Dr. Sachin Kandhari: A Neurosurgeon Bridging the Specialized Neurological Care Divide 

Sachin Kandhari

Neurological disorders are among the most serious health conditions, as they are related to our cerebral hemisphere and its functioning, the vital organ for our fitness and survival. These disorders demand the highest precision treatment, which can lead to high treatment cost due to the involvement of advanced technologies and globally renowned expert professionals.

Dr. Sachin Kandhari, Managing Director and Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at IBS Hospital in New Delhi, India’s premier neurosurgery hospital, states that as founders, they recognized a significant gap in specialized care for neurological disorders in India. “We set out to establish a hospital that focused specifically on neurosurgery, with advanced technology and equipment, to make world-class neurological care accessible and affordable.” The hospital offers unparalleled comprehensive care for neuro- and spine-related conditions.

Over the years, under the competent leadership of Dr. Sachin Kandhari, IBS Hospital has made a significant contribution to improving the lives of patients from India and abroad. The hospital has introduced technologies at par with the best hospitals worldwide, making it a preferred destination for patients seeking advanced neurological care.

We Are Committed

IBS Hospital has a strong reputation for providing exceptional care for neurological disorders. Its team of highly skilled medical professionals specialize in neurosurgery and use cutting-edge technology to provide patients with the best possible treatment options. According to Dr. Sachin Kandhari, “We take pride in the impact we have made in the healthcare sector. We remain committed to providing world-class care and making a positive difference in the lives of our patients.”

He informs that the Institute of Brain & Spine, or IBS Hospital, was established in 2011 to address the need in society for advanced neurological treatment guided by technology and cutting-edge research. He adds, “Our USP includes advanced treatment options for varying degrees of advanced disorders like brain tumors, paralysis pain and Parkinson’s disease.”

The Neuromodulation Department at IBS Hospital specializes in treating a range of conditions with various techniques, such as Deep Brain Stimulation, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Vagus Nerve Stimulation, Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Intrathecal Baclofen Pump, Epidural Stimulation, Brachial Plexus Surgery, and High Cervical Stimulation.

Dr. Sachin Kandhari’s extensive experience in neuromodulation, ranging from brain to spinal cord and nerve stimulation for restoring body functions, gives him the leadership to adopt a holistic approach to diagnosing and treating neurological disorders. He asserts that their comprehensive team approach to patient management gives them a technological advantage over their counterparts.

We Are Exceptional

As a healthcare organization, its primary focus is on providing exceptional patient care and delivering the highest standard of medical services. Their USPs are:

Advanced Medical Technology: Investment in cutting-edge medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities ensures patients receive the most advanced and effective treatments. “Our commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements allows us to offer innovative solutions and deliver the best possible patient outcomes.”

Highly Skilled Medical Team: At IBS Hospital, a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care to its patients. The team includes renowned surgeons, physicians, nurses, and support staff committed to delivering their patients the highest expertise and compassionate care.

Comprehensive Range of Services: They offer a comprehensive range of medical services that  cover various specialities and subspecialties. Their services range from general to specialized surgical procedures, enabling them to address the diverse healthcare needs of their patients. With a multidisciplinary approach, they ensure that patients receive coordinated and comprehensive care throughout their healthcare journey.

Patient-Centric Approach: They strongly emphasis a patient-centric approach to healthcare, believing in building long-term relationships with patients based on trust, compassion, and mutual respect. “Our team takes the time to listen to patients, understand their concerns, and provide personalized care plans tailored to their unique needs.”

We Are Super-Advanced

At IBS Hospital, patients can expect to receive top-notch care from highly skilled and experienced medical professionals. What sets IBS Hospital apart is its dedication to using advanced robotic neuro-rehabilitation, a cutting-edge technology that accelerates healing and improves patient outcomes. This technology and the hospital’s expert medical professionals ensure that patients receive the most advanced and effective care.

According to Dr. Sachin Kandhari, his decision to enter the healthcare industry was driven by the lack of effective treatments for neurological disorders. He always believed that adapting to technologies, better infrastructure development and consolidating efforts would help him and his team to create a niche. He says, “We came in because we felt that there was a severe need for a neurosciences centre where people would rely on the hospital for neurological treatments.”

According to him, the adoption of modern technologies is significantly impacting the healthcare space. Specifically, these technologies are leading to:

Improved Diagnostics: AI & ML algorithms are being used to analyse medical data, such as patient records, lab results, and medical images, to aid in the early and accurate diagnosis of diseases. It can lead to faster and more effective treatments, improving patient outcomes.

