Sumago Infotech: A Technocratic Leadership Fostering the Most Innovative Solutions

Sumago Infotech
SUMAGO InfoTech Private Limited

It is your strongest of beliefs that hold power to transform your reality. Technological advancement is the transformational power of ardently believing minds that are in constant pursuit of finding solutions to problems by believing in themselves.

Being a woman entrepreneur, I am happier because I am driving many families along with mine” is something Sumago Infotech Private Limited’s CEO and DirectorSonali Sudhir Gorade, believes in.

She has paved her path to the position of CEO and Director of Sumago Infotech, Nashik, from scratch with hard work and continuous learning. After completing her schooling in 2009, she passed her Diploma in Information Technology in 2012. Then she pursued her engineering in Information Technology in 2015, followed by a Master’s in Computer Engineering in 2018. She started her professional career as soon as she graduated, i.e. in 2015 as a software developer. Since then, she has never looked back.

In 2017 she became Team Lead. In a fast-growing company, her role in company management started as Chief Operations Officer (COO) in 2018-19. The successful delivery of responsibilities as COO soon resulted in achieving the position of CEO and Director of the company in 2020. As a head, she has the skills to manage projects, company duties, and personnel with respect, love, and care. The company has grown and is achieving new milestones in delivering recent technological advancements under the guidance of Sonali.

Sonali has received many recognitions and awards now as a leading woman entrepreneur. In 2018, she was ranked 2nd in the Business Clave E-Summit Organized by IIT Bombay and MET.

She spoke in detail in an exclusive interview with CIOLOOK INDIA, the highlights of which are given ahead.

Please brief our audience about your company, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the leading IT solution providers. 

Sumago InfoTech’s core values are built on four pillars “Constant Improvements”, “Innovation”, “Commitment To Customers”, and “Continuous Learning”. Sumago InfoTech started its journey in 2013 and has been growing into various areas within IT Services. The company specializes in offering Web Designing, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Software Development, Digital Marketing, Software Testing, Quality Assurance services, and many more.

Sumago always believes in striving and adapting new technologies. Hence have started working on Python, Data Science, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Blockchain. Training has been one of its fortes since then. Sumago InfoTech has signed more than 100 MOUs with various colleges and institutions and has been imparting training to their students, teaching staff etc.

Sumago InfoTech has been chosen as a preferred training provider for MSBTE to train technical teaching staff across Maharashtra. Sumago InfoTech’s training strategy and methodologies are designed to build on what we have already achieved and to be flexible in responding to changing business requirements and priorities.

At Sumago Infotech Pvt. Ltd, we “Strive with Technology” to provide the most effective and affordable service that fulfils our customer’s needs and budgets. We provide customized websites and software solutions that suit customers’ company objectives. We always involve our customers in an entire process, from design through deployment, so your ideas can be incorporated into our work.

Tell us more about your company’s offering and what makes it stand out in the cutthroat competition.

Sumago InfoTech’s training strategy and methodologies are designed to build on what we have already achieved and to be flexible in responding to changing business requirements and priorities.

At Sumago Infotech Pvt. Ltd, we “Strive with Technology” to provide the most effective and affordable service that fulfils our customer’s needs and budgets. We provide customized websites and software solutions that suit customers’ company objectives.

What professional qualities and values do you think your clients admire in you the most?

Clients always have high expectations from the professionals they work with on projects. Here are some of the professional qualities and values that clients admire in a project with us:

Clear communication: Clients expect us to communicate clearly and effectively throughout the project. It includes setting expectations, providing regular updates, and responding promptly to questions or concerns.

Technical expertise: Clients expect us to have the necessary technical expertise to complete the project successfully. They want to work with us, who provide high-quality work and offer solutions to any problems.

Timeliness: Clients expect us to complete the project on time or at least within a reasonable timeframe. They value us who manage their time effectively and meet deadlines.

Attention to detail: Clients expect us to pay close attention to details, such as accuracy, quality, and consistency. They want to work with us who produce work that meets or exceeds their expectations.

Adaptability: Clients expect us to be flexible and adaptable to project scope, schedule, or requirements changes. They value us, who pivot quickly and adjust their approach as needed.

Professionalism: Clients expect us to conduct themselves professionally throughout the project. It includes being punctual, respectful, and ethical.

Collaboration: Clients expect us to work collaboratively with them and other stakeholders involved in the project. They value us, who always build strong relationships and work effectively in a team.

Clients admire us for being skilled, responsive, reliable, and collaborative. They want to work with us, who always delivers high-quality work on time, communicate effectively, and maintain professionalism throughout the project.

As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts the IT solution space and how your company adapts to the change.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are two rapidly growing fields that are having a significant impact on IT (Information Technology) solutions. Here are some ways in which AI and ML are impacting IT solutions:

Automation: AI and ML are enabling the automation of many IT tasks, reducing the need for manual labour and increasing efficiency.

Improved efficiency and accuracy: AI and ML algorithms can analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, improving the efficiency and accuracy of IT solutions.

