable futuristic testing solution. Supporting an intuitive scripting interface, AutoRAN mimics real-world deployments and includes a core simulator (EPC/NGC/IMS) for end-to-end RAN elements (eNB & gNB) testing. It also integrates open RAN component (SMO, RIC, CU DU, RU) testing.

Intent Based Network System (IBNS)

Amantya’s advanced offerings in Service Management and Orchestration (SMO), Radio Intelligent Controller (RIC), and Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF) empower organizations to embrace the future of networking and unlock their full potential.

Amantya’s Key Partnerships

Partnership with BSNL for Enterprise 5G Networks: “As a Captive Non-Public Network Provider (CNPNP) empanelled with BSNL, we are committed to establishing secure, high-performance private 5G networks, facilitating advanced connectivity solutions.”

Association with Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC): “Our collaboration involves the establishment of cutting-edge labs nationwide, dedicated to training and upskilling aspiring students and technical professionals in 5G technology and its applications.” This initiative addresses the surging demand for a skilled workforce and fosters growth and productivity in the telecom sector.

Collaboration with C-DOT for ‘Made in India’ VoNR Call: “In partnership with the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), we successfully integrated C-DOT’s IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution with Amantya’s SA 5G Core, showcasing a pioneering Voice over New Radio (VoNR) call within a 5G network.” This collaboration underscores Amantya’s commitment to indigenous innovation and supports the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ vision in advanced telecommunications.

Strategic Alliance with Cientra Techsolutions: Anuradha further informs, “We have joined forces with Cientra, a leading engineering design and services company, to introduce the world’s first vendor-agnostic 5G IoT aggregator solution. This innovation targets the global IoT market, further strengthening our portfolio.”

Partnership with NTT for 5G Solutions Integration: Collaborating with NTT, the team is integrating Amantya’s next-generation 5G IPs, including the 5G Lab, Private 5G, Test Automation Framework (TAF), and Smart Edge Node. This enables them to offer tailored solutions and services, accelerating innovation and enhancing 5G deployments on a global scale.

VoICE Technology Consortium: Facilitating networking opportunities with key organizations within the Indian telecom ecosystem.

Participation in Open Forums: Engaging with forums like OAI and Linux Foundation to leverage global expertise and skills through collaborative architecture.

Ecosystem Partner in the Intel® Network Builders Program: Collaborating with a world-class ecosystem to drive the development of future-ready telecom and network solutions.

Red Hat Global ISV Program: “Integrating our 5G SA Core on Red Hat’s OpenShift platform to expand our presence in the 5G ecosystem.”

Camara Alliance: Engaging and contributing to research and development (R&D) efforts for proof-of-concepts (PoC) and innovative applications to harness the potential of 5G.

Oracle PartnerNetworks: “Membership in Oracle OPN to integrate our wireless solutions with Oracle’s suite and create industry-specific use cases.”

Beyond technological excellence, Anuradha’s vision for Amantya extends to fostering a positive and inclusive impact on the global community. “Through our unwavering commitment to excellence and a holistic view of our societal responsibilities, we aim to navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape, leaving an indelible mark on the world as 

A Leading Force in Wireless and Digital Solutions”

Anuradha envisions Amantya as a pioneer in redefining how businesses and individuals connect and interact with the digital world. “Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in wireless communication positions us as a key player in driving the adoption of 5G and related technologies.”

The company’s commitment to developing homegrown advanced solutions underscores Amantya’s dedication to delivering substantial value to its customers, strengthening its position as a game-changer in the wireless space, increasing market penetration, and accelerating growth.

A key aspect of Amantya’s roadmap involves vertical integration, focusing on expanding solutions across the entire value chain. Customizing offerings for various industry verticals will continue to provide end-to-end solutions that drive digital transformation and highlight the advantages of Amantya’s 5G and digital portfolios.

Anuradha further says that as they look to the future, talent remains vital at Amantya. They are committed to nurturing and attracting the brightest minds in the industry, fostering a culture that encourages creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning. “Our workforce will drive our ability to adapt to emerging technologies, respond to market dynamics, and maintain our leadership position in the fast-paced world of product engineering and system integration.”

