WoodCraft Events & Entertainment: Crafting Enchantingly Entertaining Experiences

Woodcraft Events & Entertainment
Woodcraft Events & Entertainment

Everybody loves to get entertained as personal immersion comes through an enchanting experience of highly entertaining events. Although, at its core, entertaining others is an art of the highest degree, if crafted by those who innately resonate with all the subtle elements of love, passion, compassion, artistry, craftsmanship, and enticing ideas—the events will live in the participants’ hearts forever—as memories to be cherished for eternity.

An imaginative and curious mind can come up with a thousand alluring ideas. And suppose there is a matching indomitable and resolute willpower supporting the most significant ideas. In that case, they can be transformed into a reality of mesmerizingly vibrant and entertaining events of the lifetime for the lively audience. Or, as in the precise words of Scott Belly, the Author, and American Entrepreneur, “It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”

The famous quote has actually made Deepak Chaudhary, the Director of WoodCraft Events & Entertainment, believe in Making Ideas Happen along with the Hunger for Making a Difference in others’ lives.

Deepak quotes, “I believe every challenge out there is an Opportunity.” When you see things through different lenses, you find opportunities in every situation of your life. “Maybe this is the reason why I never considered any situation challenging; rather, I have focused on finding a solution rather an Idea which is nothing but a Hidden Opportunity,” adds Deepak.

A Professional Odyssey

Deepak started his journey in 1999 with the hat of a freelancer; as early as 16 years of age, he incepted WoodCraft in 2012 – bootstrapped with a few thousand rupees. He indeed stepped into this creative industry while waiting for his final results of class 10!

“As a young boy, I fell in love with this profession from the very first bijou outdoor campaign on the outskirts of Varanasi. I grabbed everything that could shape the versatility towards the robustness of my aspirations,” reflects Deepak.

Empowered by the priceless experience and know-how of more than a decade and different geographies of PAN India, Deepak grew Woodcraft into one of the well reputed and well-known BTL activation and event management solution providers in the capital city of Bollywood in a short span of time.

Realizing Priceless Dreams

Deepak expresses, “I just pursued my happiness, and eventually realized my dream to have a small, bespoke yet passionate and experienced team with a strong creative twist.”

Having churned out an experience of more than two decades within a young age, Deepak has not only created a small business but is also swamped with serving several small to medium demand generation companies like Aakash-Byju’s, Vedantu, Caratlane, Lokmat, Velvetcase, Danone, KidZania, INOX, Davidoff, Sunteck, Toppr, Maharashtra State Co-Operative Bank, Naturals Salon, Ajmal Perfume, Petronas, NSK, Cipla, Soulful, MTR, President Butter, C.U.G.L and many more during Woodcraft’s two-decades-long journey so far.

Speaking about the vision, mission and core values of Woodcraft, Deepak says, “To be a one-stop solution provider to our customers by bringing Ideation to Execution for Experiential Marketing, Brand Activations, Corporate Events, Award Shows, Branding and Exhibitions is our vision. Along with this vision, we aim to create a meaningful difference in customers’ life by doing different things indifferently. And to make this happen, we drive with Passion, Dedication, Professionalism, an Eye for Detail and Thinking Out of the Box. These are the few traits I imbibe day in and out to create a meaningful difference in our customers’ lives.”

Fashioning Intriguingly Enjoyable Events

Woodcraft Events & Entertainment is a well-seasoned, old-fashioned, unique ideation lead BTL Agency from Mumbai. It is widely recognized as a wholesome, complete events and activation solution factory. A team of young, creative, enthusiastic, and dynamic professionals with a sparkling stream of ideas with vast experience in the ‘Events and Entertainments’ field leads Woodcraft under Deepak’s legendary guidance.

The company’s expertise covers all the aspects of Events and Activation: Planning, Management, Coordination and Execution with Cost Efficiency without compromising on the final output. To survive in a competitive industry, the company strives to build upon the capabilities that enable the delivery of 360° solutions for its clients. From concept to final production, Woodcraft Events & Entertainment tailor-suit its solutions within budget.

No middleman and no third parties stand between the client and the agency to solve your A&P issues. Each of its group of companies runs independently. This enables an ability to personally cater to each client’s needs 24/7. “With the aim to always be ready to meet your A&P needs, we ensure the constant growth of your brand presence in the market,” says Deepak.

Woodcraft conceptualizes and executes an event in such a way that it reinforces the image of the product and service. The company provides an integrated solution to create multiplying effects and achieve overall economics of operations.

The company integrates cutting-edge creative solutions to enhance value and response amongst the target audience. Woodcraft Events & Entertainment works as an extension of clients’ Corporate Management and Marketing Team.

Core Competency of Ideation to Execution

Woodcraft Events & Entertainment is a one-stop solution to provide multiple branding and marketing solutions to aspiring and established companies. Its core competency is Ideation to Execution for Experiential Marketing, Brand Activations, Corporate Events, Award Shows, Branding and Exhibitions etc.

The firm’s solutions cater to crafted events that are focused majorly on special occasions such as Corporate Events, Conferences and Seminars, MICE, Award functions, Media/Press meets, Customer/Dealer interaction programs, Brand Extension Exercises, Celebrity Management, Live Concerts, Stage Shows, B2B and B2C Events, Networking Events, VIP Visits, Trade Promotions and Activations, Manpower Lead Activations, Product Launches, Roadshows, Facility Inaugurations, Employee Motivation Programs and Residential Activations.

