Noesis Technologies: A Leading IP Core Provider.

George Krikis | CEO | Noesis Technologies

With the advent of new technologies constantly disrupting the business environment, a conduit to leverage its powers and potential is quite important. A service provider that can analyze customer needs and realize what needs to be done to meet the customer expectations is what people are looking for right now. Hence, the demand for excellent technology enablers and service providers have skyrocketed.

Noesis Technologies is a leading IP Core provider excelling in the innovative design of hardware-accelerated, reconfigurable, physical layer (PHY) baseband processors for communication technology. Its IP solutions are key components to the most sophisticated telecom systems and are technology enablers in the development of high-quality end-products in emerging markets of IoT, Smart Home/Grid, Wireless Sensor Networks, Security, Défense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics as well as other application fields. Backed-up by its leading-edge expertise in OFDM transmission, forward error correction, encryption, and networking technologies, Noesis Technologies delivers robust, state-of-the-art, highly efficient solutions that are used to improve data quality, increase bandwidth, or reduce the overall system cost of end application.

“We offer expert ASIC, FPGA, and DSP development resources to get your product in the market in time”

“Our IP cores have been licensed to many customers worldwide ranging from tier-one companies to innovative start-ups and have been integrated into SoC, ASIC, and FPGA designs for various end-products in telecom, defense, industrial, and space sector,” says the team at Noesis.

Headquartered in Patras Science Park – Greece, Noesis Technologies is a privately held, fabless semiconductor company, that specializes in the design, development, and marketing of high quality, cost-effective, advanced communication IP cores, and provides expert ASIC/FPGA design services in the telecom area. “Our mission is to provide a complete portfolio of hardware acceleration telecom IP cores that will enable our customers to meet their design requirements in terms of function and performance, their expectations in terms of quality and service as well as their time to market goals,” says the CEO of the company George Krikis. Noesis Technologies is the technology enabler, providing innovative solutions that transform the world into a better place to live in.

Leveraging an Advantage

The company’s IP cores present an industry-leading combination of high performance, low power, and low silicon area, as well as are highly parameterized for adaptability to a wide range of applications. Noesis offers a complete portfolio of forwarding error correction, security, networking, audio/voice/data compression, telecom DSP IP Core solutions including OFDM baseband processors for narrowband, broadband powerline, and wireless physical layers.

Noesis Technologies is also active in the development of integrated telecommunication systems that can be used in education as well as in Research and Development applications. In the framework of this activity, the Noesis team has developed ComLab™ which is a costefficient highly integrated development environment (IDE) that enables a system designer to rapidly build, configure and evaluate in real-time the performance of complex telecommunication systems.

Also, Noesis offers expert ASIC/FPGA and DSP development resources, with access to all major ASIC/FPGA design flows that enable our customers to launch their products in the market on time and with the highest quality assured. “Our highly skilled engineering team has in-depth expertise in software modeling, hardware design and implementation of complete systems mainly focused on data networking, audio, video, consumer, embedded processors, and military market segments,” states George. Through its stringent design methodologies, the company ensures the highest quality on its cutting-edge products that are backed up by excellent technical support and warranty policies.

Technologies at the Helm

There are two primary technological undertakings that the company works with that are given below for more clarification:

Forward Error Correction

Error correction codes provide a powerful system performance optimization tool that enables data transmission throughput rate increase, transmission power, and required bandwidth reduction as well as improving data reliability and decreasing system cost. Noesis Technologies is a world leader in Forward Error Correction (FEC) technology, offering a complete portfolio of FEC IPs for Reed Solomon, BCH, Viterbi, Turbo Product, Turbo Convolutional, and LDPC codes that employ fully scalable VLSI architectures enabling optimum trade-offs between performance, power, and silicon footprint.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

OFDM is the dominant transmission technology for wireline and wireless communications. It offers strong advantages such as high spectrum efficiency, multipath interference resilience as well as robustness against frequency selective fading channels. Noesis Technologies has in-depth expertise in DSP algorithmic modeling as well as efficient hardware implementation of reconfigurable OFDM systems exhibiting exceptional high performance and reliability over a wide range of applications.

Noesis Technologies is also very active in the research domain of telecom PHY layer AI assisted and ML technologies for wireless networks.

