Dr LaxminadhSivaraju: A Lifesaving Neurosurgeon of the Highest Kind

Laxminadh Sivaraju
Laxminadh Sivaraju

How many of us have seen people hindered by paralysis or brain traumaHow many of us are really aware of our brain activities and side effects after accidents?

Answers to the first question vary and to the second question they are compoundingly multifaceted. The brain is extremely complex, and dealing with it through medical procedures is a rigorous task of the most difficult kind. They say that doctors are gods, which is absolutely true when doctors–especially neurosurgeons perform critical operations and save precious lives.

Though, sometimes, the lack of knowledge and fear also leads to ill practices regarding brain injuries. In this scenario, only an expert neurosurgeon who understands the patient’s and their family’s emotions and yet is emotionally intelligent enough to help everyone by healing the patient and aiding all of those sufferers in their holistic recovery.

Dr Laxminadh Sivaraju has been renowned as a life saving neurosurgeon of the highest degree in this regard, as he treats and heals patients with excellence, precise techniques, and of course, compassionate care.

Let us hear his patients’ feedback about his excellency in surgery and the most compassionate care provided.

*Sulochanabai (Age 93): (Shared by her daughter) “Your expertise and skill have made such a tremendous impact on her life, and I cannot thank you enough. Your calm and confident demeanour gave me the reassurance I needed during a stressful time. Your knowledge and attention to detail were truly incredible and remarkable.”

*Asha Kumari (Speaks about her newborn daughter): “Dr Laxminadh Sivaraju performed the surgery with utmost care and maintained complete protocols. He explained in detail information regarding pre and post-operative procedures and helped us get through the whole process smoothly.”

A Journey of Significant Excellence

Dr Laxminadh Sivaraju is a Neurosurgery Consultant at Continental Hospitals, Hyderabad. Dr Laxminadh is a top neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, specializing in awake brain tumor procedures, craniotomies, and the excision of gliomas, meningiomas, and other lesions. Awake craniotomies, CP angle lesions, posterior fossa and suprasellar lesions, spinal procedures, disc issues, neuromonitoring, and minimally invasive surgeries are among his other areas of competence.

Dr Laxminadh is a member of the Neurological Society of India. He is an ardent researcher who has had papers published in renowned national and international publications and has delivered papers at prestigious conferences all over the world.

Every successful destination has a long and exceptional journey behind it. Similarly, Dr Laxminadh has had a wonderful career journey, and he shares it with great enthusiasm. He pursued his MBBS degree from the prestigious Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad. Later, he took Neurosurgery training in one of the top most medical college hospitals, CMCH (Christian medical college hospital, Vellore).

Soon after completing the training, he joined Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bangalore. He went for advanced endoscopic skull base fellowship in University of Greifswald, Germany under mentorship of Prof. Henry Schroeder He has been working at the Continental Hospital, Hyderabad, for the last four years.

Caring with Precision 

A doctor along with perfection must be compassionate and caring enough to feel the pain of the pateints and does everything in his power to ease that pain. In this regard, Dr Laxminadh is an exceptionally kindest soul, as he deals with patients with brain and spine-related problems during his working hours. He conducts surgeries for brain tumours, spine tumours, disc prolapse, head injuries, spine injuries, brain stroke and seizures. He, with his team, follows the given steps to ensure that everything goes well:

  • Thoroughly evaluate and examine the patient in detail and conduct necessary investigations to reach the diagnosis.
  • Detailed counselling of the patient and relatives before any surgical intervention.
  • Explanation of the surgery procedure, the duration of surgery, operation procedure, time taken to come out of anaesthesia, post-surgery care and precautions during the recovery period.

A Healing Touch

Dr Laxminadh has witnessed various patients and dealt with their issues during his medical journey. He has treated patients with hypertension and anxiety causing brain stroke or brain haemorrhage. Apart from this, he has given the best treatments to patients with head and spine injuries following road traffic accidents, falling from heights or slipping and falling.

