Prof Dr Sandeep Roy: Ensuring Well-Integrated Holistic Healing via Advanced Oncology

Prof Dr Sandeep Roy
Sandeep Roy-Founder and Chairman

The modern age has witnessed a surge in several lifestyle ailments, including Diabetes, Hypertension, heart diseases, Kidney and Liver disorders, cancers, etc. From these, cancers have been lethal, claiming the lives of many people worldwide.

The WHO statistics reveal that cancer is the leading cause of worldwide deaths, accounting for nearly ten million fatalities. Breast, lung, colon, rectum and prostate cancers are the most common types. Unfortunately, most of the time, the cancer is not detected until the symptoms are visible. Until then, it is quite late as the growth of the cancer cells might have progressed to a later stage, possibly beyond control. It has created a dire need for qualified and competent cancer specialists or oncologists who can identify and diagnose cancer in its early stages and initiate the treatments effectively.

Playing the crucial role of identifying, diagnosing and comprehensively treating all types of cancer patients, Prof Dr Sandeep Roy has emerged as an important life saviour who has transformed the lives of hundreds of patients and their families. Handling several critical responsibilities as the Founder and Chairman of the Indian Institute of Interactive Oncology (IIIO), Prof Dr Sandeep has skillfully treated various complex cases, enabling the healed patients to lead healthy and happy lives.

Fostering Healthiest Lives

Professor Dr Sandeep has treated more than 70000 cancer patients in his two decades of practice, with excellent results in both palliation and cure. In addition to presenting research papers at national and international conferences, he has also participated in several workshops. As a chairman, he has presided over the presentation of several papers at national and international conferences.

In his current position,  Dr Sandeep is the Head of the Department of Integrative Oncology  at the Shreeji Dhadiwal Super Specialty Hospital, located in Nashik, Maharashtra.

As an excellent communicator, a good listener, and an attentive observer, Prof Dr Sandeep has earned a reputation among patients and colleagues alike. In his opinion, a good physician should be self-starting, disciplined, confident, and goal-oriented.

Professor Sandeep was also the Head of the Department of Oncology at Vingyana Wellness Center, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The ability to give superior written and oral presentations is one of his strongest attributes. Throughout his career, he has consistently motivated his team members in order to reach a common goal – to treat and cure patients.

The Foundation of Holistic Healing

Prof Dr Sandeep has conceptualized IIIO, an organization dedicated to reaching out to cancer patients, preventing cancer, and introducing revolutionary cancer treatments.

The multispecialty SDSSH includes IIIO. Prof Dr Sandeep and his colleagues integrate all medical systems and prescribe whatever is best suited to the patient’s cancer therapy. Because the hospital is multispecialty, full critical care management can be completed in a matter of minutes in an emergency.

The IIIO provides all types of cancer management services, from single surgery to chemotherapy; in addition to the conventional modes of cancer management, it also offers an integrative approach to cancer management using Mistletoe Therapy, which is the second most studied mode of cancer management after the conventional ones; it has approximately 150 clinical trials and approximately 5000 research papers. Several studies have found that Mistletoe Therapy enhances quality of life and increases life span at all stages.

Furthermore, patients from 42 nations and practically every part of India have visited IIIO to benefit from the holistic approach to cancer management and mistletoe therapy. Integrative oncology is gaining popularity, and Prof Dr Roy has helped to pioneer it in India. Integrative oncology, also known as integrative or complementary oncology, is a therapeutic strategy that combines integrative or complementary therapies with traditional treatments or conventional methods – chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation – for patients’ holistic – mind-body-spirit – healing.

Prof Dr Roy has also introduced the well-known “Oral Mistletoe Therapy (Viscum album/lecithin)” for cancer treatment at IIIO. In Europe, this life-saving therapy has a success rate of more than 60%. Prof Dr Sandeep claims that Mistletoe Therapy is the most efficient treatment method for cancer. Apart from the treatment, IIIO is also involved in social activities that help educate people about cancer and how to prevent it. IIIO also offers Hyperthermia or Thermotherapy.

Understanding Hyperthermia Treatment

Cancerous tissue of the body is heated up to 113 °F in the Hyperthermia treatment to damage and kill cancer cells, while normal tissue suffers no (or only minor) injury. Hyperthermia is also known as thermal therapy/ablation or thermotherapy in cancer treatment. Heat creation is achieved through different techniques:

  • Probes that make energy from microwaves.
  • Radio waves (also called radiofrequency).
  • Fluids, such as blood or chemotherapy drugs, are warmed and then introduced into the body as part of the procedure (called perfusion).
  • The whole body is placed in a heated chamber or hot water bath or wrapped in heated blankets.

Cancers Treated with Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia to treat cancer is not widely available. However, at some centres, it is used simultaneously with other treatments for advanced cancers, including radiation and chemotherapy. It has been used to treat these types of advanced cancers:

  • Appendix cancer
  • Bladder
  • Brain cancer
  • Breast
  • Cervical cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Liver
  • Lung cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Sarcoma
  • Rectal cancer, etc.

How Hyperthermia Treats Cancer?

(Hyperthermia Treatment image to be inserted here)

Hyperthermia is almost always combined with other forms of cancer treatment. Many clinical trials have shown that Hyperthermia when used with treatments such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, Mistletoe Therapy helps shrink tumours and may make it easier for them to kill cancer cells.

