Meta’s India Head Sandhya Devanathan, on Success-Oriented Skills


Post Ajit Mohan’s resignation, Sandhya Devanathan who would be taking over as Meta’s India Head from the first of January 2023, has briefed on the important career skills for success in the workplace in her blog post for Meta Careers.

Sandhya one of the senior leaders in Meta for Seven years is currently heading Meta’s gaming vertical for the Asia-Pacific region and will be taking the reins of India operations from the new year of 2023.

Sandhya writes, “For soft skills, the ability to deal with ambiguity is key. If you’re looking for a playbook or a clear roadmap, that likely won’t happen. You need to have a certain level of independence and the ability to quickly adjust to change.”

The second career skill that is necessary is collaboration and communication. Sandhya opened on this skill as an important one at a time when several organizations are shifting their work to full-time remote work or giving the option to return to the office or work from home or adopt a hybrid approach. The third aspect she says is about bringing resilience to the team members by guiding them properly.