Speqto Technologies: Fostering Excellence Laced Innovation with Spiralling Advanced Tech 

Speqto Technologies
Speqto Technologies

Every successful business enterprise is more than a dynamic company. It is the very extension of the enterprising entrepreneur’s spirited personality striving to achieve constant innovation through excellence. Therefore, while branding–physical and digital–one must focus on the people for whom they are creating the brand.

A digital brand personified–after thorough consideration of the business entrepreneur’s ultimate intent and the solutions they as a company are offering to their clients–remains popular, engageable, interactive, and highly profitable in the long run.

Just like Speqto technology, a booming reputable Software Development Company owing expertise in developing and offering customized IT solutions suitable to your business requirements.

Transforming Your Vision into Reality

According to Shobi Khan, the Founder, MD, and CTOsuperlative quality in service is their USP in each domain they serve. Their specialist team conducts thorough research to understand your enterprise requirements and offers you the most suitable and feasible solution decisively fitting your budget. He informs, “Our special services include- Mobile and website App development, Blockchain technology, UX/UI design, AI, IoT, AR /VR, and many more.”

Apart from this, Speqto’s developers are fully certified and experienced with expertise in the latest technology, frameworks, and tools. With a proven track record of successful project history, they are proud to have a strong international client base from many countries worldwide.

Shobi adds, “We firmly believe in serving innovation with spiralling advanced technologies. Hence, we ensure our team is fully trained and certified with the latest advancements. Our core principles are high reliability, scalability, upgradation, innovation, and transforming our client’s vision into reality. We believe in mutual synergies for success and growth.”

The Gloriously Technovative Leadership 

In the constantly evolving realm of technology, Shobi’s journey began rather modestly. In 2010, he transitioned to Avaya India Private Ltd as an Application Engineer. This role offered him a broader perspective on software applications beyond just development. It was about understanding the end-to-end lifecycle client requirements and ensuring optimal application performance. This phase reinforced the importance of creating and providing the seamless functioning of software solutions.

In the subsequent years, Shobi marked significant milestones in his career. 2014, he joined WIPRO Private Limited as a Senior Software Engineer. The health tech industry was burgeoning, and being at the confluence of healthcare and technology was a revelation. It emphasized the transformative power of technology, especially in critical sectors like healthcare.

By 2015, Shobi was entrusted with greater responsibilities as a Lead Technical Specialist, and in 2016, he took on the role of Senior Technical Project Manager at HPE Pvt Ltd. These roles involved technical expertise, leadership, strategic thinking, and effective project management. Managing teams, liaising with stakeholders, and ensuring project delivery within tight deadlines were part and parcel of his journey.

It was in 2017 that Shobi took the significant leap to co-found Speqto Technologies and took on the dual roles of CTO and MD. The decision to step into the AI solutions industry was not a sudden one.

The Enchanting Magic of Generative AI

Shobi says, “Having observed the transformative potential of AI during my previous stints, I was convinced of its revolutionary impact. What motivated me was the infinite possibilities AI promised – from healthcare to finance to entertainment.” The ability to tackle vast amounts of data, derive meaningful insights, and provide previously deemed impossible solutions was nothing short of magic.

However, beyond the technical allure, Shobi’s motivation was rooted in a more profound desire to create value. With its boundless potential, the dynamic field of AI offers solutions to real-world problems. “Whether it’s diagnosing diseases with higher accuracy, predicting financial market movements, enhancing customer experiences, or even something as simple as making our daily lives more convenient – AI can redefine our future. I wanted to be at the forefront of this revolution, leading and guiding my Team to create solutions that matter,” he says.

Shobi’s journey into the AI solution industry has culminated in academic pursuits, professional experiences, and an innate desire to leverage technology for the greater good. “It’s been a challenging yet rewarding journey, and as I look ahead, I am excited for the endless possibilities the future holds. With AI, we’re not just building software; we’re shaping the future, and I am proud to be a part of this trailblazing journey,” he states.