An Indi-Genius Revolution

Amantya also supports the Indian government’s ‘Make in India‘ initiative by driving indigenous 5G software and hardware solutions. This emphasis on domestic market growth aligns with the broader goal of contributing significantly to the country’s technological advancements.

Anuradha adds that, building on their collaborative approach, they plan to grow their strategic partnerships and alliances. Recent affiliations with leading names in the technology domain highlight the company’s readiness for future technologies.

Continued investment in R&D initiatives is sacred for Anuradha and her team to stay at the forefront of technology advancements and anticipate market trends. They will continue to foster a culture of innovation by engaging with research institutions, universities, and startups to enhance R&D efforts further.

Geographic expansion is a priority, with an existing presence in India, the USA, the UK, Canada, and the Middle East, and plans to explore new markets in Japan, the Middle East, and the EU.

Revenue growth targets involve maintaining the nearly 100% year-on-year growth rate and scaling it further. Customer success and retention are critical, with a commitment to understanding evolving customer needs and enhancing support services and training programs.

An Indian-Powered Mission of Global Digital Transformation

“Building brand image and reach is another critical element in Amantya’s roadmap. Leveraging content marketing, thought leadership initiatives and industry event participation will showcase the company’s expertise and differentiate us from competitors. Active engagement with influencers, media outlets, and digital platforms will continue to amplify Amantya’s brand reach.”

“Continuous evaluation and adaptation are integral to our roadmap, with a commitment to monitoring market trends, customer feedback, and industry developments.” Amantya aims to remain agile and responsive to changing market dynamics, continuously evolving offerings and strategies to stay competitive and capture new opportunities.

In short, Amantya Technologies looks forward to leveraging its current exponential growth momentum to develop and upgrade its existing portfolio of advanced 5G solutions and building an ecosystem where it collaborates with leading players in the industry to fast-track its customers’ 5G journey and create a more connected future for the Indian and world economies.

Finally, Anuradha concludes, “I look forward to Amantya continuing to drive innovation and technological advancements that redefine the landscape of connectivity and digital experiences worldwide.”

In a world propelled by innovation and technology, Anuradha Gupta emerges as a visionary, paving the way for future generations of entrepreneurs and serving as a role model for those seeking to carve their niche in the ever-evolving landscape of Indian business. Her story epitomizes the spirit of fearless entrepreneurship, unwavering determination, and a relentless pursuit of innovation, making her a true leader worth following and an exemplar of success in the Indian entrepreneurial sphere.

*Key Achievements*

  • YoY growth of 70-80 %since inception.
  • Rapidly growing global presence. Many clients are Fortune 500 companies spread across the USA, Canada, UK, Middle East, and India, with plans to expand to Japan and the EU soon.
  • Nearly 100% YoY increase in the employee base. Current team strength is 600+.
  • Envisages creating an additional 2000+ jobs in the 5G domain in the next five years.
  • First to develop and implement an indigenous next-generation 5G NIAB solution in the Indian telecom ecosystem.
  • In strategic partnership with a leading state government body to uplift the Indian Northeast region. Have supplied equipment to establish eight 5G labs across the eight northeastern states.
  • Building a first-of-its-kind Smart Edge Node to simplify future 5G network deployments and further strengthen India’s 5G ecosystem.
  • A strong focus on business-centric research and development.

Under Anuradha Gupta’s leadership, Amantya Technologies’ Hall of Fame:

Some of the achievements and recognitions that highlight Amantya’s commitment to excellence include

Award/Recognition Awarding Body Year
Best MSME in Telecom Ecosystem


For Amantya’s growing expertise in the rapidly evolving 5G ecosystem, underpinned by the company’s advanced homegrown 5G accelerators, including 5G Network-in-a-Box, 4G/5G Lab-as-a-Service, and Virtual 5G Sandboxing Platform.

India Mobile Congress (IMC)


Asia’s largest technology forum brings together prominent stakeholders from the telecom and technology industry, including government dignitaries, industry experts, and corporate leaders.