Dynamic Solutions

  1. 5G Cellular
    The wireless spectrum resources are very ‘expensive’ therefore efficient system design is quite mandatory. The LDPC code is the preferred FEC algorithm for 5G cellular wireless communications. LDPC is a powerful code that can operate close to the theoretical Shannon channel capacity. Noesis Technologies has developed a patent-pending, fully scalable architecture, LDPC Codec IP Core (ntLDPC) based on the LDPC-QC algorithm that offers very high throughput rate capabilities at low implementation complexity.
  1. Data Security and Integrity
    “Data security is of paramount importance in our highly interconnected world,” describes George. Great security and privacy risks exist in online financial, business, personal health information transactions. Equal or even greater risks exist in the communication between interconnected smart devices in an IoT network. Noesis Technologies has addressed the need for security by providing high-performance cryptography solutions that enable confidentiality, integrity, and authentication functions in the communication network.
    A complete family of AES IP Cores is available covering a wide range of application requirements in terms of throughput rate, power dissipation, and silicon area. Noesis low power solution (ntAES8) exhibits the world’s best performance-silicon area ratio available in the industry. Noesis higher-speed versions of AES IP Cores (ntAES32, ntAES128) address throughput rate demanding applications such as optical networking, secure data storage, or video encryption.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT) – Wearables
    The Internet of things is a network of interconnected embedded devices with computing capabilities using the existing internet infrastructure. As per an independent research report, it is predicted that in the year 2020 will be 28.1 billion connected devices in the world with total services spending for the IoT reaching 263 billion US dollars.
    “At Noesis Technologies we are using disruptive innovation and technology to support IoT communication and low-power computing requirements for a variety of applications,” claims George. Security is also another key requirement in IoT applications. Besides, data compression capability at IoT devices reduces the bandwidth requirements and thus saving valuable power resources in battery-operated nodes.
    Noesis Technologies offers a range of highly optimized, low-power IP Cores in the fields of data compression (ntHUFF), security (ntAES8), forward error correction (ntLDPC tiny family), narrowband PHY baseband processing (ntG3_BBP) as well as customized solutions tailored to our customer’s IoT application power and costsensitive requirements. Also, Noesis has developed a custom OFDM low power / low complexity-based band processor (ntOFDM) ideal for power-sensitive IoT wireless battery-powered applications such as wearables, sensor nodes, water/gas meters, etc.
  1. Smart Grid
    Technology moves rapidly towards enabling the creation of a sustainable world where efficient power management is of fundamental importance. Smart Grids is the new technological revolution that has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions via the efficient deployment of the available energy resources. Power Line Communication (PLC) is the smart grid enabling technology that upgrades the existing transmission and distribution grid from a simple electricity transportation medium to a bidirectional data communication and electricity network.
    Noesis Technologies has developed a state-of-the-art PHY Layer baseband processor (ntG3_BBP) fully compliant with ITU-T G.9903 narrowband OFDM PLC transceiver for G3-PLC networks.
  1. Smart Home
    The backbone of a smart home is based on a network of information appliances communicating with each other. These appliances could be lighting, heating, air conditioning, security, video/audio streaming devices ensuring comfort, security, and energy efficiency to the homeowner. Power line communication is the ideal networking infrastructure for the communication of smart information appliances mainly due to low wiring cost (existing electrical wiring), the availability of many access points (electrical outlets), and the lower hardware cost of PLC cards when compared with expensive RF components used in a WiFi network.
    Noesis Technologies provides PHY layer baseband PLC solutions for both narrowband (ntG3_BBP up to 500 Kbps) as well as broadband (ntGhn_BBP > 1 Gbps) communication.
  1. Wireless Sensor Networks
    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of many interacting wireless nodes that are distributed in the spectrum of interest sensing physical and environmental conditions. WSN can be used in a variety of applications such as health, agriculture, industrial surveillance, and monitoring, environmental and earth sensing, etc.
    One key factor that needs to be addressed in WSN applications is energy efficiency. The nodes are battery operated and it is usually required to be operating during the complete lifetime of the network which could be years without battery replacement.
    Data transmission is very expensive in terms of power dissipation, while data processing consumes significantly less. Data reliability is of prime importance, however, an auto ARQ mechanism is not efficient since the energy ‘cost’ of a retransmitted packet is prohibitive.

Therefore, the use of FEC technology is the favoured approach to ensure reliable transmission and at the same time to optimize power dissipation requirements. This is because when using FEC technology, packet retransmission can be avoided and due to the extra coding gain the transmission power levels can be lowered to achieve a specific bit error rate (BER) or frame error rate (FER). Noesis Technologies provides low-power versions of FEC IP Cores that are exceptionally energy efficient for extending the battery life of sensor nodes.

Technology has revolutionized the way we do business and Noesis Technologies is at the helm of delivering successful solutions and services to its clientele dynamically.