Green Tree Immigration: Your Hassle-Free Foreign Migration Consultant

Traveling to foreign countries serve various purposes, including education, business ventures, employment opportunities, leisure trips, charitable endeavours, participation in sports events, migration, and other underlying reasons. Prior to embarking on such journeys, individuals are required to fulfill a series of formalities, which encompass securing a visa, booking flight tickets, and adhering to local regulations.

These processes encompass a multitude of tasks, with the visa application procedure holding particular significance. However, obtaining a visa can prove to be a complex task for those who lack comprehensive familiarity with the legal intricacies of the involved countries.

To streamline the intricate processes associated with obtaining visas and navigating through other requisite formalities, specialized consultancy firms have emerged. Selecting an immigration consultant with an extensive background in this realm becomes pivotal. Such consultants maintain consistent communication with foreign embassies worldwide.

In this context, Green Tree Immigration stands out as an exemplary entity. Spearheaded by Rupan Raj, the CEOGreen Tree Immigration was founded with a vision to provide genuine, transparent, and reliable immigration services that are accessible to all. The company offers a comprehensive array of services aimed at facilitating seamless international travel.

Winning Over Adversities and Adversaries

Bolstered by a wealth of experience in the field of immigration, Rupan Raj, the Chief Executive Officer, commenced his professional journey within an immigration firm. Noteworthy is Rupan’s rapid ascent as a standout employee, propelled by his unwavering resolve to reach new pinnacles in his career path.

Reflecting on his journey, Rupan says, “Unlike other engineering graduates, I didn’t stand a chance to get into IT or the core industry due to not-so-good academic credentials. Fortunately, god had different plans and I joined an immigration firm as an immigration consultant.

The career growth from there graphed with progression and advancement. I had always been genuinely involved in the acquisition of new skills and self-improvement which pivoted me to higher positions and new responsibilities.

In a span of one-and-a-half years, the career growth was phenomenal. From immigration consultant to an Assistant Branch manager. The role gave me access to a lot of learning and exposure. I was grateful for the support and trust from the management.”

Regrettably, he eventually had to depart due to organizational politics. He reveals, “As days progressed upper management’s selfish and tricky attitude demanded me to change the job.” Subsequently, he encountered rejection and avoidance from other firms, a situation that often ignites an individual’s latent potential.

Rupan shares, “After leaving legibly from the ex-firm, the management sent an unnecessary mail to get me terminated from the new company. This became the routine with four other firms and unnecessary taunts made me think, ‘efforts, loyalty and partisanship weren’t valued during my tenure at the company, but management’s personal desires. Their troublingness even after my leaving compelled me to introspect, ‘The universe is trying to teach me something. I figured out the payback is ‘everyone who got me terminated deserved a worthy competitor in the industry. It took time to study the immigration problems faced by the customers in the immigration domain and I came up with the idea of a premium immigration consulting firm with a thorough evaluation.”

This very circumstance ignited Rupan’s resolve. Fueled by a fervent desire to enhance client services, he founded Green Tree Immigration Consultants.

Drawing from his background in engineering, Rupan transformed Green Tree Immigration into a marvel of his expertise, channelling his skills for the organization’s growth and success.

He adds that he decided to take the hardest route ever. Transparency, Truth and Thorough evaluation was the cheat code. From a low financial background, remaining hopeful and putting in the effort was the only opportunity to utilize. “Although it wasn’t easy we decided to give it all irrespective of the results we’ll get. To be honest, initially, we failed. However slowly we saw clients valued us and our consulting for being transparent, truthful and systematic,” reveals Rupan.

Rupan and team Green Tree’s efforts paid off. In a span of four years, they were able to immigrate around 198 Canada PR visa Applicants. Any profile with four to five rejections was sorted for a successful outcome by Green Tree Immigration. If one can Google, the best consultant to handle Canada Visa rejections one can find only Green Tree Immigration.

“Today, the popularity of Green Tree is such that the sophisticated and affluent always choose our Brand. Since we deal with sophisticated it’s a double-edged sword. They teach us the best lesson hence the brand is comprised of high values, quality and trust,” informs Rupan.

A League of Compassionate Leaders

Today, Rupan says when he looks back, his heart thanks the core team as they stood by him, and trusted him and their company. “I’m highly thankful and grateful to them and yeah! it’s god’s plan that we stand here today. Aarthi, Vahini, Lakshmi, Sudharsan, and Abinaya are a few names which I would love to mention with due respect to their contributions and efforts towards the success of Green Tree,” says Rupan.

