Dr Karthik Ram: Your Life-Changing Aesthetic Surgeon Beautifying Your Future

Dr Karthik Ram
Karthik ram

Looks matter. The adage says, ‘First impression is the last impression.’ To achieve that lasting first impression, you must be confident in your body, your skin, and your looks. It is your personality, and the way it gets projected to the beholder matters the most.

Gone are the days when you thought you could not do anything about how you wanted to be looked upon by everyone. You do not have to worry, only if you consult the best of the bests – Dr Karthik Ram, the Chief Cosmetic Surgeon of Chennai Plastic Surgery (CPS). If you are not from Chennai, you might have second thoughts. Please don’t. If you dreamed of looking the way you wish forever, you know better than compromise for anything lesser.

Your Life

In this regard, an immensely satisfied patient, Nazeera, says, “I underwent a revision Rhinoplasty under the supervision of Dr Karthik Ram and the team. I can’t thank Dr Karthik enough for the mental peace he has bestowed upon me for life. To all the review readers, I want you to know only one thing. If you plan to do any Cosmetic Surgery in Chennai, this is the one-stop. Your search should end here. I’ve made the mistake of coming here, getting a consultation and going to some other famous affordable Doctor and ended up with unsatisfactory results twice.

I wish I could go back and reverse that decision. But I returned, and Dr Karthik didn’t disappoint me. Also, if you plan to do surgery, never think from the price point of view when it comes to altering any body part of yours. It stays like that forever, and revisions are not always easy. You might want to spend triple the money later, but what is ruined can’t be fixed. I learned that the hard way. Dr Karthik, if you’re reading this review, please know I’m grateful to you for life.

Dr Karthik Ram says that a good Cosmetic Surgeon should be able to listen carefully to their patient’s concerns and expectations and provide them with honest feedback about the feasibility of achieving their desired results. They should also be able to explain complex medical procedures in simple terms that patients can understand. “By treating them as we would treat our siblings, one can build trust, provide personalized care, and ensure successful outcomes,” he insists.

Patients who feel heard are more likely to trust their surgeon and be satisfied with the results of their procedure. “Additionally, putting ourselves in our patient’s shoes helps us empathize with them. We can better understand the emotional impact of their decision to undergo Cosmetic Surgery and provide support throughout the process.”

Your Choice

Another satisfied patient, Sheela, says, “The best Doctor and team ever. Just visit them, and all your doubts and every negative thing will vanish. Dr Karthik Ram – simply put, he is a God’s gift for people like me. I haven’t seen any Doctor or the team to be so down to earth. Be it the consultation, procedure, outcome, or follow-ups, the best place one can visit and should visit is Chennai Plastic Surgery. Before and during the procedure and the follow-ups, they made me feel like I was hanging out with the best of my best friends. The most important thing about Dr Karthik is, “Not all promises are fake.” He will give you the result you dream of. Trust them, and you won’t regret it. Your life will change for good.”

Dr Karthik Ram continues that a Cosmetic Surgeon must have exceptional technical skills. They should be well-versed in the latest surgical techniques and technologies and have extensive experience performing various aesthetic procedures. They should also be able to adapt quickly to new developments in the field.

Also, a Cosmetic Surgeon must have strong ethical values. They should prioritize patient safety above all else and never compromise on quality or safety standards. They should also maintain confidentiality and respect their patients’ privacy.

Lastly, Cosmetic Surgeons must have compassion and empathy towards their patients. Cosmetic Surgery can be an emotionally charged experience for many people, so surgeons need to provide emotional support throughout the process.

By god’s grace, the Chennai Plastic Surgery team is blessed with all of the above and committed to patient safety over and above anything else.

Your Looks

It could be surmised from another happy patient, Akash’s review, who says, “Usually, I don’t write reviews. But this is a life-changing point, and I thank Dr Karthik and his staff. They are the best. They are very professional and friendly. Don’t worry. They are the experts, and you are in safe hands. I came to know about this surgery from my brother. He was decisive in doing this surgery in CPS. So, I was with my brother and saw everything by myself. My brother’s self-confidence improved a lot after this surgery. So, without any hesitation, I went through this surgery, and I am so happy right now.”

Chennai Plastic Surgery is one of India’s leading surgical centres for Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Karthik Ram recalls that it was one of the very few stand-alone centres nationwide to offer Cosmetic Surgery when it set out in 2012. Their success can be attributed to the commitment to providing gratifying results at a reasonable cost. Producing excellent results for their patients is always their primary goal, rather than chasing recognition or monetary gains. Doing so ensures that they deliver optimal results, improve their patients’ lives and positively impact society.

