Maas Stores: Serving Co-citizens with Quality Food

Asim Qureshi | Procurement Head || Abdul Rahim | Operations Head | Maas Stores
Asim Qureshi | Procurement Head || Abdul Rahim | Operations Head | Maas Stores

The Indian e-commerce industry has been on an upward growth trajectory and is expected to surpass the US to become the second largest E-commerce market in the world by 2034. India e-commerce sector will reach US$99 billion by 2024 from US$30 billion in 2019, expanding at a 27% CAGR, with grocery and fashion/apparel likely to be the key drivers of incremental growth.

The Indian e-commerce sector is ranked 9th in cross-border growth in the world, according to an independent research report. Indian e-commerce is projected to increase from 4% of the total food and grocery, apparel, and consumer electronics retail trade in 2020 to 8% by 2025. As most Indians have started shopping online rather than stepping outside their houses, the Indian e-commerce sector witnessed an increase.

“Our advice for the next generation of entrepreneurs is to be market ready before launching any product or services and most importantly, have PLAN B”

Also, as per an independent survey report, ~96% consumers have tried a new shopping behaviour; ~60% consumers are expected to shift to online shopping in the festive season and continue shopping online beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. These statistics show how the Indian e-commerce space is on the growth curve lately. Riding this rising wave there is one company called, Maas Stores that is actively making a difference in the Indian e-commerce industry with its food delivery system.

Technology and innovation are the key for Maas Stores, as its team believes that technology will revolutionize and atomize the process and procedures. “We want our customers to believe in us not for what we say, but how they experience. Like I always say – we don’t talk, we prove,” shares Dr. Samad M. WaseemDirector of the company.

The journey of Dr. Neeraj has been filled with quite the challenges. He discusses dome of the recent ones with us at Insights Success. During the Pandemic, when everyone was locked and covid was at its peak, his own parents were infected, and they went through a very rough patch. Having a doctor at home saved lives. Everything was closely monitored post covid to ensure their wellbeing.

Having to set an example in his own house, he went on to do more research and find ways to help the people to procure safe and hygienic food to build their immune system. “We can’t protect the world, but we can take precautionary measures to support with small efforts and stand by each other,” says Dr. Neeraj Sharma. – CEO of the company

The idea grew over the rough times and they tried to connect a lot of dots and vacuums in the food sector to bring the best of quality and hygienic food to every plate. His team acknowledges that they have a robust system that any person can track their food and also know the methodology of preparing the food based on their health parameters.

“Our technology drives the sector, as of now we have ventured in the meat industry, in future we want to expand to other food products as well, we will make our product SAAS model so everyone can use and be benefitted with the solution,” says Dr. Samad M. WaseemDirector of the company.

Dynamics of Maas Stores

The team at Maas Stores is very happy to serve its co-citizens with quality food. Healthy citizen’s leads to healthy nations and it has always excited the team to do something different. “We are delighted to play a part in doing so,” states Dr. Neeraj. The company is both, a technology firm, and suppliers of quality food to major businesses today, and it will be opening its portals to public very soon. “The idea definitely changed our life,” conveys the team of Maas Stores, with the list of spokespersons which includes Abdul Rahim, Operations Head and Asim Qureshi, Procurement Head.

The company’s USP is traceability and health. Maas Stores traces the authenticity of food, from A to Z, including health and hygiene of livestock and agricultural product. For livestock, it tracks a trace from birth till the delivery to its customers.

Procurement and maintaining the hygiene was one of the most challenging issues the team at Maas Stores had. There were smaller issues where the team pioneered in though they faced smaller challenges. Mutton and chicken’s life cycle is very low, so the team had to figure out a way to maintain the freshness. Talking about the big picture, initially they had planned to venture into B2C sector.

Later, after understanding the market and behavior of consumers, the team opted to reach the masses through B2B2C channel which enabled them with better insights of the market. “We are in the middle of our operations in Bangalore, we will launch B2B in New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Chennai in the coming 3 to 6 months, and B2C with a target to have 50 of our own stores in by the end of 2021,” says Dr. Neeraj sharma

In a conclusive statement, the trio states, The growth is endless! All the major companies combined has reached out to max 12% of market share. We have good expansion opportunity and not only with the remaining market share but also within the 12% of the catered consumers.”

“Our technology and quality define us. There is a large vacuum in the market and there is no competition in those areas. We attempt to be the first in those areas”