Personalized Treatment Plans: AI & ML help healthcare providers develop personalized treatment plans for patients. By analysing vast amounts of patient data, including genetic information, medical history, and lifestyle factors, AI & ML algorithms can assist in tailoring more effective and safer treatment plans for individual patients.

Enhanced Patient Care: AI-powered chatbots and virtual health assistants provide patients personalized care, answer their questions, and offer support. It can help reduce the burden on healthcare providers, enhance patient engagement, and improve patient satisfaction.

Predictive Analytics: AI & ML algorithms analyse large datasets to predict disease outbreaks, patient readmissions, and other health-related events. It can help healthcare providers to be proactive in their approach towards patient care and resource allocation. This approach can lead to better healthcare management and patient outcomes.

Drug Discovery and Development: AI & ML are used in drug discovery and development processes, from identifying potential drug candidates to predicting their safety and efficacy. It can accelerate the drug development process, reduce costs, and improve the success rate of clinical trials.

Remote Monitoring: AI & ML enable remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions, allowing for early detection of health issues and timely interventions. It can improve patient outcomes, reduce hospitalizations, and decrease healthcare costs.

Operational Efficiency: AI & ML optimize hospital workflows, automate administrative tasks, and improve operational efficiency. It can result in cost savings, reduced administrative burden, and improved patient care.

However, it’s important to note that adopting AI & ML in healthcare also presents challenges, such as data privacy and security concerns, ethical considerations, regulatory compliance, and potential bias in algorithmic decision-making. It’s crucial to ensure that these technologies are implemented responsibly and ethically to realize their full potential and benefits in the healthcare space.

IBS Hospital is incorporating AI in diagnosis and treatment, enhancing patient monitoring, preparing personalized treatment plans, streamlining administrative tasks, improving patient engagement, training and education

Overall, hospitals need to carefully evaluate, implement, and monitor the use of AI & ML to ensure that it aligns with patient needs, clinical workflows, and ethical standards while also providing opportunities for ongoing learning and improvement.

We’re Winning Over the Obstacles 

According to Dr. Sachin Kandhari, they have encountered several challenges, including:

Increasing Healthcare Costs: The challenge of rising healthcare costs, including expenses related to medical equipment, technology, medications, and staff salaries are overcome by implementing cost-saving measures such as optimizing supply chain management, negotiating better contracts with vendors, improving billing and revenue cycle management, and implementing lean management principles to eliminate waste and inefficiencies.

Evolving Regulatory Landscape: The healthcare industry is subject to numerous regulations and compliance requirements, which can be complex and constantly changing. Hospitals must stay updated with the latest regulations and ensure compliance to avoid penalties and legal issues. It can be achieved through regular training and education for staff, engaging legal and compliance experts, and implementing robust systems for documentation and reporting.

Patient Safety and Quality of Care: Hospitals must prioritize patient safety and quality of care to maintain a good reputation and achieve positive outcomes. Challenges in this area may include preventing medical errors, managing infections, and ensuring appropriate patient monitoring. Hospitals can overcome these challenges by implementing evidence-based practices, utilizing technology for real-time monitoring and alerts, and promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement.

Staffing and Workforce Management: Hospitals may face challenges related to staffing and workforce management, such as shortages of healthcare professionals, staff turnover, and burnout. To overcome these challenges, hospitals can focus on recruitment and retention strategies, providing professional growth and development opportunities, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and implementing work-life balance programs.

Advancements in Technology: The rapid pace of technological advances in the healthcare industry can challenge hospitals to keep up with the latest innovations, implement new systems, and ensure data security and privacy. Hospitals can address these challenges by investing in robust IT infrastructure, partnering with technology vendors, and training staff on the effective use of technology.

Changing Patient Expectations: Patients’ expectations are evolving, and increasingly seeking personalized and convenient healthcare experiences. Hospitals can overcome this challenge by adopting patient-centred care models, enhancing patient engagement through digital tools and telehealth services, and improving communication and transparency with patients and their families.

Financial Sustainability: Hospitals must maintain financial sustainability to continue providing quality care. Challenges in this area may include declining reimbursements, changes in payment models, and rising operational costs. Hospitals can drive financial sustainability by diversifying revenue streams, optimizing revenue cycle management, identifying cost-saving opportunities, and developing strategic partnerships.

Our Compassionate Wisdom

Dr. Sachin Kandhari’s advice for budding entrepreneurs aspiring to venture into the healthcare space:

Identify Unmet Needs: Research and identify unmet needs within the healthcare industry. Look for gaps in healthcare services, technologies, or products that innovative solutions can improve or disrupt. Consider areas such as telemedicine, personalized medicine, digital health, home healthcare, and mental health.

