Satish and Rupali Naik: The Masters of Property Transformation, Inside Out

Satish and Rupali Naik | Partners
Satish and Rupali Naik | Partners

“Architecture is basically the design of interiors, the art of organizing interior space.”-Philip Johnson

Energies are a part of distinct spaces. Energies are always there; however, the energies are best felt when a fine balance exists in the property. This is the balance of design —Interior design, to be precise. Does this really happen?

We all have felt the charm or the emotional calmness in some homes. So why do the specific properties only glow with profound energy while others seem opaque and unwelcoming? This is the magic of interior designing solutions that breathe soulful energy into the properties by developing the right balance of design, aesthetics, ergonomics, space management, and sufficient open breathable spaces.

Some expert interior designers have mastered the art of striking the right balance of design solutions that finely integrate client expectations with the right scientific interior requirements. The A Design Studio based in Mumbai, steered by interior specialists Satish Naik, Architect and Partner, coupled with Partner and Architect Rupali Naik, has transformed hundreds of residential and commercial spaces into active and lively living spaces.

Beginning with Self-reliance and Creative Solutions

The entrepreneurial journey commenced in the year 2008, and that is when they both established the A Design Studio business. Beginning a partnership business with each other seemed like a perfect transition to the world of business where they could both showcase their personal strengths and create solutions that were nearly perfect in all senses.

After having worked for other businesses, it was time they felt the need to start their own venture so that they could serve the clients with exclusive solutions that were from their very own think tank. In the beginning, it was a struggle to find the footing they were looking for, but eventually, they could get their ship sailing using their collective strengths.

Value-driven Inspirations

The diverse range of challenges and the fact that they could sign their names on the designs that they created was the key factor that motivated them to plan the inception of A Design Studio. They wanted the clients to see them as an entity, not a part of another business.

The value addition that they could provide to their clients under their own banner was a significant reason that inspired them to start their business. A Design Studio is equipped with a team of the best people, including contractors and workers, which become an essential pillar in the foundation of the reputed interior designing organization.

Budding From Embracing Challenges

Elaborating on the challenges, Satish mentions, “One of the most important challenges was getting more people to trust their work. Considering the amount of competition prevalent in architecture and design, it takes a solid portfolio to earn new clients. However, a couple of small yet substantial projects in the arena of commercial and residential design helped in jump-starting their venture. From then on, there was no looking back, and the challenges seemed much smaller than the achievements they were making as a team.”

Customer Satisfaction, the key to Success

The most important business ethic that they follow is to deliver to the client’s satisfaction as much as possible, no matter how much effort or innovation it takes. The clients that they earn place their trust in them and expect them to provide not just design solutions but solutions to a way of life. In A Design Studio, the team understands how much the clients trust it, which is why they never let them down and are highly transparent in their work; this is another quality that has earned them the clients’ loyalty.

Innovation, the Promising Differentiator

While sharing some facts about the company’s uniqueness, Rupali shares, “A highly unique feature of the brand is that we do not repeat designs and styles. We don’t indulge in the implementation of old ideas on new projects. Each project is handled uniquely, so all sorts of planning, design, and execution are done in a bespoke manner.”

This exhibits that they treat each project as an exclusive assignment and develop brand new ideas for the spaces. This helps them to stay apart from the rest of the companies in the business; each project is different from the previous one.

Feeling the Success Vibrations

Sharing a piece of advice for the budding entrepreneurs of the interior industry, Satish mentions that taking the plunge is the only scary part, all of it works out once they are in the thick of things. He recommends doing their own business because that is where they can truly showcase their talents to the fullest. “If you are the kind that is innovative and creative, you need to get into the arena of business. An owned business is where you can spread your wings without inhibitions,” he adds.

He also states the fact that young businessmen need to understand that taking success with a pinch of salt is as important as not letting failure bog them down. There will be times when they will think that things are not working out like they imagined them, but it is important to stand strong in bleak times so they can enjoy their success to the fullest.

Progressing Through Technological Enrichment

Speaking on the aspect of the role of technology in taking the business further, Rupali mentions, “The design and technology go a long way from the design showcase perspective.”

The use of technology enables to show their clients a nearly real personification of what they are envisaging for their space. As far as the use of technology in the design itself is concerned, it is indeed exciting to create technologically rich designs because of how beautifully aesthetics and modern technological tools for interior design amalgamate.

They personally are of the opinion that the use of technology in the course of interior design is something that more professionals should be open to because it seems like the only way forward in modern times.