Milan Hans: Revolutionizing Class On School ERP in a Smart Way

milan hans
Milan Hans | Founder and CEO

Changing times of tech transformation are shifting the dynamics of everything, including the evolutionary need to make our educational approaches smarter and school systems digital. Keenly grasping the urgency in 2016, Milan Hans extended his vision from website and software development to school ERP solutions.

In 2009, Milan Hans established Smartway Media Private Limited–an IT company and became a part of various projects related to E-commerce, News Portals, News Websites and Client handling. “In 2016, we decided to extend our reach to the school ERP application development and launched a branch of our company named Smartway Study for that purpose,” shares Milan Hans.

However, it turned out far away from a cakewalk, and Milan Hans and his team faced many failures and disappointments as schools were not ready to make any changes in their traditional ways of management. But this made Milan Hans realize the need for an ERP solution specially designed for Indian Schools.

“With the support and efforts of my team members, I was more determined to accomplish my goal. Within two years, we had joined hands with about 60 schools,” says Milan Hans, adding, “Our Vision and Mission are crystal clear–to provide an integrated and user-friendly system that copes with the needs of Indian Schools and provide them with the best support system of the country that too at an affordable price.”

At the end of 2019, they faced the onset of the pandemic, which brought major changes to the fundamentals of their company. Education Sector shifted to online mode. “With all the required changes, we introduced Class Onan updated version of Smartway Study App,” says Milan Hans, the Founder and CEO of Class On–the name itself is very easy to pronounce, which helped them reach the parents.

They introduced smart live classes and live tests on their platform and tried to fulfil every need of schools in those difficult times. “We are working with more than 350+ schools spread over 15+ states. I believe this is just the beginning of our never-ending journey,” conveys Milan Hans.

A Spirited Pursuit

Milan Hans shares that the journey was very challenging. He adds, “But when you are focused on your goal, your vision is clear; nothing can stop you. I took every challenge as an opportunity, which always resulted in improving our School ERP System. I believe my team also worked as my strength as each team member is equally dedicated towards the mission of Class On.”

They were standing like pillars in difficult times for the company. Their spirit always motivated him to do better. Because of all their efforts, Class On is working with hundreds of schools in so many states of India.

“Challenges will be coming in future as well, but we are determined to achieve our vision and make Class On an ERP of not only the Indian educational sector but the global School ERP Solution provider,” feels Milan Hans.

A Passionate Team of Stalwarts

Shading light on his and his team’s inspirations and motivations, Milan Hans says that in 2016, they had a dream to benefit Indian schools with the help of technology that too at minimum cost as the ultimate burden of the cost goes on parents. Profit is not a motive of Class On as other companies providing this service. He states, “We work for the betterment of the education field and make all possible efforts in this direction.”

When they surveyed various schools, they found that the schools were not satisfied with the support systems of the existing companies. The prices of available ERPs were very high, because of which, many schools avoided using technology in managing schools. Keeping in mind the idea to digitalize every Indian school, under the exemplary guidance of Milan Hans, the team Class On designed a user-friendly ERP focusing on building an efficient support system. “Moreover, every member of the Class On team played an important role in where we are today. They have given their 100% contribution in making Class On a success,” expresses Milan Hans.

A Unified Focus

As per Milan Hans, several companies provide school ERP, but most fail when it comes to providing timely support. While Milan Hans ensures, “Our company is immensely focused on Customer Support. Even when our company had fewer features, we always tried to provide the best possible solution and constantly developed features according to our clients’ requirements to cater for their needs.”

Furthermore, they introduce new features every month so the schools can manage every task on a single system. By this, the schools can save lakhs of funds and spend it on other student development activities.

Milan Hans adds, “As our country is known for its diversity, we have provided our app in ten Indian languages so parents can easily get used to it. Because of this feature, we have reached rural areas as well. The school which joins us remains with us forever.”

The Class On Family

Speaking about his professional family, Milan Hans proclaims, “If I talk about my employees, I believe that Class On is a Family. We are here because of my team’s collective efforts; every member of it is dedicated to their work, and they are Experts in their respective fields.”

This professional family of Class On includes the Co-founder, Kanwalpreet Singh; Technical Head, Jashan Hans; Finance Head, Er. Gurwinder Singh; and Marketing Head, Harmanjot Sidhu.

Milan Hans attributes all the Class ON accomplishments so far to the dedication of all his partners, whom he treats as his family members. Milan Hans says with immense pride, “Day and night, they are busy developing the services of Class ON.” In his gratitude, Milan Hans especially mentions co-founder Mr Kanwalpreet Singh for looking after the technical, research and developmental activities; technical head Mr Jashan Hans; Finance Head Gurwinder Singh; and Marketing Head Mr Harmanjot Sidhu. With their immense support and hard work, Class ON is receiving new heights every day. Milan Hans furthers, “All the schools who have joined us, also play an important role in pointing out their difficulties and guiding us with their desires about new updates on which our team performs extensive research and do the needful!”

Transforming the Way School ERP Works

Milan Hans also believes that there are multiple USPs that make Class On stand out as a leading School ERP solutions provider, Top 10 reasons why you must choose ClassOn :

  • First to give a guaranteed new model every month unlike all others!
    • Class On app available in TOP 10 INDIAN LANGUAGES.
    • Get FULL REFUND if your issue remains unfixed for more than 24 hours!
    • Get Guaranteed 24/7 best support system
    • Save your time, money and energy with us.
    • Get detailed video tutorials and a chatbot to assist you
    • ISO, SSL, Google certified and Award Winning company at your service.
    • Aim for “Go Digital Go Smart” pan India.
    • Specially personalised for INDIAN SCHOOLS solving their daily problems.
    • Get Highly advanced and Most unique Modules and Structures

Exemplifying Efficient Smartness

“Also, there are many immersive, innovative, and interactive benefits of Class On ERP solutions that we provide to the Schools,” mentions Milan Hans. Class On provides 70+ features to manage the school properly. More can be done in a few clicks, from managing data to handling all the activities related to them, like generating various reports, admission forms, publishing results, and issuing certificates.