Chennai Plastic Surgery is a high-volume surgical centre offering services such as Gynecomastia Correction (Male Breast Surgery), Liposuction, High-Definition Liposuction, Rhinoplasty (Nose Correction), Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery), Facelift, Breast Reduction and Augmentation, Tummy Tuck and a lot more under the spectrum of Cosmetic Surgery.

Your Aspirations

Dr Karthik Ram furthers that their commitment to customer satisfaction enables them to stand apart. He says, “We believe in building long-term relationships with our patients by providing exceptional service. We go above and beyond to ensure they are happy with their experience with us. We understand the importance of being cared for and feeling comfortable during the process and strive to create a welcoming, family-like environment where they can feel at home. Many of our patients come for surgeries alone and are handled with great care by our post-operative team. Our 1000+ Google reviews with a rating of 4.9 stars speak for themselves.”

Their focus on innovation is another aspect that sets Dr Karthik and the CPS team apart. They constantly strive to improve their offerings by incorporating new technologies and techniques into their Cosmetic practice. It enables them to stay ahead of the curve and provide cutting-edge solutions to their patients. The latest in their collection is a VASER Liposuction device.

Reflecting on his journey, Dr Karthik Ram says that when he began his career in Aesthetic Surgery, he quickly realized that the procedures he performed were not a mere luxury but a necessity for many individuals. His approach was to immerse himself in his patient’s experiences and understand their unique needs to help them achieve their desired results. As his skills grew, Dr Karthik Ram became increasingly proficient in providing highly satisfactory outcomes for his patients.

Despite his success, he quickly learned that being a skilled surgeon was not sufficient to attract patients. With the rise of corporate hospitals and the need to promote his services, Dr Karthik began to share his expertise through various media, offline and online and started consulting in multiple cities throughout India. To further reach out, he explored opportunities outside of his home country and had the chance to visit countries such as Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Muscat, Mauritius and the Maldives.

Your Inspirations

He adds that his inspiration to become a Cosmetic Surgeon stemmed from his deep desire to help people feel confident in their skin. “I believe that everyone deserves to feel beautiful and comfortable in their own body, and Aesthetic Surgery can help achieve that goal,” he shares. The ability to transform someone’s appearance for the better is an incredibly rewarding experience.

A decade ago, many corporate hospitals that introduced Cosmetic Surgery units failed to sustain them and eventually closed them. When Dr Karthik Ram tried to get to the bottom of this, he understood that people who opt for Cosmetic Surgery are usually healthy individuals with no health concerns and therefore look forward to being treated very differently. Cosmetic Surgery is an individual experience that requires a personal touch. These patients prefer privacy and an infection-free environment, which many hospitals failed to provide. There was a high risk of cross-infection and loss of privacy due to high patient flow.

Your Skin

Also, unlike other medical procedures, Cosmetic Surgery is not just about fixing a problem or treating an illness. It is about changing one’s appearance to achieve a desired look or boost self-confidence. It means that patients seek personalized care and attention from their surgeon.

And so, the saga of Chennai Plastic Surgery began with this deep understanding. Today, the saga is forwarded by Dr Karthik Ram’s efforts to integrate cutting-edge tech into CPS’s core functioning without losing its compassionate human touch. Being an experienced leader, Dr Karthik Ram opines that one significant impact of AI & ML technologies is the development of virtual consultations. Patients can now consult with their surgeon remotely, using video conferencing technology, before deciding on a procedure. It has made it easier for patients to access Cosmetic Surgery services, regardless of location.

It is, however, worrisome that these technologies (especially apps) could be used to create unrealistic beauty standards or perpetuate harmful stereotypes about body image. While there are potential risks associated with their use, they offer many benefits that could improve patient outcomes in the long run.

Your Body

Speaking about the challenges, Dr Karthik Ram is of the belief that though many non-medical personnel may perform cosmetic procedures without any significant mishap or error, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons can offer more specialized assistance that such persons cannot.

A board-certified Cosmetic Surgeon has completed extensive education and training beyond medical school, including residency programs and additional specialized training. Board certification is an essential marker of a surgeon’s qualifications, providing patients with peace of mind knowing they are in capable hands.

In addition to board certification, it is important to research a potential surgeon’s experience, reputation, and track record of successful outcomes. Choosing a qualified Cosmetic Surgeon can make all the difference in achieving the desired results while minimizing risks and complications.

Revision surgeries are another important aspect of surgical care. These surgeries are often necessary when initial procedures fail, or complications arise. Surgeons specializing in revision surgeries must have exceptional skills and expertise to correct previous mistakes.