‘Top Educational Network Deployment in Private Network’ Category


For Amantya’s pioneering initiative in deploying private 5G networks across educational institutions in India. This initiative marks a significant milestone in the country’s journey towards digital transformation in education.



TeckNexus empowers businesses and professionals with insights on 5G, connectivity, and next-gen technology through Magazines, Research, Content Creation, News and Analysis, Webinars, and Advisory services.

Entrepreneur of the Year in ‘Innovation in Technology’ Category


Awarded to Amantya’s CEO, Anuradha Gupta, and CTO, Sanjay Bisen for their futuristic approach and remarkable leadership in driving Amantya’s success.


Entrepreneur Media and Entrepreneur India


Entrepreneur has been the definitive guide to all the diverse challenges of business ownership. The magazine has quickly expanded along with the needs of its readers, equipping entrepreneurs with the critical information they require and demand to grow their businesses.

Best Telecom Startup of the Year


For developing and implementing next generation ‘Made in India’ 5G IPs like 5G Network-in-a-Box and SA 5G Core in a short time since inception and contributing immensely to developing the Indian 5G ecosystem.



Organized by The Economic Times, India’s leading business and financial daily. The award aims to recognize innovative telecom companies that have excelled in network technologies, new implementations and innovative products and services.

Best 5G Solutions Provider of the Year


For Amantya’s growing expertise in the rapidly evolving 5G ecosystem, underpinned by its advanced 5G accelerators, including 5G SA Core, 5G Network-in-a-Box, 5G Core-as-a-Service, and 5G Lab & Private 5G solutions.

India Digital Enabler Awards (I.D.E.A.) organized by Entrepreneur India


Among India’s most prestigious awards for the digital, tech, and media community, I.D.E.A. Awards celebrate individuals and organizations that harness disruption and technological innovation to accelerate and lead digital transformation in the larger ecosystem.


Featured in Enterprise World’s ‘Hall of Fame’ Edition


Amantya’s CEO, Anuradha Gupta, featured in The Enterprise World’s 2022 ‘Hall of Fame’ edition, which celebrates global leaders who have made significant contributions to the rapid growth of their companies and the industry ecosystem.

Enterprise World


Enterprise World is a business magazine, a platform for all the master business minds to share their success stories, and the challenges they encountered, to become the overnight stars of the enterprise world.

Best SME in Telecom Ecosystem


For Amantya’s growing expertise in the rapidly evolving 5G ecosystem, underpinned by our advanced homegrown 5G accelerators 5G Network-in-a-Box, SA 5G Core and 5G Lab, and boosting India’s domestic 5G market and 5G success.

India Mobile Congress (IMC)


Asia’s largest technology forum brings together prominent stakeholders from the telecom and technology industry, including government dignitaries, industry experts, and corporate leaders.

Ranked in the ‘Leadership Zone’ in E R&D Services – Telecommunications vertical and ‘Executive Zone’ in the overall E R&D Services category


For Amantya’s proven expertise at disrupting next-gen technologies to drive digital transformations and focus on R&D and innovation.

Zinnov Zones’ Global E R&D Services Ratings


Top global management and strategy consulting firm providing a 360-degree evaluation of engineering research and development (E R&D) service providers, identifying their expertise across key markets and technologies.

Most Preferred Workplace in IT/ITES


For Amantya’s employee-centric approach and the exemplary work being done to foster a culture that places employee well-being and growth at its core to create a diverse, inclusive, and high-performance workplace.

Marksmen Daily


Recognizes organizations that have successfully created a meaningful, uplifting, and collaborative employee experience with their employee-centricity approach and deftly adopting people-first practices to create a stimulating, workplace.

Women Entrepreneur of the Year


In recognition of Amantya’s CEO, Anuradha Gupta, being a changemaker and driving Amantya’s successful growth trajectory in such a short time.



An initiative by the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce to recognize the immense potential of Women as Changemakers. The award appreciates all the stakeholders who build a conducive environment to embrace this change.



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