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Essential skills to start a career in Artificial Intelligence(AI).

Artificial Intelligence

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Programming Skills

Artificial Intelligence

Before embarking on a career in Artificial Intelligence, it's beneficial to sharpen your programming skills, focusing toon languages like Python, Java, Top ne Pandas, and R.

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Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

There is no Al without Data Science. It's recommended to start with data manipulation and analysis.

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Problem Solving

Artificial Intelligence

AI is complex, and problem- solving ability is crucial for tackling AI challenges.

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Unix tools

Artificial Intelligence

Aspiring AI professionals should become proficient with Unix tools and other functions.

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Artificial Intelligence

It's essential not to overlook frameworks and tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

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Communication Skills

Artificial Intelligence

Aspiring Al professionals should possess strong communication skills for effective idea exchange within their teams.

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Analytical Skills

Artificial Intelligence

To build a strong career in AI, aspirants should have a curious mindset, problem- solving abilities, and the capacity to make informed decisions.