Pragyat Singh: An Adept Technopreneurial Wisdom of the Digital India

Pragyat Singh | Pragyat IT Solutions Private Limited
Pragyat Singh | Co-founder and MD | Pragyat IT Solutions Private Limited

Everything, including leadership has two aspects: theoretical and Practical. Most traditional definitions are perfectly sound in theory, on paper. However, when it comes to practical implementation, most perfect-sounding concepts fail. It is because practical implementation contains many unforeseen factors that are almost impossible to be considered in theory.

Information Technology (IT) is a domain where even practically sound entrepreneurial leadership has to constantly evolve according to the changing circumstances and adapt to the shifting trends. Furthermore, only talking theoretically about digitalizing our country won’t help it if we lack that most crucial aspect of practical implementation.

Again, practical implementation in only select metro and urban pockets won’t help either. What we urgently need is the pan-India developmental evolving ecosystem of the integrated and interconnected web of networks, working seamlessly and providing real-time solutions to the real-life problems of pan-Indian industries.

Pragyat Singh always believed that until and unless tech-savvy entrepreneurial catalysts like him do not come forth, think, innovate and act practically, shouldering the responsibility to make real-rural-India digitally aware, active, and agile, the new-age Digital India drive will only be limited to the country’s urban demographics.

To change the dynamics, an adept technopreneurial leader, Pragyat Co-founded Pragyat IT Solutions Private Limited, along with his father, to contribute to bridging this digital divide. Pragyat IT Solutions helps you transform your business digitally. Pragyat and his team of experts listen to you, advise, and design together by considering all your business expectations and demands.

Pragyat says, “Happy customers and ongoing relationships are what we strive for. Success is measured by results, the most important being how our clients feel about their experience with us.”

That is why in the span of three years of its existence, Pragyat IT Solutions has a team of 20 passionate tech experts, and over 150 happy clients with a 100% satisfaction rate. Pragyat adds, “We believe in the proper understanding of the client requirement so that services can be excellent.”

In an interview with CIOLook India, Pragyat–also the Managing Director (MD)–spoke at length about how he plans to accomplish this herculean task of empowering digital India drive into the country’s small cities, towns, and villages. The highlights of that candid discussion are given herein.

Sir, please tell us about the saga of your entrepreneurship from the beginning.

From the beginning, I decided not to do a 9-to-5 job. I never wanted to work under someone. I wanted to use my mind in my work. I always focus on practicals rather than theory. I have had more focus on doing business rather than studying theoretically. I began doing small business in 2016, but I have more interest in technologies. That is why in 2019 I have registered my tech company Pragyat IT Solutions Private Limited.

As I came from a small town, I know what are the problems. Many people are still using traditional methods rather than the latest technologies. So we at Pragyat IT Solutions focus more on the rural and small towns. We are also creating awareness among people.

India will become digital only when we will successfully connect rural areas with technologies. Real innovations and a positive customer experience are the heart of successful communication. That is what we are constantly doing.

On 19th May 2020 we were recognized with a Startup India Certificate. Startup India is an initiative of the Government of India. The campaign was first announced by Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi during his speech on 15 August 2015. The action plan of this initiative is focusing on three areas: Simplification & Handholding, Funding Support & Incentives, and Industry-Academia Partnership & Incubation.

We were continuously rising. Then arrived the COVID pandemic which destabilized the whole world along with us. Like many others, I too lost my father who was the founder of this company. It was a very tough time for me to move forward. But I never lost my patience and remembering his dream I have started again to carry forward his legacy.

The COVID pandemic gave a boost to the tech industry. Today, we have our three physical branches and we are giving service all over India along with 10+ foreign countries.

What was your inspiration behind venturing into the business arena?

My father who was the founder of this company is my biggest motivation since childhood. As already mentioned, I never wanted to work for others. Also being from a small town, I have faced many problems on which I kept working and solved those problems easily.

Furthermore, I believe that business is something which is not only for one but also for future generations. Thus, I always wanted to establish a business that will be there for my coming generations too.

What were the initial challenges that you had to surmount to ensure your enterprise’s success rate reached greater heights?

As a startup, there are many challenges but some of the major ones were,

Building a team: because without a team, we cannot move forward. And as per the current scenario, where daily startups are opening and shutting down, it is quite challenging to convince employees to work in a startup, which is something we can accomplish.

Establishing your brand: After building a team it is time to establish yourself in the market and make your place where there are many old and big brands. We are again emerging as a trusted brand in the IT solutions place.

Managing finances: Running a business successfully is a game of managing investments, expenses, costs, salaries, payments, losses, and profits. This is where we as a company shine, as our books are healthy and sound.

What leadership skills, values, and qualities do you think your clients admire in you and Pragyat IT Solutions the most?

The most important thing our clients admire in us is that we do not give a common solution to our clients. Rather, we always try to understand clients’ requirements and then give them proper solutions. We always keep transparency in our work. We also focus on making long-term relationships with our clients.

What are the USPs that highlight Pragati IT Solutions’ uniqueness in the industry?

We provide unique solutions to our clients according to their budgets. We let clients grow first because if a client grows we also grow accordingly. We always focus on the long-term goal of customer satisfaction. A happy customer will come to you repeatedly and will bring you reference business, which our clients are doing for us.

As an experienced professional, what would you like to advise the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world?

My advice to those aspirants who are willing to enter the business world is– do not try to copy others. No one knows your potential better than yourself. Recognize it and start working on your dream. You might fail several times but every time you will learn a lesson that will guide you to a new height of future success.

How do you envision Pragyat IT Solutions operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations?

As a tech company, it is very important to keep ourselves updated with the latest technology. Also, somewhere for a tech company, new technology brings more opportunity.

Further, we can provide a better solution with the latest technologies. Apart from projects, we have service-based software and products, which helps us in doing a sustainable business.