EvolveBPM: An Engrossing Marvel in Revenue Growth Strategic Solutions

Satish K. Sadasivan | Founder & CEO | EvolveBPM
Satish K. Sadasivan | Founder & CEO | EvolveBPM

Sales revenue is the significant reason why companies exist with a focused phenomenon of growth and expansion. However, to scale the sales revenue, there are quite a few factors that companies take into consideration, as growth and scale are two different things.

Growth occurs across the business, and it often means hiring or expanding your workforce. Scaling companies means you are going to deliver higher revenue goals without increasing the investment.

Scaling a business’s revenue means you can handle an increase in marketing with the development of sales-ready leads, increase sales activity of salespeople, sales operations, and sales enablement. Your company can manage the marketing and sales organizations functionality and talent cost-effectively and reasonably. Scaling a business also means that you must shift from star individuals to being the rainmakers and become a company that creates teams of talent in both marketing and sales.

Scaling sales revenue for some companies means achieving well above industry levels of growth, breaking new ground, and becoming market leaders. Other companies plan for consistent growth that drives a solid bottom-line result.

Whatever your plan, success will only happen when you have key players in place to make it happen. Indeed, this is where EvolveBPM excels in the limelight with its impeccable Revenue Impact Solutions that enable global sales teams to scale their revenues.

Under the leadership of Satish K. Sadasivan, Founder and CEO, EvolveBPM is a one-stop source for revenue growth. Its core mission is to provide Revenue Impact solutions that enable global sales teams to scale their revenues. Not just top-line growth but also sustainable and profitable growth. The company designs and develops end-to-end campaigns that drive laser-focused, well-qualified leads into the sales funnel.

In an interview with CIOLook India, Satish shared valuable facts highlighting the significance of EvolveBPM’s Revenue Impact Solutions that tremendously impact the modern industry.

Please enlighten our readers about EvolveBPM and its significance as one of India’s most trusted companies that provide impeccable revenue impact solutions.

Situated in New York, USA, EvolveBPM is a multi-national company with a presence across the UK, Dominican Republic, Philippines, and India. From data services, research, and intent-based lead generation to content creation.

With over 200 employees across the globe, we deliver programs across multiple channels, including email, telemarketing, webinars, and display ads. We collaborate with industry leaders, including Bombora for intent, HG Insights for technographics, and numerous database providers, including Leadiro and TechBase. And we are a GDPR-, Cyber Essentials- and ISO9001:2015 (Quality Management System)-certified organization.

Our proprietary 6W framework helps break down the marketing initiatives into more focused actionable toll-gated action points. We aspire to be the one-stop solution for global partners related to revenue growth strategy and solutions.

Mr Satish, please tell us about yourself and enlighten us about your professional tenure so far in the industry.

I’ve been in leadership roles for over 25 years, with a diverse range of international experience. I’ve managed sales teams and profitable business units across the globe, including in the USA, Middle East, and India.

I’ve worked with several Fortune 500 companies, including HP and Cognizant, handling various business lines such as IT/BPO/BPM/KPO services. I have a proven track record in delivering profitable business units, ranging from $10 million to $250 million.

I mentor future leaders for the organization/industry across functions including operations, marketing, human resources, client development, finance, and compliance. I’m passionate about building customer-centric organizations.

My educational background includes an MBA from the Canadian School of Management, a PGPX from UCLA Anderson School of Management, and certificate programs from the MIT Sloan School of Management and Harvard University/Harvard Business School. I am also a certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner.

I have received numerous awards throughout my career, including the Innovative Visionary – India Award by APAC Insider, the Pathfinder Award, the Global Sales Excellence Award, and the Strategic Sales Award. I am an active member of NASSCOM and IAOP, among other leading industry bodies. My commitment to giving back to society has led me to be an active NGO participant at various organizations for the last 20 years. I am a passionate boxer and adventurist. I am active on social media and enjoy reading books.

What was your inspiration behind the establishment of EvolveBPM?

Following a 15-year stint in the USA, I had the opportunity to lead a couple of large demand generation companies in India. This experience helped me understand the gap between demand generation practices and customer requirements for global enterprises.

The focus was on generating leads rather than on creating revenue-generating opportunities.

