Read more about the article Dr Shubhi Bhalla: Noble Samaritan for Women to be at their Healthiest Best
Dr. Shubhi Bhalla

Dr Shubhi Bhalla: Noble Samaritan for Women to be at their Healthiest Best

Women in urban, semi-urban and rural areas experiencing gynaec problems now have numerous choices when approaching general physicians or gynaecologists. The general physicians’ help will be limited when treating the…

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Read more about the article Sanchi Shah: An Award-Winning Design Firm for Your Life’s Timeless Achievements
Sanchi Shah Interior Designer

Sanchi Shah: An Award-Winning Design Firm for Your Life’s Timeless Achievements

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti, Film Director. We are limited by our imagination, restricted by our…

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Read more about the article Wholistic Interiors: Connecting Mind, Body, and Space to Your Lifetime
Wholistic Interiors 

Wholistic Interiors: Connecting Mind, Body, and Space to Your Lifetime

Life becomes harmony, if you are surrounded by a space designed resonating your innate personality’s demands. That is how Wholistic Interiors harmonize your living spaces. By connecting your mind-body experience in…

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Read more about the article Aura Architects: Crafting Spaces that Nurture Your Lifetime Dreams 
Aura Architects

Aura Architects: Crafting Spaces that Nurture Your Lifetime Dreams 

Creative urge produces everything out of nothing. Innovation enables one to find their way through insurmountable obstacles. Creativity and innovative spirits are complementary to each other, the way architecture and…

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Read more about the article Neha Kedia: Equaling Kiddy Passion to the Chakori’s Fashion Square
Neha Kedia | Founder

Neha Kedia: Equaling Kiddy Passion to the Chakori’s Fashion Square

If the soul is our internal anchor, clothes are our external persona. They are the mediums of reflecting our identity into the mirror of the beholder’s eyes. Like, funky clothes…

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Read more about the article Chinnmaye Praveen: An Eternal River Quenching Beings’ Thirst
Chinnmaye Praveen | Founder | Strategic Head

Chinnmaye Praveen: An Eternal River Quenching Beings’ Thirst

Water is our life, and our life flows like a river full of water. One of the essential aspects proliferating many of our significant needs besides drinking, like cooking, bathing,…

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