Read more about the article An Elixir Creator – I. G. Kadiwala: Offering Nature’s Purest Essence via Shafia Food Company to Make You Healthy
I. G. Kadiwala

An Elixir Creator – I. G. Kadiwala: Offering Nature’s Purest Essence via Shafia Food Company to Make You Healthy

Everyone agrees that health is the real wealth. To become healthy or to regain health, the only way is to return to nature. Artificial intelligence might be the norm in…

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Read more about the article Anika Mittal: Nurturing a Generation of Young Learners with Cognito Abacus to Shape India’s Future
Ankita Mittal

Anika Mittal: Nurturing a Generation of Young Learners with Cognito Abacus to Shape India’s Future

The human brain is more complex than a computer—it functions as a digital university, where neural learning systems enable the mind’s virtual classrooms to be accessed anywhere, anytime. While some…

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Read more about the article Krishna Prasad Nagaraj: Guiding the Next Generation of AI Pioneers and Innovators by Building Learning Communities
Krishna Prasad Nagaraj

Krishna Prasad Nagaraj: Guiding the Next Generation of AI Pioneers and Innovators by Building Learning Communities

An ever-advancing artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over the homo sapiens (wise humans) world by storm. Here are the machines with extraordinary computational capabilities now learning to be smart or…

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Read more about the article A Shining Nebula of Hope in India’s Wellness Landscape – Yash Mukand: On a Mission to Improve Innumerable Lives
Yash Mukand

A Shining Nebula of Hope in India’s Wellness Landscape – Yash Mukand: On a Mission to Improve Innumerable Lives

Concurrent times are floating like a flash in front of our eyes. Though awake for long stretches of hours, we often feel like we, too, are floating in a bubble…

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Read more about the article Shibashis Chakraborty: Healing the World of Wellness with the Blend of Ancient Wisdom and Innovation
Shibashis Chakraborty

Shibashis Chakraborty: Healing the World of Wellness with the Blend of Ancient Wisdom and Innovation

Ancient Indian wisdom has been a blessing to the world. The Medical field, especially the Ayurveda sector and old doctors, have devoted their expertise to the wellbeing of the people…

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