Having been in sales for a significant period of my career, I had an intimate understanding of the challenges of working with poor-quality leads and their impact on sales. That’s why we founded EvolveBPM to drive a change in this field.

We design and develop end-to-end campaigns that drive laser-focused, well-qualified leads into the sales funnel. Our model focuses on leveraging and partnering with firms that provide intent data, techno-install data, and Interaction data to further enhance our ability to build a pipeline for the customers.

Process, People, and Technology – the three pillars of our business model have helped us create a niche for ourselves.

What were the initial challenges after venturing into the industry, and what are the challenges now?

The initial challenge was to change the mindset of customers who were only focused on generating leads, rather than creating revenue-generating opportunities. We had to educate them on the benefits of our model and how it could help them drive more sales and improve their bottom line.

Thankfully, we overcame this challenge and built a strong client base of satisfied customers. The challenge now is to scale our business and maintain our high standards of quality and service. Also, with the recent pandemic, we have had to change the way we operate and adapt to the new normal.

Tell us about the services and solutions that EvolveBPM provides to its clients.

We provide end-to-end demand generation services that help our clients generate demand/leads that directly impact their ROI.

Our services include:

  • Intent-Based Leads and ABM Solutions (Delivered via Email / Tele Marketing / Webinars, Powered by Programmatic Display and LinkedIn Ads)
  • Business Research (Data Management Solutions)
  • Content Design and Development (Campaign Management Microsites and Landing Pages, Programmatic Advertising, and LinkedIn Ads)

What are the immersive benefits of the services and solutions that EvolveBPM offers to its clients?

Our promise starts with communicating what drives value for our customers in their specific industry and business context. And through our proprietary models (6W Discovery Framework – to break down the marketing initiatives into more focused actionable toll gated action points., Citadel – validate and verify every level of lead production, and DDIA – define, design, implement, analyze), we help our clients achieve their desired business objectives.

Immersive benefits? – I would say the benefits are two-fold:

  • We help our clients save time and money by generating demand / higher quality leads so those sales can close.
  • We also provide them with actionable insights that they can use to improve their demand generation efforts further.

What USPs and core fundamentals make you stand out as one of the trusted companies in the niche?

There are several factors that make us stand out as a trusted company in the niche.

  • Our focus on quality, our commitment to customer success, and our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals are just some of the reasons why our clients trust us.
  • We take a customer-centric, data-driven approach in everything we do – from the way we build our teams to the way we design and execute our campaigns.
  • 25+ global clients, 1M+ leads generated and reduced sales cycles up to 50% with a 100% accuracy of lead emails delivered while receiving a mere 2% or fewer rejects from customers.
  • We believe in complete transparency and offer our clients a real-time view of their campaigns through our unique Citadel framework.
  • With a total database size of 500Mn+ with 160Mn active contacts globally, we have the scale and reach to help our clients achieve their desired results.
  • We are a team of passionate, experienced professionals with proven records of success in driving results for our clients.

As an established industry leader, what would be your advice for the budding aspirants and enthusiasts willing to venture into the demand generation industry?

There are a few things that I would share as a piece of advice for budding entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who are looking to venture into the demand generation industry:

Do your research and understand the industry landscape before you start. There is a lot of competition out there, and it is essential to clearly know what you are getting into. Find a niche that you are passionate about and build a team of experts who can help you execute your vision.

Invest in the latest technology and tools to help you automate your processes, scale your business, stay up to date with the latest industry trends, and be prepared to adapt to changes quickly. Most importantly, always prioritize your customers and focus on providing them with the best possible experience.

How do you envision further operations of Evolve BPM to scale its progress and stronghold to reach greater heights eventually?

From building a people-centered culture to strategizing for explosive revenue growth, we have some big plans for the future. At the front of this plan, we want to be known as the company that cares – for our employees, clients, and the community. We want to continue doing great work that makes a difference in the industry.

While our strategies for the future are complex and multi-faceted, our goal is simple – to enable global sales teams to scale their revenues through state-of-the-art AI, Intent and Tech Insights-driven demand generation solutions that focus on lead generation with direct ROI impact.

In the next five years, we want to be recognized as the frontrunners in data-driven global sales acceleration. We also want to expand our geographic footprint and enter new markets. And we want to continue to invest in the best people and technology to support our growth.

So, stay tuned because there’s a lot more to come from us!