Hitachi Energy India Forecasts Double-Digit Margins in FY25’s Final Quarter


Hitachi Energy India has positioned itself as a key player in India’s energy and infrastructure landscape, driven by its commitment to innovation and adaptability. The company’s achievements and growth prospects underscore its resilience and ability to navigate challenges effectively.

One of Hitachi Energy’s standout successes has been its pioneering work in high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology, contributing significantly to India’s HVDC links. As the nation continues to invest in modernizing its power infrastructure and integrating renewable energy sources, HVDC technology is poised to play a pivotal role, and Hitachi Energy is well-prepared to capitalize on this opportunity.

The company’s forward-looking approach is evident in its readiness to capture a substantial market share in various segments, particularly in rail infrastructure and data centers. With an impressive order backlog, strong revenue visibility, and a growing export business, Hitachi Energy’s financial outlook remains robust.

Despite global challenges such as semiconductor shortages and commodity inflation, Hitachi Energy’s management remains resolute in its commitment to success. Their growth strategy is grounded in the resurgence of private capital expenditure across multiple sectors, aligning with India’s ambitious goals in renewable energy, infrastructure development, and electrification.

As the world moves towards electrification and digitalization, Hitachi Energy is not only a key enabler of these trends but also a trusted partner for clients across industries. The company’s dedication to delivering innovative solutions, coupled with its ability to provide comprehensive grid automation and stability solutions, positions it as a cornerstone of India’s power infrastructure.

In the coming years, Hitachi Energy is poised to play an instrumental role in shaping India’s energy landscape, contributing to its sustainability goals and economic growth. With its strategic foresight, commitment to excellence, and a track record of delivering results, Hitachi Energy India stands as a testament to the enduring partnership between Hitachi and India in building a brighter and more connected future.

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