Einstein once smartly remarked ‘The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. Nonetheless, whenever you hear the word intelligence, one could bet that the first concept that comes to your mind immediately is not out of your own imagination but a traditional concept of knowledge testing called Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Disagreeing with Einstein, standard definitions define intelligence as an intellectual potential one is born with, which, although, can be measured by the parameter of IQ, is very difficult to change.
During the recent decade, other expert views of intelligence have also emerged including Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI) proposed by Dr Howard Gardner, a renowned Harvard Psychologist.
Dr Gardner’s theory of MI outlined in his 1983s famous book ‘Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ proposed that all people and every person have different kinds of ‘intelligences’ and not only the traditional psychometrically viewed single type of intelligence, the view, which in itself is too limited or narrow-minded.
According to Dr Gardner, there are possible nine types of intelligences including visual-spatial, linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existentialist. These are beyond any single intellectual capacity.
Dr Gardner also suggests that while a person could be strong in one particular type say musical intelligence, then such a person might have been born possessing a range of abilities like musical, verbal, and naturalistic intelligence.
Highly influenced by this theory of MI, Little Einsteins Preschool was set up in 2007 by Kopal Maheshwari, currently the Chairperson of this preschool. Kopal shares, “With the vision of providing learning environments that are child-centered and based on the multiple intelligence framework of Dr Gardner, we established Little Einsteins Preschool.”
Little Einstein’s Mission Intelligence
The MI approach, which is currently being implemented in the US and other countries, is truly responsive to the needs of the 21st Century. This framework prepares the child to be creative, critical, and divergent thinkers who are able to really ‘think outside the box.’
In this unique school, teachers recognize that by teaching for understanding, their students are encouraged to problem-solve, hone their skills, and to develop their individual strengths.
Kopal says, “Since we understand that every child learns in many ways and each has his own interests and needs, we provide children with multiple access or entry points to a concept through their different intelligence or ‘smarts.
The mission is to ensure that education is specific to a child’s need where the emphasis is on how to learn; as we say, ‘The genius is within.”
Little Einsteins aims to provide a broad and balanced international curriculum which supports individual needs and allows students to achieve their full potential.
Engaging preschoolers in experimental science helps develop logical reasoning, and critical thinking, forming a strong foundation in science.
Kopal says, “Lab exercises at our school involve fun things like a seed house, creating a tornado in a jar, water cycle in a bag, a volcano on a plate etc to help them understand the basics of science.”
Preschoolers at LE are engaged early in technology. It has been identified as a critical piece for future preparation.
Lab assignment includes using computers, cameras, creativity and imagination apps, single instruction coding games and collaborative work on iPad.
Children are natural engineers; they love to design and build with anything they can get their hands on.
Lab assignment includes experiments to identify how weight is distributed on bridges, the buoyancy of ships, creating 3d structures using lego etc.
Creativity stimulation is a key aspect of lifelong learners. “At LE we do art and craft activities every day.
We spark their creativity using varied hands-on materials. Cognitive development also focuses on learning through art,” conveys Kopal.
Maths is taught as a life skill at LE. Reasoning and critical thinking are the core of Mathematics.
Multi-format approach is adopted. Manipulatives in form of puzzle cards, teaching aids, gamification and online offline method are followed to help them be analytical thinkers.
An educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding students’ enquiry, dialogue and critical thinking
Nurturing Genius Minds of the Future Einsteins
To enhance LE’s readiness to increase engagement with children, it works to offer a rich and stimulating blended learning environment which fosters students’ natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, enabling them to acquire the necessary life skills to function confidently and effectively in a rapidly changing world.
Kopal reflects, “Our vision is to create a caring community in which students learn to value themselves, others and the environment.”
Envisioning LE’s operations with the emerging technology and K-12 education that is revolutionizing the education industry, Kopal says that they provide an integrated technology solution that helps in the managing center, seamless communication with parents, video classes and multimedia digital content.
For the Genius Mind Learning is Forever
As an experienced professional, Kopal’s advice to the budding entrepreneurs willing to venture into pre-schooling is a philosophy in itself. She says that this is a great opportunity to venture into and the one that will give you much better satisfaction and standing in society due to its noble cause.
“You should always look for the right partner who is renowned for the global best content and curriculum. In the end, the quality of learning matters and nothing pleases us to see our kids doing much better than their peers. These are critical foundation years, and the industry would do great to have educated, focused and passionate entrepreneurs to start preschool,” concludes Kopal.