Talking about his experience with old-age patients, Dr Laxminadh adds, “In the elderly age group, I do come across patients with neck pain, low back ache, sciatica, spondylosis and disc related problems, and most of them are  under degenerative spine problems.” Moreover, patients employed in the IT fields come with neck pain, back pain and small joints hand pain. “We have to listen and understand their problem and give proper guidance and suggestions,” explains Dr Laxminadh.

Techno-Logical Healthcare 

As the world evolves, with each new day, new technologies emerge, and applying such technologies in every possible way has become a practice. As neurology is a delicate subject and procedures related to the brain, need precision, advanced devices with the latest technology are gaining popularity these days. Dr Laxminadh also advocates this use and says, “We do use latest cutting edge technology with the high-end microscope, neuro navigation, CUSA.” He also works on awake craniotomies and minimally invasive techniques for keyhole surgeries. He emphasizes the early speedy recovery of patients following surgery and helps them get back to their occupations.

Additionally, as nervous tissue is highly sensitive, doctors must be very careful during surgery. The surgery involves operating on the brain and spinal cord, highly critical structures. A slight side effect might turn dangerous as the patient cannot bear it. The team uses a high-end microscope or endoscope to visualize these crucial organs during surgery. Dr Laxminadh also mentions the use of meticulous techniques to handle these sensitive areas. Moreover, neuro navigation and keyhole surgery help in the early recovery of patients.

The Vital Aspect of Mental Health

As patients undergo life-risking neuro surgeries, they not only face physical pain but also deal with mental health issues. For that reason, the team focuses on lifestyle changes on the professional or personal front. As most of the pain, known as psychosomatic symptoms, are due to underline factors at the individual or family level, patients tend to be more emotional and sensitive to pain and discomforts. These symptoms may affect the brain, and result in behavioural issues, to avoid these consequences, Dr Laxminadh and his team properly counsel these patients.

Additionally, the team gives patients with brain tumours counselling about radiation and chemotherapy treatment and the precautions to be taken during these treatments. Also, patients with head and spine injuries are provided with long-term rehabilitation, supportive care and nursing assistance.

Eliminating Neuro Challenges

The area of dealing with patients’ brains comes with various challenges sometimes severe in complexity and intensity. Dr Laxminadh shares some of the difficulties he faces and always overcome them with his calm, compassionate approach, during the healthcare-giving process:

  • It is always and most of the time associated with emergencies with unpredictable calls.
  • These calls must be attended to immediately and, a few times, need immediate emergency surgery.
  • During that crucial hour, the team of doctors must discuss and explain to the relatives and patient the nature of the disease, the long-term sequel, the mode and objective of the treatment and the best possible outcome.
  • Understanding relatives’ and family members’ emotions, assure and give them timely motivation.

During my entire doctor career, I always see to that the patients and their family members must be supported emotionally, mentally, and morally. It is our duty as neurosurgeons to treat them as our extended family members. Then only we can serve them best,” he says.

Valuable Suggestions 

Dr Laxminadh is known as the best neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, and with extensive knowledge and vast experience, he has become a powerhouse of valuable advice. “We, as neurosurgeons, deal with a highly sensitive field with the highest morbidity and mortality. We should be meticulous and up to the latest advancements,” adds Dr Laxminadh. Moreover, he suggests acting quickly to implement the patients’ care and better outcomes.

Awards and Achievements

With his skills and successful surgeries, Dr Laxminadh has explored India and other countries and represented there as an expert. He has attended almost 50 plus conferences and workshops and has presented in more than ten platform presentations. For his excellent work and the best paper presentation, he has received NSI (Neurosurgical Society of India) Award.

Additionally, he has published 35 plus original papers, and case reports in various journals at international levels. He has also been on the editorial board and a reviewer for a few journals. Being a professional neurosurgeon, Dr Laxminadh humbly accepts his memorable achievement of gaining trust among patients and colleagues.

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