Also, the flourishing of Green Tree Immigration is due to Rupan’s absolute love for his job, company, and deserving team members. “The most I love is everyday struggles and problems have their way of hitting us. The ability to handle the objections and thwart those whose intent is to bring the company down by disguising themselves as our employees is crucial. It demands me to ‘operate under chaos,” he states.

Also, Rupan’s leadership style is the most important contributor to Green Tree’s emergence as the leader in the industry. Rupan’s leadership style with the core team is completely different. It is pretty much focused on ‘creating leaders.’ “I Never allow them to be comfortable instead I push them into hardship and teach them the way to climb out of it,” mentions Rupan.

The team’s core principle is centred around transparency when dealing with immigration seekers. They prioritize enlightening individuals about potential immigration scams, all the while steering clear of last-minute predicaments through a meticulously structured process. Their commitment to honesty extends to their clients through direct and candid communication, effectively shattering barriers and cultivating robust relationships. Rather than persuading prospective immigrants, the team’s approach centres on educating them about the process, granting them the autonomy to choose their advisors.

Rupan adds that the front-end team is bound to speak only the truth and every profile comes to his table before the clients initiate the dream process with them. Upon approval from the management, the front-end closure team can advise the client to initiate the process. “We don’t just ask the client to pay since they are interested in the process. As said earlier Transparency, Truth, and Thorough evaluation was the cheat code,” reiterates Rupan.

An Open-Minded Guidance

The company places a premium on the achievements of its clients, emphasizing that its reputation hinges on these success stories rather than mere financial gains. Their aim isn’t to outdo other external immigration consultants but to consistently surpasses their performance benchmarks. This ethos mirrors the company’s gradual but continuous growth trajectory over the years. Each prospect’s unique profile demands a thorough comprehension of their needs, facilitating the provision of tailor-made solutions that align with their requirements.

Rupan says, “We empathize with our clients. We put ourselves in our clients’ place and tailor the immigration solutions as per their cases. We don’t follow a pre-defined template of solutions. We sit with our clients and work on every profile individually. Unlike others, we provide the entire process flow to all our prospects. Hence they can keep track of their process and where they stand at every point of time.”

Speaking about the biggest challenges he successfully tackled, Rupan says ever since he was an employee, he felt the pain of individuals who struggle to grow their careers. Even after treating employees so well and being supportive to build their career in the best possible way and valuing their efforts with recognition and rewards, it’s their egos which is driving them to go against him and they target the company to bring it down. “We have been abruptly removing ones who don’t fit our future and who are playing cold politics inside the company. Decisions have been made without any second thought to remove the toxic and to place the deserved one at their well-deserved place in the hierarchy,” he states.

Another challenge was the global pandemic. Rupan remembers, “COVID was an absolute setback for our domain as people couldn’t travel internationally. The industry was hit hard. However, we kept our hopes alive. We waited patiently for the situation to calm down and restarted from zero.”

Your Perfect Partner in All Future Travels

Speaking about ensuring quality services, Rupan says with Youtubers and Instagram influencers the quality of immigration consulting has dropped. “The system we currently owe is a definite success only in the long run. we see our clients’ leave us feedback stating they have been saved by us. We see ourselves as the saviour of people from immigration scams and misleaders,” he adds.

Rupan firmly advocates for conducting business guided by values and principles. He says, “The best advice I received was ‘Slowly is the fastest way to reach your goals.’ Being a primary decision maker the quality of thoughts and temperament is highly essential. Being patient is one of those quality I would highly rate. With a clear mind, I’m able to operate better. I advise others the same.”

Speaking about their plans ahead, Rupan divulges that they are primarily an immigration consultant for now and they started to focus on overseas education. “Now we expect ourselves to successfully recruit international students. Over the next 12 to 18 months, we have plans to add study visa process for the countries including Canada, USA, UK and Ireland,” he concludes.

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Most Trusted Immigration and Visa Consultant in 2023 by My Brand Better.
  • Most Trusted Immigration and Visa Consultant in 2022 by My Brand Better.
  • Spotlighted by Hindustan Times as the most Trusted Immigration consultant.
  • Earned a spot in the Top 10 trusted Immigration consultancy by Canada Visa review.

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