Understand Regulatory Landscape: Healthcare is a heavily regulated industry, so it’s crucial to understand the regulatory landscape and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Familiarize yourself with FDA regulations, privacy laws such as HIPAA, and other relevant regulations that may apply to your healthcare venture.

Focus on Patient-Centric Solutions: Put the needs of patients at the centre of your healthcare venture. Focus on creating solutions that improve patient outcomes, enhance the patient experience, and ultimately address the needs and challenges patients and their caregivers face.

Build a Strong Network: Healthcare is a complex industry that requires collaboration with various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, payers, regulators, and patients. Build a strong network of industry experts, mentors, and partners who can provide guidance, insights, and support as you navigate healthcare.

Prioritize Security and Privacy: Healthcare deals with sensitive patient information, so prioritize security and privacy in all aspects of your venture. Implement robust security measures to protect patient data and comply with privacy regulations. Gain patients’ trust by prioritizing data security and privacy in your products or services.

Embrace Technology: Technology is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry, so be open to leverage cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation in your venture. Explore using artificial intelligence, machine learning, telemedicine, wearables, and other technological advancements to create scalable and sustainable healthcare solutions.

Collaborate with Healthcare Professionals: Stay connected with doctors, nurses, and other experts to gain insights into the industry, validate your ideas, and ensure that your solutions are clinically relevant and effective. Involving healthcare professionals in your venture can also help with adoption and implementation.

Have a Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your venture’s goals, strategies, marketing, financials, and scalability. A solid business plan will guide your decision-making process and help you secure funding or investments for your healthcare venture.

Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Healthcare is a dynamic, constantly evolving industry. Stay updated with the latest industry trends, research, and advancements in healthcare to remain relevant and competitive. Attend conferences, participate in industry forums, and stay connected with experts in the field to stay informed.

Stay Committed and Persistent: Building a successful healthcare venture takes time, effort, and perseverance. Be prepared for challenges, setbacks, and regulatory hurdles, and stay committed and persistent in pursuing your vision. Surround yourself with a supportive team and maintain a positive mindset as you work through the complexities of the healthcare industry.

Remember that the healthcare industry is highly regulated and patient-centric, requiring a deep understanding of the industry, a commitment to patient outcomes, and an innovative mindset. With careful planning, collaboration, and perseverance, you can make a meaningful impact in the healthcare space with your entrepreneurial venture.

Caring for You is Our Nature

Dr. Sachin Kandhari shared his plan for scaling IBS Hospital’s operations and offerings in the future. These include:

Expanding Physical Infrastructure: One approach to scaling hospital operations is to expand the physical infrastructure by adding more beds, increasing the number of operating rooms, or building additional hospital branches in different geographic locations. It could help the hospital accommodate more patients and care for a larger population.

Technological Advancements: Embracing technological advancements such as telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and digital health solutions can help hospitals scale their operations. These technologies can enable hospitals to reach patients in remote areas, provide virtual consultations, and optimize patient care through data-driven decision-making.

Specialized Centres of Excellence: Creating specialized centres of excellence within the hospital can help attract patients seeking specialized care. For example, a hospital could establish cancer, cardiac, or neurology centre with specialized expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, which can help draw patients from a wider catchment area.

Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborations and partnerships with other healthcare organizations, such as physician groups, clinics, or research institutions, can help hospitals expand their services and offerings. It could include joint ventures, affiliations, or strategic alliances to pool resources and expertise and reach a larger patient base.

Enhanced Service Offerings: Hospitals can expand their service offerings beyond traditional medical services. For example, incorporating complementary services such as wellness programs, integrative medicine, or alternative therapies can attract a broader demographic of patients and help differentiate the hospital in the market.

Patient-Centric Care Models: Implementing patient-centric care models, such as value-based care or population health management, can help hospitals scale their operations by focusing on preventive care, managing chronic conditions, and improving patient outcomes. These models often involve coordinated care across multiple providers, which can optimize the utilization of hospital resources and improve patient satisfaction.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing data analytics and artificial intelligence to make data-driven decisions can optimize hospital operations and offerings. Analysing data on patient outcomes, resource utilization, and operational efficiency can help identify areas for improvement and guide strategic decision-making to scale operations effectively.

It’s important to note that any plans for scaling should consider regulatory requirements, financial feasibility, and patient safety. Consultation with healthcare professionals and experts is crucial to develop a well-thought-out strategy that aligns with the hospital’s mission, vision, and values.

Awards and Recognitions

  • Bharat Shiromani Award – 2019
  • Exemplary Contribution Towards Healthcare – Swastha Hindustan Conclave 2017
  • Achiever Award – 2016
  • Recognition for exemplary work – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Excellence Award – Sultanate of Oman 2014


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