The Expert: An Innovative Digital Marketplace for Interior Designers.


The Expert is an innovative company that connects anyone with top tier designers from all over the world. Designers are connected with potential clients through video consultations via Zoom. The platform eliminates barriers to interior design, such as the need of a high-end budget, a need for a full-service requirement to gain access to personalized advice, as well as support and guidance from an expert designer.

The Expert website states: ‘Whether you’re looking for an expert’s eye to help you conceptualize your space from scratch or seeking a second opinion to help guide your own efforts, our Experts are here to support you.’

While using this service, the video consultations connect clients to interior designers who offer them guidance, support, and advice. The consultations are designed to help those seeking advice, and want to put the space together. Additionally, clients select a designer for a full-service project.

‘We derive more value from getting the hard questions answered by a top Expert and then proceeding to execute that knowledge to achieve their design objectives,’ also stated The Expert website.

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