Abhishek Bhandari: Crypque Wealth Distributor and People Empowerer

abhishek bhandari
Abhishek Bhandari | Chief Marketing Officer

Decentralization will be the next wave of globalization, modernization, and digitalization. In fact, many experts like Abhishek Bhandari, ‘Thebitcopreneur’ and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Crypque believe that Decentralized Finance or DeFi is the future of the global industry, corporates, trade, and finance.

He puts it like this: What is Bitcoin? A mathematically scarce digital currency is produced with pure energy that’s teleported instantaneously anywhere in the world. Now compare it to the world’s current powerful US Dollar, a currency printed by political cartels in power, restricted by borders, and drawn from war.

Which is best? “I know your answer. More than a currency, Bitcoin is a decentralized internet system empowering everyone with an understanding of and access to it. That is why I say it is the future currency of globally shifting power dynamics.” Abhishek also believes that bitcoin can significantly impact people’s lives.

Partnering with Trending Innovations
He was always eager to be a part of innovations and trends. In 2014, while pursuing his post-graduate studies, he came across bitcoin and cryptocurrency. “I learned about this novel form of digital money when my friends revealed the recent changes in digital currency,” he says, adding, “This piqued my interest, and I’ve been learning more about Bitcoin ever since.”

As a result, it became his passion to learn more about it and assisting others in capitalizing on the industry. “I also noticed how countries like the United States, Canada, Europe, and developed Asian countries like Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan were moving so quickly, riding on the wave of these emerging changes in a decentralized cryptocurrency,” he adds.

According to him, Bitcoin is relatively new to the Indian market and the general public in India. People need help adapting to the recent digital changes in the banking system. The only way to increase bitcoin adoption in India is to raise awareness and bring more platforms that use bitcoins. That is why he founded his own bitcoin mining farm in India–one of the largest at the time–before moving into consulting and developing numerous projects in India and abroad.

Crypto to Masses
According to Abhishek, Crypque is a blockchain, Web 3.0, and crypto-based technology company building products to change millions of life on Earth. He says, “We at Crypque are working imaginatively and enthusiastically to create technology and business model related to Crypto, Blockchain, and Web 3.0.” He believes that crypto has tremendous potential and that its significance will grow in the coming years.

He adds, “I want people to learn more about this technology and become involved with it. If this technology is used properly, it can help to improve the country’s economic conditions.” It will also aid in the reduction of poverty, inequality, unemployment, and war. “These are the evils that prevent an economy from growing, and dealing with them would be one of the most significant achievements of all time,” cites Abhishek, adding, “That is why, in Crypque, we believe that cryptocurrency should be within reach of every individual so that they use the power of crypto and its related technologies.”

Rebuilding the Nation
And that is how with a vision of helping millions of people achieve financial freedom and be enabled with the latest crypto technology, Abhishek, along with his compatriots, built Crypque. He says that the idea and fundamentals of the technology behind cryptocurrency and blockchain-inspired him to follow this industry. “This industry will bring more transparency and trust globally.”

Also stating challenges he had to surmount to ensure his business’s success rate reached greater heights, Abhishek says, “Hard work with clear intent and thought to give back to the society is my prime goal. I want to add value to the industry giving a fair chance to people who want to grow big.”

A United Vision of Success
There are many leadership skills, values, and qualities Abhishek thinks their clients admire most in him and Crypque. He expresses, “Our vision to grow together, transparency, dedication to achieving the goals and never giving up attitude is our strength which is admired by all.”

Further sharing USPs highlighting brand Crypque’s uniqueness in the industry, he says they build unique products in Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto space. “A simple one-stop solution for crypto users which will act like a ‘Crypto Paytm.”

A Financially Firm Future
As an experienced professional, in his advice to the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world, Abhishek says, “Learn and be ready for challenges, never give up and keep fighting for your long-term vision.”

On envisioning Crypque’s operations with emerging technologies and automated tools revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations, he concludes, “Well, automation is part of many operations already, and it’s going to grow big in coming times. We must be ready to learn and adopt this change and improvise.”