Predictive maintenance: AI and ML algorithms can predict when IT equipment will fail, enabling proactive maintenance that can reduce downtime and improve reliability.

Enhanced security: AI and ML algorithms can analyze network traffic and detect anomalies that may indicate a security breach, enabling IT teams to respond quickly and effectively.

Personalization: AI and ML algorithms can analyze user behaviour and preferences to personalize IT solutions, improving the user experience and increasing engagement.

Intelligent decision-making: AI and ML algorithms can provide insights and recommendations to inform smart decision-making in IT solutions.

Advanced analytics: AI and ML algorithms can provide advanced analytics capabilities, such as predictive analytics and data mining, to help organizations gain deeper insights into their data.

AI and ML transform how IT solutions are developed and deployed, enabling greater automation, efficiency, accuracy, security, personalization, and intelligent decision-making. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect even more significant impacts on IT solutions in the future.

Considering the current industry scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive your company to overcome them?

IT companies face various challenges navigating the technology industry’s competitive landscape. Here are some of the most common challenges faced by us:

Funding: IT companies often require significant capital to develop and launch their products or services. However, securing financing can be difficult, particularly for startups without a proven track record.

Competition: The technology industry is highly competitive, with many established companies and startups vying for market share. IT startups must differentiate themselves and their products or services to stand out.

Talent acquisition: IT companies need skilled talent to develop and launch products or services. However, talent competition is fierce.

Regulatory compliance: IT companies must comply with various regulations and laws, such as data privacy and security regulations. Failure to comply can result in fines or legal action.

Market adoption: IT companies must convince customers to adopt their products or services, which can be challenging in a crowded market.

Scalability: IT companies must develop products or services that can scale as the business grows. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure the technology can handle increased demand.

Technological advancements: The technology industry constantly evolves, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. IT companies must stay current with these advancements and adapt their products or services accordingly.

IT companies face various challenges, from securing funding and talent acquisition to competition and regulatory compliance. However, with careful planning and execution, companies can overcome these challenges and thrive in the competitive technology industry.

What would you advise budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the IT solution space?

If you aspire to venture into the IT solution space as a budding entrepreneur, here are some pieces of advice to help you on your journey:

Identify a problem to solve: Successful IT solutions solve real-world problems. Identify a problem you are passionate about solving and develop a solution that addresses it.

Focus on user needs: Build your IT solution around the needs of your users. Conduct user research to understand their pain points, preferences, and behaviours, and design your solution accordingly.

Develop a minimum viable product (MVP): Build a minimum viable product (MVP) that demonstrates the core functionality of your IT solution. Use feedback from early users to refine your solution and add features over time.

Build a strong team: Surround yourself with a team of skilled, passionate individuals who share your vision and can help bring your IT solution to life.

Network and seek mentorship: Attend industry events, join entrepreneur networks, and seek mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs who can offer guidance and support.

Be adaptable: The technology industry constantly evolves, and successful IT solutions must adapt to changing trends and user needs. Be open to feedback and willing to pivot your strategy as needed.

Focus on sustainability: Build your IT solution with sustainability in mind, considering scalability, profitability, and social responsibility.

Overall, venturing into the IT solution space as an entrepreneur can be challenging but also rewarding. By focusing on user needs, developing a strong team, and staying adaptable, you can build a successful IT solution that positively impacts the world.

How do you envision scaling your brand’s operations and offerings in the future?

Scaling a brand’s operations and offerings is a challenging and complex process, but here are some steps that we are following to pave the way for successful scaling in the future:

Evaluate current operations and offerings: Start by analyzing existing operations and offerings to identify areas for improvement or expansion. Look for opportunities to streamline processes, automate tasks, and improve efficiency.

Set clear goals and objectives: Define goals and objectives for scaling the brand’s operations and offerings. It includes expanding into new markets, launching new products or services, or increasing revenue.

Develop a scaling strategy: Develop a clear and comprehensive system for scaling the brand’s operations and offerings. It includes a roadmap for achieving goals and objectives and a plan for managing the resources required to support growth.

Invest in technology and infrastructure: Scaling the brand’s operations and offerings will likely require significant investments in technology and infrastructure. We are preparing to invest the necessary tools and resources to support growth.

Build a strong team: Scaling the brand’s operations and offerings requires a strong team capable of executing strategy. Invest in hiring and training the right people to support growth.

Focus on customer experience: As we scale the brand’s operations and offerings, it’s important to focus on the customer experience. Ensure that customers continue to receive high-quality products and services and that their needs are being met as we grow.

Monitor and adjust strategy: Finally, it’s important to monitor progress regularly and adjust strategy as needed. Be prepared to pivot or adjust plans based on feedback and changes in the market.

Scaling a brand’s operations and offerings requires careful planning, investment, and execution. By setting clear goals, developing a comprehensive strategy, and investing in the right resources and team, we can successfully scale the brand and achieve long-term growth and success.