Weather Fighter Pvt Ltd.: A Protective Coating Specialist Offering Techno-Commercial Benefits

weather fighter
Weather Fighter Pvt. Ltd.

The main factors that depreciate the health and value of properties, buildings, and constructions are continuous wear and tear due to constant usage, metallic corrosion, and quickly changing weather ––instant temperature fluctuations from hot to cold and cold to hot. Furthermore, seasonal shifts in the environment including the rainy season, rainstorms, chilly winds in winter, and heat waves in summer add to the natural process of corrosion increasing the infrastructural foundations’ vulnerability to disparage and denigration.

The best way to safeguard against these unforeseen incidents is to partner with Weather Fighter––a protective coating specialist company based in Pune.

Under the adept leadership of Mr Sharad Kathole, the Founder, and Director, Weather Fighter is today a trusted name in the industry.

Sharad spoke in an intriguing interview with the CIOLOOK INDIA team, the high points of which are given herein.

Please brief our audience about Weather Fighter, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the best product/service/solution providers.

We have been providing quality protective coating services over the years. We are specialized in heat-reducing coatings, Industrial Waterproofing, Epoxy Flooring, PU Flooring, Electrical Insulation Fire Retardant Coatings & Customized Coatings. Weather Fighter has a solution for any kind of surface protection; for both maintenance and construction projects. We offer a total service based on modern standards and technology with a team of certified experts at our company. Our wide range of services provides technologically advanced, environmentally friendly, energy-efficient coatings for industrial, commercial and residential applications. These are Specialized Coatings designed to protect surfaces from harsh weathering conditions, UV Rays, High Temperature, Corrosion and Oxidation. These Coatings increases a Structure’s longevity, resistance to damage and adding aesthetic looks to it.

It is crucial that these coatings are handled with care during installation. This is why our expert team take the utmost care during the time of installation and ensure they are durable.

Protective Coatings are highly essential these days to safeguard surfaces from a range of damaging elements. Our team of experts, monitor all the aspects of coating, starting from the integrity of the coating, the selection, and application to handling the coating materials so that our customers get the highest satisfaction out of our service.

Weather Fighter maintains the highest environmental standards and consistently uses coatings that are both energy-efficient and technologically sound. Our wide range of protective coating services caters to fulfilling the need of industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

Sir, please brief us about your journey in the industry and how you made Weather Fighter excel in its niche.

Initially, I worked as a Pizza Delivery Boy when I was in 12th. I had always been relentlessly driven by my passion for fitness. Following that passion, I did jobs in the field of Fitness and Financial Institutes. Later on, while appearing for MBA in HR and Marketing, I tried multiple fields like Event Management, Real Estate Consultant, Textile, Electronics and telecommunication, and FMCG. While exploring all these fields, I gained knowledge of Industrial Protective Coatings.

I considered doing practical work and took experience in the Protective Coating Industry during this time. In 2009, I founded Weather Fighter with a small team, initially taking small steps with small-sized projects and now we handle big projects.

I believe that everything happens when people are at the centre of time. While exploring various careers and occupations, I studied industrial protective coatings and discovered that I was developing an interest in industrial protective coatings. So I worked hard from the start to figure out all the techniques, methodologies and today the fruit of all that is ‘Weather Fighter.’

We are experts in Industrial Protective Coating Solutions, driven by a team of creative professionals; we are a fast-growing company with long-term strategies. We have successfully provided our services to the food, chemical, packaging, textile, and many other industries in India for the past decade.

What are your goal, vision, product, services, and strategies when it comes to industrial coating?

Our goal is to serve all industries with innovative, high-performance protective coatings. We want to support industries by providing: Longevity and Quality to their entire facility with exclusive Protective Coatings Solutions. We are aiming to offer the most practical solutions for the protection of any structure or surface, ensuring the long-term protection and avoiding costly repairs or replacements. Weather Fighter is growing ethically in the field of protective coatings and for them, the quality offered to the clients is the number one priority. We have the vision to achieve a turnover of 200Cr in the next decade.

Weather Fighter has been in this industry for 12 years and has seen regular changes over time. Today, considering various safety factors such as heavy rains, high ultraviolet, and hot temperatures, and other environmental disasters, there is a great demand for industrial Protective Coatings with good workmanship. Change is always trending and Weather Fighter is always ready to evolve their business to the current model.

We have expertise in heat insulation treatment, waterproofing, epoxy coatings and all industrial protective coatings. We offer high performance wide range of applications to metal/concrete roofs, floors as well exterior walls of the buildings. All our products are unique and offer great ‘techno –Commercial’ benefits.

We are particularly concerned about the progress made in industrial research. Depending on your needs, we can offer you new and unique Protective Coatings. We understand the pinch point of the market. We study the needs of our customers to provide value-added solutions using value-oriented products.

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into your space?

I believe and recommend a fun-filled approach towards the work/business. Do what you love and have an excellent time doing it. Give your best to your business and success will come. There will be times when you come across challenges; perceive those challenges as an opportunity. With your strength, skills, ability and experience you can beat those challenges and reach success.

How do you envision scaling Weather Fighter’s operations and offerings in 2023 and beyond?

Our expansion plans include,

  • Double the Revenue Growth year over year.
  • Creating valuable relationships for businesses and people by providing efficient Protective Coating solutions.
  • Expanding our work areas in South and North India.
  • Rapidly increasing our clients across varied Industries; beyond our existing clients.
  • Expanding our Team.