Dr Sandeep Nayak: Delivering Exceptional Treatment at Minimal Access Cancer Surgery Clinic

Dr Sandeep Nayak
Sandeep Nayak- Founder and Chief Oncologist

Cancer is the most detrimental disease not only for the physical and mental health of a patient but also affects all those who care emotionally, financially, and empathetically for the patient, including the family, friends, and close ones. That is why, more than advanced technologies and medically enhanced healthcare treatments, patients going through the nightmarish ordeal need a compassionate and caring oncological expert who is eminent in all cancer treatments.

Dr Sandeep Nayak is renowned for his deeply caring and compassionate nature, along with his groundbreaking techniques, including RIA-MIND for oral cancer, RABIT surgery for thyroid, and ISR for rectal cancer, which has revolutionized surgical oncology. His commitment to quality, exceptional surgical skills, and kind-hearted approach have earned him a strong following among surgeons and patients.

With a focus on minimally invasive procedures, he minimizes trauma, reduces pain, and ensures speedy recovery. Dr Nayak’s remarkable track record, numerous awards, and personalized patient care underscore his status as a leading authority in the field. His innovative contributions continue to make a lasting impact, improving the lives of cancer patients worldwide.

In an exclusive interview with CIOLOOK INDIA, Dr Nayak spoke about his plans for MACS Clinic-led oncological treatments’ further advancements, ease of access, and affordability he is bringing to it. The highlights of the interview are given herein.

Tell us about your MACS Clinic’s offerings and what makes it stand out in the evolving oncology segment.

MACS Clinic stands out in the evolving oncology segment due to its specialization in robotic and laparoscopic cancer surgery, which enables precise and minimally invasive procedures, resulting in reduced patient trauma and faster recovery. The clinic’s emphasis on precision with empathy sets it apart, as the team provides exceptional medical care and compassionate support throughout the cancer journey.

MACS Clinic distinguishes itself as a precision oncology centre by utilizing cutting-edge technologies and personalized treatment options tailored to each patient’s unique cancer characteristics. These factors combined make MACS Clinic a leading institution in the field, offering advanced techniques, compassionate care, and individualized treatment plans for optimal patient outcomes.

Please brief us about your journey in the oncology segment and how you made the clinic what it is today.

Founded in 2013, our MACS Clinic emerged with a clear vision to deliver exceptional cancer treatment. Recognizing the need for specialized centres dedicated to minimal access to cancer surgery, we established MACS Clinic as a pioneering institution.

The name itself, MACS (Minimal Access Cancer Surgery), reflects the clinic’s core focus on utilizing minimally invasive techniques to optimize patient outcomes. Since its inception, MACS Clinic has been at the forefront of providing the best possible care for cancer patients, filling a crucial gap in the healthcare landscape.

As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI, ML, Cloud, and Blockchain impacts modern healthcare and how your clinic/hospital is contributing to the change.

As an experienced leader in the healthcare industry, I acknowledge the profound impact of modern technologies like AI, ML, Cloud, and Blockchain on healthcare. These advancements are revolutionizing various aspects of healthcare delivery, from diagnostics to treatment and data management.

Our clinic actively embraces these technologies, leveraging AI and ML for accurate image analysis and diagnosis, exploring AI-assisted robotic surgery, adopting secure cloud infrastructure for seamless data management, and considering the potential of Blockchain for enhanced data security and interoperability.

Through these contributions, we aim to provide advanced and patient-centric care, improving outcomes and enhancing the healthcare experience.

Considering the current medical scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive your MACS Clinic to overcome them?

In the current medical scenario, MACS Clinic faces the challenge of cost barriers that can hinder access to quality healthcare for many patients. To overcome this challenge, we have partnered with the NGO Samrohana, which provides financial support to needy patients, ensuring that cost is not a hindrance to receiving necessary medical care.

Another key challenge is the constant need for doctors to upgrade their skills and stay updated with advancements in the field. As dedicated leaders, we actively address this challenge by extensively travelling to train other surgeons, sharing our expertise and knowledge to enable them to provide the highest standard of care.

Moreover, we strongly emphasise early detection initiatives, collaborating closely with Samrohana NGO, which aligns with their commitment to improving healthcare outcomes through timely intervention. By actively participating in skill development programs, partnering with NGOs, and prioritizing early detection, we strive to overcome challenges and ensure accessible, high-quality healthcare for all patients.

What would you advise budding medical professionals aspiring to enter the oncology segment?

For budding medical professionals aspiring to venture into the oncology segment, my advice would be to recognize the growing significance of cancer as a leading cause of death and to prepare themselves accordingly. Cancer rates are on the rise, and the field of oncology requires dedicated professionals who are committed to making a difference. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest advancements, research, and treatment modalities in oncology.

Continuously expanding your knowledge base, pursuing specialized training programs, and seeking mentorship from experienced oncologists will be invaluable. The field of oncology offers immense opportunities to contribute to patient well-being, conduct research, and improve treatment outcomes. By gearing up and embracing the challenges and opportunities in oncology, budding medical professionals can play a crucial role in combating cancer and significantly impacting patients’ lives.

Healed Patients Praises for Dr Sandeep Nayak and MACS Clinic:

*****“One of the best hospitals in Bangalore for cancer treatment. Group of doctors will discuss and take conclusions for the betterment of patients.” – Dayananda K.R.

***** “Best and honest treatment is provided with empathy. The doctor is very sympathetic and friendly. Easily accessible. My personal experience is very good.” – Shekar Paladi.

***** “We have been consulting with Dr Sandeep Nayak for a year now. Extremely happy with the overall consultation, valuable advice and timely responses. Thanks to Mr Ashok, too, for always being there to help us with appointments and quick responses.” – Subhrojyoti Mondal.

***** “Dr Sandeep is an excellent oncologist. We are very happy that we have selected him for our problem. He patiently hears our concerns, explains and gives us options where needed to select the best of our choice. His staff is polite and helpful all the time, so far.” – Venky Bandaru.

***** “When I came to know about my thyroid problem, the amount of queries and worries was quite high. I am overwhelmed to know the level of care and effort put in by you and your team. Whatever doubts we had were clarified with precise details. You also ensured my regular follow-up. Thank you very much, Dr Sandeep Nayak, Dr Suresh Babu n team.” – Srikar E R.