With the debut of 5G just around the corner, Bharti Airtel demonstrated its high-speed, low-latency capabilities for video entertainment on Thursday. The operator reproduced the in-stadium experience of Kapil Dev’s memorable 175 not out vs. Zimbabwe during the 1983 Cricket World Cup using its 5G test network.
Due to a strike by TV technicians, a special 175 repeated video in 4K mode was used to bring crucial moments from the match to life.
More than 50 concurrent users experienced a personalized 4K video experience of the match on 5G smartphones, with real-time access to numerous camera angles, 360-degree in-stadia view, shot analysis, and stats, thanks to speeds of over 1 Gbps and latency of under 20 ms. Users could engage with Kapil Dev via holograms powered by 5G during the session.