Where Present Meets Future

Sharing their guiding philosophy, Shobi says that with a team of excellent certified professionals, Speqto Technologies serves a diverse range of digital solutions in multiple service domains, including- blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things, mobile application development, IT consulting, web application development, UI/UX Design, chatbot development, and digital marketing solutions, based on core principles and philosophies including

  • Embracing Innovation:Where Ideas Meet Impact.
  • Staying Updated and Aware of Regulations:Setting the Standard for Ethical AI.
  • Valuing Collaborative Growth:Together, We Build the Future.”
  • Committed to Excellence:Where Quality Meets Dedication.
  • Nurturing Team Participation:Where Potential Meets Opportunity.
  • Focus on Client-Centric Approach:Tailored Solutions, Personalized Experiences.
  • Sustainability and Scalability:Develop Robust solutions with promising future.
  • Embracing Diversity:Where Every Voice Matters.’
  • Continuous Learning:Fuelling Growth Through Lifelong Learning.

Shobi adds, “We are among the most trusted service providers in the Artificial Intelligence domain overseas and globally with a wide range of custom AI solutions like- Advanced data analytics, Business Automation, Data Processing (cleansing, annotation, transformation), Data protection and cyber security, Data Visualisation, Software integrations, and API creation. Our commitment to staying ahead of the latest industry trends is rooted in three core principles.”

  • Focusing on continuous learning via practical exposure to live
  • Embracing collaborative innovation with open suggestions in the team.
  • Serving international client base with diverse IT requirements.

Our Teamwork Ensures the Dream Works

Shobi further says that at the core of his leadership approach is a deep-seated belief in the potential of every individual on his Team.

At Speqto Technologies, empowered individuals are at the heart of every successful project. Shobi says, “That’s why I make it a point to foster an environment where people feel free to voice their ideas and take initiative on projects they are passionate about. By entrusting them with responsibilities and allowing them the space to grow, we’ve cultivated a skilled and deeply invested team in our mission.”

Besides that, being adaptive is non-negotiable. Shobi always strives to be a leader who can quickly turn and adjust strategies based on the ever-changing market dynamics. It’s not about sticking to a rigid plan but being open to new possibilities and leading the Team adaptively toward our goals. Some of the key principle Approaches that he follows at Speqto Technologies are

  • Encouraging Open Communication.
  • Leading by Example.
  • Embracing Overall Value Addition.

Shobi adds that at the heart of their approach to AI lies a deep appreciation for the synergy between operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. They’ve always believed that one doesn’t have to come at the expense of the other, and here’s how they ensure a harmonious balance.

*Data-Driven Decisions: “We use AI-driven analytics to constantly monitor and evaluate our internal processes and customer touchpoints.”

*Human-Centric Design: “While AI forms the backbone of many of our solutions, we always start with the human experience in mind.”

*Iterative Feedback Loops: “We have established feedback mechanisms involving our operational teams and end-users.”

*Prioritizing Customer Support: “We understand that even the most advanced AI solution can sometimes be overwhelming for end-users. This is why we’ve trained and assigned our support teams to be available 24/7 post-completion of the Project.”

An Example Reflecting Speqto’s Ethos

When asked to give an example, Shobi says their journey thus far has been marked by numerous milestones. However, if he has to spotlight a project that distinctly mirrors their dedication to innovation and excellence, it would be ‘Pirates X.’ This Project serves as a hallmark of their commitment to leveraging the most advanced AI and machine learning capabilities to deliver solutions that are not only innovative but also deeply impactful.

*At the beginning, Shobi and team Speqto initiated the Data Retrieval from the Third-Party API phase – a large amount of data from the past ten years, ensuring a rich foundation to build upon.

*Next, they moved to the Data Exploration phase, where they carefully examined the data they collected.

This was followed by the Data Cleaning step, where they worked to refine the data further. They removed any repeated information and deleted any parts that didn’t contain any data.

Then came the Data-Splitting stage. Here, they divided the cleaned data into three separate parts for training, validation, and testing.

Finally, they reached the Model Training step. In this phase, they trained their chosen machine learning model with the cleaned data. This process helped the model learn and adapt to recognize patterns and insights from the data accurately.

As you can see, the ‘Pirates X’ initiative was not just a project but a journey where technology met tenacity, innovation met excellence, and challenges met solutions. Through each phase, team Speqto demonstrated remarkable skill and resilience, ultimately crafting a solution that proves their unwavering commitment to pioneering in the AI sector.

Finally, Shobi says that looking ahead, their vision is to be at the forefront of AI advancements in India, driving change and innovation that is both meaningful and lasting. “We are steadfast in our mission to significantly contribute to India’s AI narrative, steering it towards a future characterized by excellence, inclusivity, and impact,” he concludes.

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