Optimizt Technologies: Enhancing Organizations with Engineering Innovations

Optimizt Technologies
Optimizt Technologies

The fundamental elements of the design process include establishing objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing and evaluation. Thus, the prime purpose of engineering design is to apply scientific knowledge to develop the perfect balance of technical specifications and quality standards and eliminate or minimize possible technical problems. Modern engineering companies and allied industries innovate by implementing new technologies that offer them solutions that can facilitate their process to some extent.

There arises the need for professional engineering services consulting organizations to identify the company’s needs and customize or enhance the engineering design deliverables. These companies support saving a lot of cost, time, and effort and complement improving their efficiency.

Offering professional engineering designing and development services, Optimizt Technologies Pvt Ltd has emerged as a dependable partner in enhancing product development, engineering services and technical services. Fronted by its Founder and DirectorJitendra Jagtap, the organization has created a reputation in engineering innovation, growth and product design services.

In a winning interview with the CioLook India team, Jitendra regaled his professional journey of Optimizt.

Please brief our audience about Optimizt Technologies, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the most innovative engineering and design solution providers. 

Optimizt Technologies Pvt Ltd (OTPL) is an Engineering and Technology Consultancy Services provider. OTPL is recognized as a value-added services partner by most of its clients. For new product development, product optimization and value analysis along with manufacturing support services. The International and Domestic Product OEMs have appreciated and awarded OTPL for its outstanding engineering services, quality and performance.

The company mainly provides consultancy services from initial product and user research, Concept Design, Engineering Design, Testing, Tooling, and Manufacturing till the final product launch. We serve clients from Industry sectors including Automotive, Automation, Appliances, Heavy Engineering, Medical, Process Industry and Digital Transformation. We are expanding our services portfolio in Industrial IoT, Robotics, AI/ML, Data Analytics, and Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Our company specialises in services like design optimization for value analysis, product design validation for performance using mathematical simulation, electric vehicle battery and thermal management simulation, surveillance drone validation, and composite material validation.

Optimizt has received Seven International and Three National awards and recognitions for its business excellence. Every year we get multiple nominations for various categories under engineering and technology business excellence. Today, we are a multimillion turnover company. We offer services for world-class organisations and product OEMs, including Fortune 500 companies.

Please brief us about your journey in the engineering and design industry and how you ensured Optimizt excel in its niche.

As the Founder and Director of OTPL, with 18 years of experience in engineering product design, validation and project management, my role is handling Techno-Commercial activities, including overseeing cross-functional groups, defining new business strategies, and identifying emerging technologies, new business prospects, key accomplices and branding.

 Staying attuned to the company’s vision, I have taken steps to enhance OTPL’s growth and build trust in clients. These steps involve resource building, gap analysis and training, improving facilities, and implementing quality processes and security systems.

I am a certified international instructor. I delivered hundreds of corporate training programs for world-renowned organisations from the USA, Europe and Asia. Thousands of engineers trained by me are working worldwide in the field of R&D today. Jitendra also has great influence as a technical consultant to a few Asian and European organizations operating in India.

What professional qualities and values do you think your clients admire in you the most?

Value-added and cost-effective services. Strong technical presence. And Consistency in services. These are a few of the qualities which have helped our clients to grow their businesses. Thus our clients always admire us for these value-added qualities.

As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts the engineering and design solution space and how Optimizt adapts to the change.

Engineering product design is reaching new levels of competence and excellence using Artificial Intelligence. The majority of businesses have already invested in AI technologies in good capacity. In the engineering sector, AI is one of the fastest-growing technologies. This impact can create massive opportunities for engineering talent. Engineering design solution providers can take advantage of it. However, the skillset of this talent at par with client and technology demands must be fulfilled. Those who retain such specialist engineers can definitely shine in future. 

Digital transformation is happening globally and very rapidly. To adopt this change, we focus on Innovation in every aspect of our business. Along with Innovation, a collaborative and sustainable business model will be designed with cloud, data, automation and security technology leaders.

Considering the current industry scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive Otimizt to overcome them?

Talent sourcing and retention is today’s major global challenge for most service provider companies. Post-COVID has been one of the major challenges troubling services companies today, forcing organizations to require hybrid and remote teams.

Due to emerging technologies and market trends, there are significant changes in traditional engagement models to demand greater value and tighter service integration. Currently, OTPL is facing many challenges due to rising competition. On the bright side, increasing competition creates opportunities for us to think, reinforce and fine-tune business models for the long run.

Implementing careful new employee hiring process, offering competitive salary packages, efficient collaboration program between team and management, designing training program for employees as per client expectations,

What would you advise budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the engineering and design solution space?

Budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the engineering and design solution space must focus on points like delivering technical excellence. Business models aligned to client needs, smart resource management, and stay tuned with emerging trends. Along with these entrepreneurs must be working tirelessly and ethically to ensure that values are added to every client they serve.

How do you envision scaling Optimizt’s operations and offerings in the future?

Adopting new emerging technologies and building its expertise, innovation, focus on digital product development services and perfection in resource management are the key parameters OTPL will focus on as part of its business strategy to stand out successfully in the future market.