Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi Srivastava: Transforming You into Your Healthiest Self via Q-Slim Fitness Studio 

Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi Srivastava
Q-Slim Fitness Studio

Precise Nutrition leads to constant Fitness. It, in effect, bestows holistic wellness on the body, Giving it the gift of perfect Health! Passion for Nutrition and Wellness inspired Clinical/Fitness Nutritionist Pallavi Srivastava to launch Q-Slim Fitness Studio in 2009. Her Fitness Mantra is “You are what you eat.”

Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi works on modifying the lifestyle to help You be the Better You. She believes a Balanced Diet and Exercise are the key factors for a Healthy Body and Mind. The term Diet is always misinterpreted. Diet is not about starvation or eating less but eating the right food at the right time and in the Right quantity. Reflecting on her Health-conscious journey, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi says, “I started my career in Nutrition, because at a young age, I realized that Nutrition has an important role in people’s Health and well-being. I decided to devote my life to communicating this understanding to the world.”

On the Nutritional Journey

Q-Slim started with a vision to emphasize the importance of Lifestyle Modification via Easy to follow Balanced Diet. The term Balanced Diet means a Diet that consists of all the food groups. Like Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, and Fibre. They are required in the correct proportion for maintaining your Health, And for ensuring you get enough energy for your daily activities. An inadequate amount of these Nutrients may cause various Health problems Like Nutritional Deficiencies, Reduction in Immunity levels, Indigestion, Headache, Hairfall, Skin Problems, and Tiredness, amongst other Health problems. Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi adds, “We do not believe in restricting your calorie intake to the minimum. Instead, we work on the motto of Lifestyle Modification.”

Moreover, at Q- Slim, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi suggests the best method to burn up those extra inches or excess fat for achieving a Healthy as well as an ideal well- toned figure. They start selecting the best suitable treatment for your Body Type. By knowing and analyzing your body through Personal Counselling and framing a customized process for a Slim and well-shaped body.

They work as a team to clinch that, you get what you deserve in terms of Quality and all your expectations being fulfilled as you take a step towards Q-Slim. They believe in clients’ well-being. They constantly strive to deliver quality services without any compromises. They have a long list of satisfied clients from all sections of society. “Our motive to serve you the best is guaranteed always!” she claims.

Q-Slim Fitness Studio is the brainchild of Clinical/Fitness and Sports Nutritionist Pallavi Srivastava Ramchandani. She completed her Post Graduation in Nutrition. She went ahead to specialize in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Clinical Nutrition, Renal Nutrition, Orthopaedic Nutrition, and Awareness and Management of COVID-19. She has also done MBA in International Marketing to transform her passion for fitness into a career.

The Wellness Tree

She has successfully handled many camps and presentations. She conducted lectures in different Corporate Sectors, including Banks, Schools, Elderly homes, Nutrition Institutes, and Housing Societies. Her Articles and Write-Ups continue to be a part of various recognized Newspapers and Magazines Like -Times of India, Hindustan Times, Mint, Men’s Health Magazine, Afternoon DC, Radio channels like Big 92.7 FM, and Websites like,,, etc. She has done content writing for various websites.

Her forte also includes reviewing restaurants like Mainland China, Spaghetti Kitchen, The Protein Bake Shop, and Piche Mignon (café of Novotel Hotel), amongst others.


  • Weight/Muscle Mass Gain.
  • Orthopaedic Nutrition.
  • Cardiac Nutrition.
  • Weight Loss Nutrition.
  • Renal Nutrition.
  • Clinical Nutrition.
  • Awareness and Management of COVID-19.

Sharing their USPs, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi says they at Q- Slim do not believe in just starving the Body or only calorie cutting. They believe in understanding each Body type and what will suit a person and what will not.

Is the particular option possible or practical that can be made at that specific time? What is the city/country of the person or client residing in? What is the goal of the person? Is it muscle building? Or just weight loss? Or weight gain? Do they have any other complications along with the desired goal?

She explains. “At Q- Slim, I ensure that first the entire history along with Diet recall is taken and the options are discussed before making the Diet.” She also ensures she’s available for her clients or Patients even if they need her for help or guidance between Diet Appointments. “If you step out or travel, your Diet is not compromised, and we provide Travel Diets, help you with Exercise schedulers. There is constant monitoring from our end, so you don’t go off track,” promises Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi.

The Holistic Caring Path

She wants to guide you holding your hand at every step you get stuck on, but the journey doesn’t end there. What separates her and her Q-Slim team from the rest is their Supervised Maintenance program. Achieving your goal and maintaining it is another thing altogether. Many others can’t understand it. And patients end up gaining back during the phase of Maintenance. But Q- Slim holds your hand and guides you through this phase. By supervising your Maintenance phase with its monthly consultation, You can understand your body type better and maintain your Well-Deserved Goal!

Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi and Q-Slim team provides travel Diets and Diets for International clients options. If you step out to a party, dinner, lunch, or breakfast, If you feel hungry, options are provided too. “We believe you must be happy and enjoy your life while achieving this goal. Hence a step by step guidance is provided,” she says. One can expect a personalized, customized experience with Q- Slim!