At CPS, Dr Karthik Ram and his team ensure that the patients are educated on every aspect. They also spend ample time with patients, explaining the entire treatment process and addressing any questions or doubts. By doing so, patients feel more comfortable and informed about their decision. They ensure that their patients pay for what it’s worth by providing transparent pricing and detailed billing information. They make sure that they understand the cost of each service they receive and why it is necessary. After all, investing in Cosmetic Surgery can also be seen as an investment in one’s future.

Additionally, when selecting a surgeon, patients must trust their instincts and must chose a surgeon who is trustworthy enough to provide the best possible care. Patients should also feel comfortable communicating openly with their surgeons about their goals and concerns.

Your Mind

In his advice to the budding aspirants, Dr Karthik Ram says it is crucial to understand that Cosmetic Surgeries are not performed to make the surgeon happy but rather the patient. Hence, it is essential to understand their needs and expectations to guarantee a successful aesthetic procedure. “Ultimately, we must remember that our role is not to judge the people we serve.” Every individual has different struggles that they face in life, along with diverse ethics and values.

Chennai Plastic Surgery has gained widespread renown due to its high volume of successful Cosmetic Surgeries and its training of countless young Plastic Surgeons from around the world. “As someone who firmly believes that knowledge is power, I have travelled to various countries to learn and improve my skills. However, I firmly believe that one’s intentions are equally important as their knowledge. If one is motivated solely by the desire to earn money, the results may not meet the expectations,” says Dr Karthik Ram.

Your Future

Divulging his plans, he says that as he began to scale up CPS, he soon realized that many patients expected to see him for their consultations and procedures personally. It created a challenge in delegating responsibilities to other centres or training new surgeons to perform the procedures. This challenge was then amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which ultimately forced them to close their other centres and consolidate practice in their Chetpet location, halting their expansion plans. “I, however, have no regrets. I have been able to focus my energy in a single location ever since, with patients pouring in nonetheless. I deeply aspire to make Chennai Plastic Surgery a centre of excellence for Cosmetic Surgery” he adds, brimming with pride.

Dr Karthik Ram has recently stopped performing nonsurgical procedures and now focuses more on surgical procedures. It has allowed him to specialize further in his field, increasing his surgical volume, and becoming an expert in his chosen surgical area, with his achievements acknowledged in many leading Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery forums and journals.

Dr Karthik Ram’s Hall of Fame

  • Experience of performing over 4500 Gynecomastia Surgeries and devising internationally renowned techniques such as the NAC Lifting Plaster Technique for Grade-3 and Grade-4 Gynecomastia and publishing outcomes in various reputed international journals.
  • Honoured with Excellence Awardat New York by America Tamil Sangam twice for his outstanding contribution to lifestyle changes, creating awareness of Obesity, and offering appropriate treatments.
  • One of the first few Cosmetic Surgeons to introduce an Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS) accredited six months fellowship course in Cosmetic Surgery – Cosmo Skill– for training young Plastic Surgeons worldwide.
  • First Asian Surgeon to coauthor a comprehensive book titled Liposuction – The Big Fat Story.
  • Solely developed a unique technique to remove Multiple Lipomas combining minimal incisions and Liposuction, unlike the traditional gold standard method, thereby giving minimal scars.
  • Chennai Plastic Surgery, his brainchild, constantly ranked among the Top Three Clinics under Cosmetic Surgery / Dermatology / Hair Clinics in South India by Times of India and various daily newspapers.
  • First Cosmetic Surgeon to initiate the concept of bringing in experts from multiple specialities under one roof to exchange information to address cosmetic issues and publish a complete spectrum of such solutions as a magazine – Beauty Because.
  • First Cosmetic Surgeon to initiate an informal monthly forum for Plastic Surgery Post Graduate Students – CPS Inspire – for hands-on training in nonsurgical Cosmetic Procedures and to generate interest in Cosmetic Surgery in young minds.
  • Peer reviewer in various international textbooks and journals.
  • Recipient of Patient Service Awards for several consecutive years from com and honored with the Top Doctor Award from realself.com
  • Identified as one of the Top Three Plastic Surgeonsbythreebestrated.in

In conclusion, while challenges such as competition and global pandemics have risen, my passion for this work has spurred me to find new ways to make a difference and help as many people as possible,” concludes Dr Karthik Ram.

For more information, please visit www.thecosmeticsurgery.org or write to us at info@chennaiplasticsurgery.org or contact us on +91 96000 58899 /+91 89395 02777.