Class On Teacher App is a boon for teachers as they can do all their activities very easily and smartly through it. Their cell phones are not burdened with WhatsApp groups and all the related data. Super Advanced Homework system helps them share multimedia files in homework, making learning interesting for students.

The benefits of the Class On Parents App are tremendous. Parents get complete details regarding their wards, like all the circulars, attendance records, notes, and date-wise datasheets; everything is available on the app.

Schools using Class On ERP can save their funds, time and energy while managing their school efficiently and smartly,” assures Milan Hans.

Opportuning Obstacles

Sharing their initial challenges, Milan Hans recollects that Class On is the result of countless struggles and efforts. Initially, they were an IT-based company with no prior knowledge of the education sector. After struggling for six months, they decided to stop working on this ERP. “It could have been our worst decision ever,” accepts Milan Hans.

With their research, they came to know about the struggles schools were facing in their work, and they felt the need for strong ERP that should be designed according to the requirements of the Schools. “Then we made the best decision to continue working on this ERP,” relives Milan Hans. Initially, they developed only a school app, and schools complained about the parents being not tech savvy, so they focused on developing a completely user-friendly and easy-to-use app. After four months of marketing, they collaborated with their first school. Slowly more schools started joining them. They kept improving their system according to school requirements and made desired modifications. “Our team worked day and night to cater to the needs of schools,” remembers Milan Hans.

The biggest challenge was faced at the time when COVID hit the country. Schools were shut down, and the entire system was shifted to online mode. But with their timely planning and efforts, they converted this challenge into an opportunity. “We reduced our prices to the minimum so schools can cope with the losses they were suffering and simultaneously improved our app to conduct Online Classes and Online Tests,” says Milan Hans.

Up-to-date Tech Upgrade

Sharing his opinion on technological impact on the education sector, Milan Hans says that technology is changing daily. Virtual learning and AI have made education very advanced and interesting at the same time. To cope up with all these changes, Class On keep researching the field of innovation to provide cutting-edge solutions to schools. The team conducts pilot studies to know the effect of a new feature introduced and make changes based on their feedback.

Class On has come a long way in terms of updates. “Our work does not end at introducing new features; we conduct proper training sessions to train the staff members so that they can easily cope up with all the changes made,” cites Milan Hans. Not only this, but the Class On team also keeps thinking about innovative ways to help the school work efficiently. “You can also find a video on How to Boost School Admissions created based on my 17 years of experience, which helped schools improve their working,” informs Milan Hans.

A Studious Advice

His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs wishing to enter the School ERP niche is to study properly at first about the software already available as pre-research helps in creating a solid base. Research the requirements and areas of problem for schools so that you can provide the desired results. You will definitely learn a lot from your experiences, but proper study and planning will save you from many unwanted experiences and eventually reduce your struggles. “As we all know, we should learn from other’s mistakes,” he says. The aim should be to contribute to and improve the education field. You can’t survive merely with the profit motive in this field, and if you focus on adding something extra, it will ultimately be fruitful for you as well.

Expanding the Learning Cause

Recently, Milan Hans has taken upon himself the noble initiative of visiting different schools to better understand the administrative issues faced by the school management. In the course, he interacted with numerous school officials and did an extensive analysis of the ongoing difficulties faced by them. With his extensive experience of 20 years in the field of Social Media Digital Marketing and E-Commerce Marketing, he created a video regarding the top ten techniques for Increasing Admissions in Schools. Even though this wasn’t a part of Class ON, Milan Hans insisted on taking the initiative to help budding schools.

He even conducted many Webinars during the pandemic free of cost. Thousands of schools participated in it and were guided by him about ways to promote their schools free of cost! Apart from this, he shared his knowledge in the webinar about the desired infrastructure, admission policies, management of social media profiles and convincing interaction with parents.

After this, Milan Hans created a one and half hour video and posted it on YouTube. With the help of this video, thousands of schools are getting benefitted. With each passing day, the video’s viewership is rising exponentially.

Milan Hans informs, “In the future, we are going to launch a 30 days series in which there will be detailed lectures.” The topics to be nurtured include tips to scale schools, desired study systems, modern technologies, modern laboratories, desired qualities of teachers and principals, ways to deal with parents and many more! “In this upcoming series, we are aiming to provide a complete package of learnings about the A to Z of School Administration and ways to recover school administration,” mentions Milan Hans, adding that no one else has done anything like this ever before. This is an exclusive feature of Class ON to provide a proper tutorial and even offer guidance to those who join in the cause.

Mission: Constant Innovation

Regarding scaling Class On in the future, Milan Hans reveals that they are continuously involved in the process of innovation. They keep updating new features in Class On ERP and Apps.

He adds, “Our vision is to develop Class On according to International standards and make it accessible for every Indian School. Our only motive is to keep working on the areas of improvement and provide the best solution for schools, whether ICSE, CBSE or any State Board. Every member of my team is dedicated towards this motive.” Whenever they know about any issue schools face, they conduct proper analysis and research to provide the best possible solutions for the schools.

We have also made this ERP completely flexible so that desired changes can be made according to the school’s requirements,” says Milan Hans, concluding that with all these efforts, Class On keeps moving towards attaining its Mission and Vision.

*A testament to their efforts getting global recognition, on 30th Oct 2022, team Class On won FAP National Award 2022, which they received in a glorious ceremony at Chandigarh University in the presence of distinguished guests and industry stalwarts.