Eliminating the UnHealthy Options

Sharing their challenges, she says that when she started her career, the awareness in this field and the right knowledge were very limited. The whole belief system was compromised. People did not trust or believe that a Natural food source or Diet could cure/control a Disease. It took time. But as she progressed, people started becoming more and more conscious about their Health. The importance of Eating Right and the power of Natural food started coming into existence. People began understanding slowly and gradually. That Diet did not only mean losing weight, It meant eating correctly and get better to improve your Health and Immunity. Minor and major issues could be reversed or cured with the help of eating right. You could strengthen your Immunity and body with just food. Medicine is not needed if your Diet is right! There were challenges concerning explaining to people, What Diet meantWhat is a well-Balanced Diet?

The scenario today is much better. With COVID testing times, people have become much more conscious of their Diet. They understand how much important their Cardiovascular strength and Immunity are, And the role food plays in fighting these Diseases which compromises their Health. People understand the importance of Exercising. They have started joining classes like Zumba, Pilates, Dancing, Strength training, Yoga, Functional workout, Swimming, and more. They have understood the value of Lifestyle Modification.

Tech-Intelligent Mind and Every Body

Being an experienced leader, sharing her opinion on how technology is transforming the Nutritional and Dietary sector and what advancements can be expected in the future, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi says COVID has changed times. It’s got the new digital world into existence. People are getting more educated on the technology front. They are making more on-call appointments. Platforms like Zoom, Google duo, WhatsApp, etc., have grown much more. People rely on these sources for their on-call appointments. They have adapted to this new growing trend of digital technology. “I see a rise of almost 40 % on call appointments personally. People from across are reaching out to us. We can cater to our clients globally much more easily,” she informs.

With different Exercise techniques, more fun-to-do activities, and group classes, people are challenging each other. They are getting more competitive, Running and successfully completing Marathons. All this has changed much more now, “I see a growing trend in this.”

People are conscious when it comes to eating out in a restaurant. More Health cafés have come into existence. People in the restaurant field have also started keeping Healthier options along with their calorie count and total Proteins and Carbohydrate and Fat percentage in a particular dish which helps their customers to choose better.

She adds, “We can expect a better, Healthier, and more conscious world. With the newer generations being more cautious.” Nowadays, mothers are more aware of feeding their children Healthier options from a young age And not getting them into a habit of junk or empty-calorie foods.

The Full Circle of Wisdom

In her advice to the aspirants willing to venture into the field of Nutrition, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi says that the Nutrition field is an ever-growing field. When you ‘Eat Right,’ you stay fit and disease free. With People understanding the importance of eating right and what a Balanced Diet means, the scope of this field has increased. “But I would advise all my younger generations/aspirants to be truthful to their field.” Study in depth the Human Body and what wonders Natural Food can do. Nowadays, many short-term courses or online courses are available. People start practicing after doing these courses without in-depth knowledge of Nutrition Science. “I have also come across many people who have lost a certain amount of weight and then start giving out advice to others.”

The Human body is a complicated and intense machinery. Every cell in our body is different. What works for one does not work for all. “My advice would be to go to a certified Nutritionist or Dietician.” Intern under them to learn well. Do a course from a well-reputed organization. Then take the life and Health of your clients into your hand. They depend on you and come to you with trust and faith. It becomes your responsibility to treat them with utmost dedication and truthfulness. There is no better happiness than treating them and seeing their Healthier, happier faces. If you are sincere and dedicated, there will be no stopping you. As they say, half knowledge is more deadly than anything. People are more read and aware today. You must do your part well.

Q-Slim! You Fittest! Our Future Healthiest!

On envisioning scaling her company’s scope and offerings in the future, Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi reveals they, at Q-slim, have already ventured out globally and intend to continue doing so with the help of social media platforms. By taking more and more testimonials from people. Their journey can be a guidance and Motivation to others!

She mentions, “Our google and JustDial reviews have helped people make the right choice and decision in coming to us. Their references to their friends and family have helped us grow, and we have transformed more people’s lives.” She furthers that they intend to continue by reaching out to more people and telling them about the needed Lifestyle Modifications. Q-Slim’s Clinical Nutritionist specializes in Clinical Nutrition. They help people treat minor issues like Acidity, Hair fall, Gas, Skin troubles, Constipation, or major issues like PCOD, IBS, GERD, Fatty liver, High Cholesterol, Diabetes Reversal, High Blood Pressure, High Uric Acid, High Creatinine levels amongst others etc.

Clinical Nutritionist Pallavi specializes in Cardiac Nutrition to handle clients in post-By-Pass surgery, Angioplasty to control High cholesterol and Blood Pressure levels, and Renal Nutrition. All these give her the edge over others in treating patients suffering from CKD, Diabetes, High Uric acid, and high-Creatinine levels, and preparing chart for Dialysis Patients. Her forte also includes specialization in Orthopaedic Nutrition. Thus also helping people with Arthritis, Gout, Back pain, Osteoporosis, etc. “We at Q-Slim plan to expand online sessions more to reach out to more and more people globally. We also work on providing inch-loss solutions to people needing spot reduction, and Pain Management Detox wraps. More awareness from social media platforms also will be enhanced further,” she concludes.