Exavibes Services: Your Search for The Best App Development Company Ends Here

Exavibes Services
Exavibes Services Pvt Ltd

In today’s hyper-connected times, smartphones and mobile devices have become more than just a means of communication. They are the mediums of personal and professional work, entertainment, social media, and online shopping.

According to Exavibes Services’ CEODev Prajapati, 79% of smartphone users use their devices for online shopping. Almost 62% of citizens own a mobile device. These numbers reflect the power of handheld devices. That is why a complementing mobile application can boost your business instantly.

When it comes to one of the best mobile application development companies, Exavibes comes under the top five. Dev claims, “We are one of the top and best mobile application development companies in Mumbai, India, just like many others, but the similarity ends here. We tread on a technological path that is travelled by few. What does this mean for our clients? It means we do not differentiate between a small and a big project, offer special privileges to established business entities, or have reserved prices for any particular domain. This uniformity and transparency make us different from the other players within this space.”

At Exavibes, Dev and his expert team of professionals build Mobile applications and brands that will reach the right audience at the right time with their marketing tactics.

Is that the only reason?

No! Says Dev, who established Exavibes in 2017. Dev is a passionate technocrat, along with a team of qualified professionals. Dev’s journey has been quite exciting as well as challenging. Armed with a degree in IT, he spent his initial years learning the finer nuances of this industry in some of the most happening IT companies. This hands-on experience allowed him to pick up a niche for his future endeavour, which resulted in the birth of Exavibes. Since he had already formed a strong vision and mission mantras, he quickly picked up a team of like-minded professionals and, within a short time, elevated Exavibes to dizzying heights.

Dev spoke in an exclusive interview with CIOLOOK INDIA, the highlights of which are given herein.

Why choose Exavibes for Mobile, Software, and Web Application Services?

We are an end-to-end mobile app development company in Malad, offering distinct and dedicated mobile application solutions. Whether a consumer-oriented app or a transformative enterprise-class interactive solution, Exavibes delivers the same with unmatched consistency and success rate.

We believe your search for the “best mobile application development company in Mumbai, India” ends here. Our native, hybrid, and Web mobile applications are lightweight, user-friendly, robust, brand complementing, and use state-of-the-art development architecture. In short, it is a blend of talent, skill, and technology.

As mentioned, we create magic around your app, typically achieved through highly reactive and engaging functionalities. We embed these attributes in all our app flavours – iOS, Android, or hybrid. Our mobile app development cycle is divided into six stages.

We also develop software that enhances business efficiency, reduces redundant actions, and turns day-to-day chores into a joy. Our commercial software is rock solid, secure, scalable, and requires minimum maintenance. For your business, it means an improved bottom line.

A website is a window to your products and services. Customers expect serious businesses to have a user-friendly web gateway. It endorses trust, offers credibility and increases sales. At Exavibes, we offer a gamut of web-related services under a single roof.

Please brief our audience about Exavibes Services, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the most recommended Applications Providers. 

As a fast-growing, integrated enterprise solutions company, we not only provide industries and start-ups with cost-effective, scalable, secure, growth-oriented and brand-complementing software, web and mobile applications but make sure these crucial IT integrations fetch the desired results in terms of targeted results/growth. Regarding software, mobile and web development, Exavibes is one of the preferred partners of major brands across the globe.

Tell us more about Exavibes’ offering and what makes it stand out in the cutthroat competition.

As a leading IT development and outsourcing company, we provide integrated solutions to most industry verticals. Our human assets make us stand out in this highly vibrant and buzzing domain. Our team of designers, developers and project leaders are industry experts. It allows us to build lean, mean, secure, highly agile, and cost-effective process, communication and e-commerce applications. Exavibes provides affordable IT solutions through smart technologies and smart coding.

What professional qualities and values do you think your clients admire in you the most?

Technological excellence, targeted software solutions, strict timelines and transparency are some of the business virtues clients admire the most. These are not just professional ethics but values we guard and revere with passion, which sets us apart from some of the other key players in this domain. At Exavibes, innovation is a continuous process. Therefore, our products and services evolve with time. We despise redundancy and stagnation. It helps us maximize returns for our customers using modern, state-of-the-art tools and technologies.

As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts the Applications Development space and how your company adapts to the change.

We would also like to add another component to the list of modern technologies apart from AI and ML: Big Data. While AI will change how we design and code software and mobile/web applications, ML, a subset of AI, will help future apps/process control systems/IT Infra automatically learn and improve from a bouquet of structured and unstructured data. Exavibes is investing in these technologies and ensuring its staff syncs with these changes. The future will only see leaner, meaner and auto-generated code that will merge seamlessly with large information hubs. It will also mean the future Applications Development space will see highly intelligent and self-decision-making software/applications.

Considering the current industry scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive your company to overcome them?

Currently, the biggest test is the rapidly evolving application development market. Some of the changes are disruptive. Moreover, and as pointed out above, big data and AI are still in the nascent stage. In the coming years, we anticipate radical changes. Imbibing these would mean making some hard decisions right now. The test is not just providing application development and general IT services, which are formidable today but also ensuring they are future-ready. The real challenge is the seamless transition of our business and client infrastructure in the coming years.

What would you advise budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the App Development space?

The answer to this question is located in the next section. However, here are a few pointers. Proficiency, experience, dedication and finding a niche within this domain is important. This market is ever-evolving, time and price-sensitive and sports dozens of subsets. It is impossible to cater to every IT Infrastructure or application development fragment. Niche also helps to become a leader and the preferred partner. Ultimately, it depends on the company ethos, vision and mission and how they see themselves along a definite timeline.

How do you envision scaling Exavibes’ operations and offerings in the future?

We have started investing in future technologies and launched in-house programs for upgrading and updating the skillsets of our team. Interestingly, our sales squad is always on the lookout for development and IT setup projects which are highly challenging. This space is less crowded, and guarantees targeted growth for us. However, it also means a longer gestation period and increased communication and after-sales service. While these projects drive our plans, standard IT and enterprise solutions continue to fuel our current growth engine.