Showcasing Your Professional Tale is Our USP

Deepak says that for Woodcraft’s clients, the team tells the story of their business, brand, or ethos through events. They start by sitting down with the clients to understand the objective of their event and then help achieve that by providing creative, exciting, and ‘spot-on’ solutions. “I guess that is one unique aspect of our business, which sets us apart from our competition,” believes Deepak.

Also, good networking within Industry gives the best opportunity to be abreast with the trends. “When you have a talented team like ours onboard, it makes the task all the easier for the individual to identify hidden opportunities and trends,” Deepak feels.

Today, Woodcraft Events & Entertainment’s success charts speak high about their journey so far. Since 2012 Woodcraft has been an accepted leader in the listicle of Events and Entertainment Companies in India. The company is majorly known for a full range of startling event management solutions with an extensive horizon focused entirely on client image building and branding.

The Modernistic 360° Event Management Solution Providers

With the changes in market dynamics, Woodcraft has added a complete 360-degree angle to its service portfolio, which is comprehensive enough to cater to all its customers’ needs. The genre that Deepak and his team are currently focusing apart from regular Event management services are, primarily the events such as:

  • Live video streaming/Webcasting/ (Multi and Cross-Platform Solution)
  • Virtual Events/Web Conferencing System

In the wake of the pandemic, Live Streaming/Virtual Presence is playing a significant role in every industry to generate more business. It is helping organizations to sustain and upgrade business consistently during these uncertain times.

Deepak adds, “We started offering different and customized Virtual solutions which can benefit the organization monetizes their revenue with the latest technology.”

A Unified Wholesome Engagement

Deepak believes that a leading event management firm like Woodcraft must possess some unique qualities like flawless planning while also considering the possibilities of unexpected predicaments that can improve the outcome of an event from logistics, operational, and functional facets.

Akin to these traits, Woodcraft’s processes involve making a checklist of each and every stage alongside dividing each and every function among its team with complete responsibility. Needless to say, one requires absolute clarity in execution.

In addition, this approach enables Woodcraft to break down demanding herculean projects into several modules, which towards the business end, come together to make a whole that is significantly bigger than just the sum of those parts. The smooth and appreciable conduct of the ‘Maharashtrian of the Year-2018’ event stands as an ideal testimony to this.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

When asked about the initial challenges after venturing into this sector and in the changing industry dynamics the challenges faced by Woodcraft now, Deepak quotes:

Yesterday’s challenges are today’s Standards; Todays Challenges will be tomorrow’s Opportunities.

That is how the event management and entertainment industry is, and it is constantly evolving. One needs to be vigilant enough to read the changes and act accordingly since there is no ‘one constant.’

“As an individual, I faced many hurdles, but I tried searching for answers around me which I got from the experience of others,” says Deepak adding, “In short, we cannot predict, rather focus on today and do the best things, which automatically creates tomorrow’s pathway.”

Cost Optimum Tech-Driven Solutions

Being an experienced leader, Deepak’s opinion on how technology is transforming the event management industry and what advancements we can expect in the future is astute. He thinks, as already mentioned, Live video streaming, Webcasting, Multi and Cross-Platform solutions, Virtual Events and Web Conferencing-based event platforms are new ways of event execution in the present and upcoming future.

He reveals that during the last two years of the pandemic, Live Streaming/Virtual Presence has been playing a major role in every industry; hence it is very important to be on top of technology and provide solutions which not only solve the end purpose but at the same time provide a cost optimum technology-driven solution.

A Daring Heart’s Dream-Powered Wisdom

Deepak’s advice to aspirants willing to venture into the field of event management is compassionate; he shares, “Follow your Heart and Dream, and you will end up being at the destination you are destined for. Never give up, irrespective of any challenges or obstacles that may come your way. This has worked for me, and I believe it always works for someone who chose to walk their own paths.”

Speaking about his vision for the future of Woodcraft in the new times, Deepak shares that the way forward is to create independent platforms in the form of Intellectual property for various segments and target audiences. He reveals, “Our penetration strategies look impeccable, as our focus lies on making the inventory stronger by developing Intellectual Properties (IP), which will bolster aces in the hole.”

Deepak, through Woodcraft, also wants to revolutionize the way companies are investing in innovative and effective integrated brand marketing and public relations. With comprehensive plans to take things to the next level, Deepak and the team Woodcraft are approaching their mission 2023, wherein Kids Brands, IT, Lifestyle, FMCG and Consumer Durable sectors are the predominant and immediate targets.

Amid the rolls of those admired, the success story of Woodcraft Events & Entertainment is one of the most creatively talented and exquisite and one of the most promising but swiftly prospering companies based in the metro city of Mumbai.

The company, in fact, is all set to embrace and expand the operations to these demanding sectors, as the requests are coming in huge numbers, informs Deepak. Foreseeing the burgeoning requirements in the segments like IT, FMCG, Consumer Durable and other categories, the company will be doing IP events for the brands as well as manifesting a lucid sign of flexibility.

A scrupulous blend of planning, execution, embracing modern technologies and crafting memorable events after events celebrated by their clients, audiences, and fan followers alike is a feat accomplished by Deepak.

Our vision of professionalism in charting the roads of informative and entertaining events and giving each and every event, a different meaning and identity will be a boon to the IT industry – beyond any reasonable doubt,” concludes Deepak.

Treasuring these highly entertained memories in the lockers of their hearts–those who have been thoroughly entertained and those clients satisfied in their hearts–stand testimony to the passion, compassion and devotion of Deepak and his artistic and crafty team of Woodcraft in enabling the professional industry to celebrate its success and achievements.