The Crucial Impact

Under the guidance of Prof Dr Sandeep, the team of oncologists offers high-quality, precise diagnostics and cancer treatment, which addresses the needs of several patients every day. Prof Dr Sandeep points out, “Since we integrate all systems of medicine, without bias, we achieve the best results for the patients that improve the quality of life and increase the span of life even in all stages of cancer, including stage IV.” He furthers that they offer the most integrative therapies, which are evidence-based, including mistletoe therapy, which is the second most studied mode of cancer management after the conventional ones.

Dynamic and Encouraging Leadership

Dr Sandeep has over 23 years of medical practice experience and has served patients from over 42 countries. He has presented his unique scientific work at numerous international conferences throughout the world. Dr. Sandeep’s research publications have appeared in prestigious international journals.

He is headquartered in Nashik, but patients travel from all over the world and practically every city in India to seek his expert opinion, counsel, and treatment. Dr. Sandeep also trains other doctors from throughout the country and from other countries; he shares his knowledge openly and strives to raise public awareness of integrative oncology.

He was the founder of the ‘International Conference on Integrative Oncology (ICIO).’ He was the organizing Chairman of all four conference editions, which became the world’s largest conference on integrative oncology but had to be stopped due to the COVID pandemic. Dr Sandeep was the Chairman of many international conferences and is also authoring a book, soon to be published.

Enriching Technologies

According to Dr Sandeep, technological developments have also simplified the oncology field. He disclosed that the technologies of CRISPR, Artificial Intelligence, Telehealth, Infinium Assay, Cryo-electron Microscopy and Robotic surgery are effective in oncology.

CRISPR: This advanced technology is a category of DNA sequencing found in the genomes of prokaryotic organisms such as archaea and bacteria–deriving the sequences from bacteriophages’ DNA fragments previously infected the prokaryote. They detect and destroy DNA from similar bacteriophages during subsequent infections.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The biggest breakthrough in AI in cancer treatments is its reliable support in detection. AI supports the identification of cancerous legions that human technicians could otherwise miss out on. It is used in finding lung nodules and brain metastases on MRI readouts. The detection relies on bounding boxes to identify an object of interest.

Telehealth: With the growth of Telehealth technology, many healthcare providers are implementing telehealth in their cancer care programs. It is also known as Tele-oncology, which offers the patients, family members and their caregivers convenience in time and travel, lower costs and flexibility in scheduling. Regular contact with the doctors helps boost the patients’ morale and aids in better responsiveness towards the treatments.

Infinium Assay: Offering multiple levels of genome-wide and targeted genotyping applications with manual or automated workflow models.

Cryo-electron Microscopy: This involves a category of techniques, including single-particle analysis and cryo-tomography, used to obtain high-resolution structural information of the biological system.

Robotic Surgery: Traditional open surgery may not be feasible in certain types of complex cancers. In such cases, especially skilled once-surgeons can remove cancer through advanced robotic surgery involving tiny surgical tools and computer consoles. It offers greater accuracy, better local organ reach and efficient working.

Addressing Challenges Innovatively

Dr Sandeep is a man of strong character and commitment. Dedicated to offering comforting and reliable treatments, he has countered several challenges with courage and conviction. He says, “In these days of cutthroat competition, much criticism is to be faced when you try to integrate different systems of medicine along with the conventional therapies; we at IIIO try to work in symbiosis with doctors from various and multiple specialities and have an unbiased approach towards the patient, e.g., if a patient has a cardiac issue or a neurological issue he will be seen by none other a cardiologist or a neurologist respectively.”

Vibes of Encouragement

Having a rich and diverse experience of working with hundreds of patients, Dr Sandeep offers his advice to budding oncology professionals, “In oncological practice, unfortunately, some patients are diagnosed in the later stages; we should here try to give them a better quality of life and try and not spoil it, we should try and increase their span of life so that they can spend some more time with their loved ones. Do not give up on your patients, and do not fear failure. Every patient has a story, be all ears to them instead of rushing them through; that might relieve them from much stress.”

Envisaging a Healthy and Dynamic Tomorrow

About the future, Dr Sandeep, focused on a clear vision with an ambitious mind, says, “We are coming up with a brand new hospital premise within the next few months with all the state-of-the-art facilities, including diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. We have catered to cancer patients from over fourty countries and wish to reach out to many more patients across the globe who might benefit from this unique approach towards cancer management.”

Clients Testimonials

Dr Sandeep Roy has helped me to fight cancer. His medicine helped me with the side effects of chemotherapy. He also helped me fight the disease mentally. There’s a lot of Positivity whenever you consult Dr Roy. Dr Roy is the sweetest Dr I have met. Thank Dr Sandeep Roy.” – Neeshigandha Ughare.

Dear Dr Sandeep Roy, Thank you for your excellent treatment & curing my friend from lung cancer. He was very depressed. He is better now and very happy and satisfied with your treatment. You are a great counsellor and doing a great job. God bless you.” – Sanjay Dani.

Dr Sandeep Roy is the best in Nashik Region for Oncology. The treatment and the facilities provided were best in class. Totally recommended.” – Pratha.

Hyperthermia is a revolutionary method to improve cancer treatment. It requires special equipment, specialized doctors and a team who are skilled in using it, and Dr Sandeep Roy is leading this revolutionary treatment in India.” – Niketan Kodur.