Dr Ranjan Jeevannavar: A Compassionate Expert in Enriching Skin Care for All

Dr Ranjan Jevannavar, Chief Dermatologist

Protecting our inner body organs and giving them beauty, our skin is the most exposed and thus vulnerable element of our body. Giving us the crucial sense of touch and feel is an indicator for changes in the exterior to be responded to by the bodily immune system. Depending on the physical and mental health, the freshness and healthiness of the skin results in busting or boosting our personality, reflecting the inner aura. Skin also grows hair in its specific layers, which form an essential beauty aspect and reflect the health of the liver, kidneys, and digestive systems.

Despite its importance, several people are unaware or negligent about maintaining skin hygiene and care. People become concerned only when they suffer from some disorder or issue and tend to approach a doctor. However, general practitioners might not address severe skin and beauty concerns, creating a need for skin experts or specialists who can identify the precise issue, treat it and guide the patients on the path to beautiful health.

Leading among the skin care specialists, Dr Ranjan Jevannavar, Chief Dermatologist, has emerged as the most trusted professional healing hundreds of people for their skin and beauty care problems with result-oriented and extremely affordable solutions. Through his state-of-the-art Jevannavar Skin Care, Dr Ranjan offers a wide variety of treatments supported by his well-trained and dedicated team of doctors, nurses, skin care specialists and haircare experts.

In an engaging interview with CioLook India, Dr Ranjan shared his journey into the medical field, the highlights of which are given ahead.

Dr Ranjan, please brief our audience about your clinic, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the preferred dermatologists in the industry.

In addition to Jeevannavar Blood Bank, Hosur Hospital, and other businesses, the Dr Jeevannavar family also runs Jeevannavar Skin Care, providing North Karnataka residents with the most economical medical care services. Because of the selfless service they received from all our endeavours—here at our hospital, even general consultations were known to be priced at ₹20 per patient—everyone from Hubli City and adjacent villages now recognizes the name of Dr Jeevannavar over 30 years.

We wanted to extend our services in the skin and hair division, and JSC was started. We provide a comprehensive spectrum of dermatological services, including skin, hair, and cosmetic treatments. We believe in providing personalized care suited to each patient’s specific needs. We prioritize patient satisfaction and engage closely with them to get the best outcomes.

Since the love of people has helped our clinic develop greatly, we have made a vow to help the elderly and our country’s heroes by providing free consultations to anybody over 70 and to members of the armed forces in the last two years.

Our reputation as one of the most sought-after dermatologists in the field results from our commitment to providing patients with the best treatment possible, our wide range of services, and the confidence we have earned from them. We have built a solid reputation based on excellent patient experiences, effective treatment results, and the referrals of pleased patients.

Tell us more about your skincare services and what makes you stand out in the changing market.

Since North Karnataka lacked numerous procedural dermatological services for a long time, residents had to go to Bangalore to receive the necessary care. We are delighted to have introduced Surgical Dermatology and US FDA Approved Lasers to this region, which helps patients avoid travelling to Bangalore and lowers their costs for such procedures by receiving them at affordable pricing. Most of the patient benefits come from the addition of Vitiligo surgeries, where the white patches, which are a social stigma for many people, can be easily treated with the variety of surgical options available. We are thrilled that all dermatologists in North Karnataka are referring their resistant Vitiligo patients to us for surgery and benefitting from our excellent results.

Tell us about the immersive benefits your dermatology clinic offers to people seeking to improve their skin and hair.

We work hard to provide our patients with knowledge and information. We place a high value on teaching our patients about healthy skincare regimens, preventive measures, and treatment choices. We are focused on helping people to make educated decisions regarding their skin health by raising awareness.

Please brief us about your journey in the dermatology segment and how you have made your clinic excel in the skin/hair care segment.

Being successful in the dermatology field today is undoubtedly challenging. Still, from the beginning of our clinic, we introduced several novel procedures that no other clinics in the region had, and we also offered the majority of the services at the most reasonable costs because we believe that all members of the community, not just the wealthy, should have easy access to medical care, whether it be essential or cosmetic. For us, this was a unique mix that contributed to our success. Due to the high quality of the care provided and the institute’s altruistic attitude, the number of patients increased tremendously.

Being an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts today’s skincare sector and how your clinic is adapting to the change.

Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a blessing for humanity because it makes a variety of tasks easier for humans, but it needs more time to be optimized for use in the medical field. Because skin disorders are complicated and manifest differently depending on the patient’s skin type, ethnicity, location, and weather, diagnosing a condition using an algorithm is challenging. Every person’s skin tolerance and sensitivity levels are different; thus, the treatment must be customized and cannot be automated. Because of these issues, the employment of AI in the skin is now causing much confusion. However, it may subsequently be improved.

Considering the current modern lifestyle of the people, what kind of challenges do you face in skin treatments, and how do you drive your services to overcome them?

Young men and women are more likely to experience hormonal problems that cause resistant acne and early-onset hair loss due to rising sugar and high-calorie food intake. In addition to treating the specific illness condition, we have provided patients with educational materials on food and lifestyle changes to address the underlying cause.

What would you advise budding professionals aspiring to venture into the dermatology sector?

Dermatology is a medical sector not only dealing with the cosmetic industry but also plenty of skin ailments that need proper attention. The new younger generation should understand this and address the concerns promptly. Be open and identify the problems to help the patients understand the issue. When consulted properly on their issues, patients accept it and follow the treatment properly. Be honest and empathetic in your approach.

How do you envision scaling your skin care services in the future?

We plan to increase the number of working Dermatologists at our centre to keep up with the growth of the patient load. We are upgrading a few of our machines to keep up with international standards and ensure the best results for our patients.