India Investigates Chinese Fasteners and Mirror Imports Dumping 


The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), a division of India’s Commerce Ministry, has initiated an anti-dumping investigation into the import of fasteners and unframed glass mirrors from China. This move comes in response to complaints from industry associations in both sectors, which have cited significant harm to their domestic industries due to a surge in imports of these products from China at prices considered to be below fair market value.

Indian producers have presented evidence to the DGTR indicating that the domestic industry has been adversely affected by the influx of these dumped imports from China. The representations made by the industry associations have highlighted a substantial increase in the volume of these imports from China, both in absolute terms and relative to domestic production.

The DGTR has expressed satisfaction with the information provided in the representations and has decided to initiate an anti-dumping investigation based on the prima facie evidence of dumping and resulting harm to the domestic industry.

The investigation aims to determine the extent of dumping in relation to the specified products originating in or exported from China and to recommend an appropriate amount of anti-dumping duty, if warranted, to address the injury suffered by the domestic industry.

This move is part of India’s efforts to protect its domestic industries from unfair trade practices and to ensure a level playing field for its producers and manufacturers.

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