Dr George Mathew: A Certificated Expert in Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

George Mathew | Founder & CEO | Yesen Sustain
George Mathew | Founder & CEO | Yesen Sustain

Climate change is currently one of the world’s most serious threats. It poses a fundamental threat to the places, species, and people’s livelihoods. Earlier, it may be due to natural phenomena, but since the 1800s, human activities have been the main reason for climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels.

If we do not want to face a climate crisis, our focus must be on sustainable solutions. In addition to this, we also need newer, affordable, and more efficient technologies to lower carbon emissions.

United Nations (UN) also works significantly for optimum solutions. However, it demands more contribution. Thus, there is a need for some powerful leaders who understand the situation and provides sustainable solutions.

Dr George Mathew is one such prominent business leader who recognised the realities of climate change and its threats to humanity. So, he wanted to have a positive influence on people’s lives. As a result, he introduced Yesen Sustain, one of the world’s most awarded sustainable energy companies.

According to tech partners, it is one of the world’s first cleantech firms and one of the top five clean technology companies. The firm is Asia’s oldest solar PV and solar thermal system integrator.

It has revolutionised this field by introducing three electric-powered boats, namely YS Sunrider, YS Surya, and YS CIAL. YS Sunrider and YS Surya were awarded the Limca Book of records for the Fastest Solar Powered boat and the Largest Solar-powered boats in Asia. At the same time, YS CIAL Vembanad is the first Solar Electric Boat covering over 650 kilometres across a single waterway in India.

In an exclusive interview with CIO LOOK India, Dr George Mathew, Co-founder and CEO, sheds light on the company’s journey, the current industry scenario, and his vision for the future.

 Please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us about your exciting journey of becoming a powerful business leader.

I graduated from Bangalore University, India, and launched my sustainable energy company soon after graduation. This was way back in 1994. Thus, it makes our company one of the world’s pioneers of Net Zero innovations.

Over the years, we spearheaded over 2500 sustainable and cleantech projects across the world, in countries like India, Australia, Singapore, Nigeria, Guam, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Maldives, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Kenya, Indonesia, Nepal, USA, Afghanistan, Haiti, and UAE.

Yesen Sustain works with many industries, including telecom, marine, agriculture, tourism, healthcare, manufacturing, dairy, education, defence, banking, and mining.

These projects helped fight or mitigate climate change and brought financial benefits to the stakeholders and the communities around the projects. The solutions were impactful in saving the environment and improving the communities’ quality and standard of life.

Yesen’s focus is to deliver impactful products and solutions which helps fight climate change and improve quality and standard of life.

Products and solutions include – decentralised clean power and water, waste management solutions, energy resilient products for regions with unreliable and no- grids, last-mile cold chain. Electric marine propulsion solutions etc.

What inspired you to step into the business arena?

I understood the reality of climate change and the threats it posed to humanity early on in my life and always wanted to make an impactful difference in people’s lives. And this was the inspiration behind my venturing Yesen Sustain.

Brief us about Yesen Sustain and its overall operations. What kind of products and services does your company offer?

Yesen Sustain is one of the first CleanTech companies globally and rated among the top 5 clean technology companies by tech partners. It is the oldest System Integrator for Solar PV and Solar Thermal in Asia.

Yesen Sustain has over 26 years of experience in design, engineering and execution – using diverse technologies. It has been a Zero debt company since its inception.

The fact that projects executed back in 1994 continue to perform beyond their life cycle is a testament to the reliability of Yesen Sustain.

Today the company has offices in USA, India, Guam, Australia, Vietnam, and UAE. Products manufactured by Yesen Sustain include – P-Secure, H-Secure, T-Secure, B-Liph, B-Kool, and E-Secure. Yesen Sustain has also partnered with leading brands like Phocos, V-Sun, E-Trio, Polarium, and Elco Marine products.

Please brief us about how you helped enhance the outreach and development of your reputed organisation? 

Yesen Sustain understands that climate change is a reality for all humanity and businesses worldwide. We are developing newer, affordable, and more efficient technologies to lower carbon emissions.

By intelligently adapting and integrating different technologies, we create customised solutions that can be maintained by communities using local resources and local skills. All our products and solutions are impactful both to the client regarding immediate financial benefits and the environment.

How would you define a successful career? What would you say is your biggest accomplishment?

If I have made a positive change in the way people think and live their lives, that is a successful career. I believe I have had one.

Back in 1996, we started our first Net Zero project where we electrified an entire village consisting of 400 houses in Mundanmudi, Idukki, in Kerala, India.

Apart from electrification, we also brought in drinking water and waste management, transforming the lives of the villagers. It was then the most significant solar electrified village globally at that time.

Please mention Yesen Sustain’s most notable achievements, accolades, accreditations, and awards. 

Yesen Sustain is one of the most awarded sustainable energy companies in the world, with two Intersolar awards and six nominations.

It was included in the Limca Book of World Records twice. Our solar boat, Sunrider, was included in the Limca Book of Records as the Fastest Solar Powered Boat in Asia, and Surya was the largest solar boat in Asia.

Intersolar awards honour the companies making a substantial contribution to the new energy world.  Driven by innovation, with more than two patents and 40 more in the pipeline, we are one of the world’s front runners of sustainable energy.

We have our indigenous range of products making sustainable adoptions desirable, suitable, and accessible.

How do you envision the future of Yesen Sustain going forward? 

We aim to continue innovating, designing and developing greener, cleaner, and affordable technologies that can change the lives of millions and help our world combat the climate crisis.