Akshay Srivastava: The Invincible Serendipity of Creating NovoStack Miracles

Akshay Srivastava
Akshay Srivastava | Founder | CEO

Have you ever wondered, ‘How and why the world, the universe, and everything in it, including us, are the way they and we are?’ I made it a point to make that last question complex because that is how our modern, digitalized, and increasingly virtual life is–utterly complex.

And when you transcend from your personal space to your professional one, How, Why, and What to do about your business or enterprise’s digital brand building and management gets utmost bamboozling.

If you are reading this, then you are extremely fortunate. Because you are now acquainted with Akshay Srivastava, the Founder and CEO of NovoStack. The man who most fortunately and abundantly possesses the knack and wherewithal of the invincible serendipity of creating miracles for all your digital needs ever. 

And when Akshay assures you, “We create miracles,” you must trust him because he shares a secret, “At NovoStack, from a single contact form to multi-lingual, multi-currency and far stretched ecommerce solutions to a network of globally positioned CDN’s, we have done it all. We are simply the best for your quandaries. Period.”  

He furthers, “Helping clients shape their digital presence with innovative ideas, detailed attention, and a hint of elegance. 

We’re NovoStack”

—an ultimate partner that your business so truly deserves. Akshay explains, “We bring a big umbrella of digital services to have you covered from every angle. Packing a large team of professionals and specialized experts, we are completely client-driven, devoted to delivering you with nothing but the best.” 

NovoStack came into existence to clutter down the complexities in the digital space and bring bright results for brands and businesses. He elaborates, “And, over the years, having written countless success stories for the clients, we’re still committed to our core principle of

  • Inclusion– With rich modal and notification functionality and a robust suite of options, NovoStack makes building feature-heavy pages simple and enjoyable.
  • Ingenuity– Drastically reduce the time it takes to move from initial concept to production-ready with NovoStack and Variant Page Builder. Your clients will love you for it! And
  • Innovation– Our customers love the comfort of six months of free support. Our dedicated support forum makes interacting with us hassle-free and efficient.”

Now, how does Akshay makes NovoStack work?

Theirs is an approach that is slightly different from the rest. Instead of adjusting your requirements with generic, template-like strategies, Akshay’s team NovoStack believes in 

Offering A Personalized Experience

“We plan and concept strategies that axis your individual needs, budget, and goals. Always in sync with the latest trends, we use best tools and practices that brew well with our hard work, creativity, and consistency to deliver a high-flying outcome,” says Akshay. 

Why NovoStack?

Akshay answers that they are an enthused bunch, never satisfied, always striving to be the best—nothing less. Akshay claims, “This in itself is our biggest USP that makes us a go-to digital solution provider for businesses.” 

Plus, he has a team that’s highly qualified and experienced. “We listen to you!” he says. 

Their services are crafted with a personal touch to meet your individual goals adequately.

We believe in building a lasting relationship with clients,” he adds. 

Akshay and his expert team are always on the edge of trends with the best practices— “And we promise to keep you right here with us,” he states. 

Entrepreneurship from School

If you still need convincing, let Akshay tell the saga of his entrepreneurship from the beginning. He started his entrepreneurship journey in 2008, when he was in school, Standard Eight (that’s right). “I freelanced through multiple platforms (Upwork, formerly known as ODesk and Freelancer.com).” 

In standard 10th (2010), Akshay started his first company that dealt with cloud hosting. “I used to buy dedicated servers from different offshore countries and sold virtual private servers to clients globally.” It was a single-person company managing nearly 250 customers globally, generating a revenue of $120k annually. He eventually sold that company to Bombay based entity in 2012 end, owing to his board exams in 2013.

Post that, Akshay started pursuing his Bachelor’s in Technology, and while pursuing it, he started NovoStack (back in 2017). “We started with five people, and now we are close to 70 people actively building products and providing services primarily for the BFSI Industry.”

When asked about his inspiration, Akshay quips, “No inspiration per se. I started freelancing for the quick buck and pocket money but building cool stuff and talking to people globally became my passion eventually.” 

Also, he found it hard to play by the trends; rather, he was more curious about exploring his own ways of doing business in the contemporary environment. “I have been eager to learn and apply different experiences, failures, successes, and whatever I could get inspiration from my spatial environment starting from ‘How’ and ‘Why’ behind everything.” 

That’s how Akshay entered into the business of making solutions for different problems, starting, 

The Digital Transformation Company, NovoStack

Though, the ride wasn’t smooth. “The initial challenge in running any business is finding the right team and right clients. Even post that, it’s a chicken and egg game; sometimes you’d have enough clients but not enough people, and sometimes the opposite.” 

To solve this, both capacity planning and financial planning are key factors

Also, getting all the processes streamlined is a process that evolves with time. “In business processes, we always strive hard to make the process streamlined and self-fuelling. This is a challenge when you are a small numbered company in terms of workforce,” reflects Akshay. 

And as the story goes, Akshay defeated all odds with his leadership skills, values and qualities admired greatly by his clients in him and NovoStack– “Transparency, Honestly, Taking Ownership, Knowledge/Practical Experience in the relevant industry/field, Communication, Collaborative Approach, and most importantly, knowing what we do,” he states. 

Regarding team NovoStack’s USPs, as stated earlier in response to a question above, what Akshay believes in, is the concept of WHYs and HOWs along with the much-required amendments to be made in any predefined process. 

Life’s Success Mantra

Whenever he and his team get into the process of getting a job done, they provide a customized strategy to get that job done efficiently and successfully instead of a generic process that is followed blindly throughout the business arena. “I believe we can’t provide the much-needed solution until and unless we don’t understand the problem. That is the most important aspect and, eventually, a USP that stands us out in the Digital Transformation industry – Customized and catered solutions with the crucial tech stack needed to fulfill the successful completion of any particular product,” he shares. 

As an experienced professional, his advice to the budding aspirants willing to enter the business world is profound wisdom from experience. “A very basic principle of life applies to all aspects of life, including business- Know what you are doing, and learn as you make mistakes. One can always follow others’ path of success, but to make a difference, you must find a custom path and formula of success per your industry learnings.” 

Secondly, never Quit too early, and never Stay for too long at a place where you should not be. Be progressive and keep track of time and trends – make changes in all the required processes at the right time.

On envisioning brand NovoStack’s operations with the emerging technologies and automated tools that are revolutionizing the business world by enabling innovations, Akshay reveals that the industry his line of services belongs to is directly associated with the usage of all the cutting-edge technologies and automation tools. 

“We transform the existing contemporary businesses into technologically advanced business processes that become more capable, fast, efficient, and ahead of its competitions,” he conveys, concluding, “If we are to provide the much-needed tech and digital transformations to our clients, we first have to be technologically advanced ourselves.”